Love the turban and like it better w/o pearls and with the big earrings.
The couple have such good chemistry!
OK . . .
Now THIS turban, I LIKE!!!!!!!!!
AND the knock-'em'-dead RED!!
AND the jewelry . . .
AND the outfit . . .
AND the bag and gloves!!!!
The shoes?
Hmmmmm . . .
WTG, Max!
Nice that she took a break from the turbans.
Máxima looking great in a lace dress by Dolce and Gabbana and a little hat in Denmark today, June 25:
** Full view ** Upper part 1 ** Upper part 2 ** Close up ** Dolce and Gabbana **
I like some of her turbins.
Maxima's turbans have grown on me a lot. They are more like a combination of pillbox hat an turban (true turbans entirely cover the hair). I'm just surprised that everyone likes this fascinator today. It's fine on its own but the color does not match well with her dress.
I don't care for it either (but I find it still better than QMII's horrible oufit). The colour does nothing for her and the cut doesn't flatter her figure. Next to Margrethe Maxima does not only look very tall but also quite big. Has she gained weight since the coronation?I'm afraid I am in the minority as I just don't care for this whole look on Maxima. The fascinator doesn't match the dress, the shoes look awful, and I really am not fond of the dress on her. It just doesn't seem to fit her properly.