Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 3: November 2014 - April 2015

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Very much in the plum / maroon mode at the moment. I do like the contrasting ensemble.
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For a moment I thought Letizia was wearing the same jacket as yesterday,nice to see a bit of colour in her outfit choices this week.
Letizia looks wonderful! I love those shades of red on her, and they work well with her grey skirt. I also like her hair more this time.

Both Letizia and Felipe seem to be very hard working and busy lately, I think they've both done a great job as King and Queen so far.
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Letizia looks wonderful! I love those shades of red on her, and they work will with her grey skirt. I also like her hair more this time.

Both Letizia and Felipe seem to be very hard working and busy lately, I think they've both done a great job as King and Queen so far.

Yes, very busy and professional-like. True working royals. They seem to approach it as a 9-5 almost. Love it.
Professional looking suits on Letizia this week - i like the maroon shade on her. These types of suits are typical of business women/newsreader Letizia. Hard to fault these choices really.
Boring look and I don't like the contrast of the t-shirt and jacket. I don't find such t-shirt looking tops professional or elegant. The color of her jacket works lovely with the grey skirt.
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I look is lovely. I love the purple color.
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The jacket and pants are alright but the shirt is boring, IMO. The jacket looks better paired with the white blouse she worn in Germany.
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I liked the grey and black combination! Her hair only looked a bit messy but not a big deal
The outfit was ok,at least it wasn't all grey plus I think Letizia has a different pair of earrings on.
Very business-like and professional. I don't care for the satin blouse as it looks kind of messy left open at the neck. I would have preferred a more crisp blouse with the tailored look.
Very business-like and professional. I don't care for the satin blouse as it looks kind of messy left open at the neck. I would have preferred a more crisp blouse with the tailored look.

On the close-up shot, it looks like Letitia is wearing a matching silk scarf to the blouse, as I can't work out what the extra material is.
Nonetheless, it's a nice combination of items to look smart and professional.
Nice to see the severity of the black loosened up a bit with the print blouse-also liking the off-center part of her hair. She looks very put-together without being dull.
I love the colours of Letizia's top, but I think in that pattern they're a bit much, as it makes the top look busy. Having said that, I think overall this is a nice and professional look.
I am mesmerized by the color of the blouse. :flowers: Love it, love the blouse. Want it. :p
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The blouse color and soft print work perfectly with the black suit. Nice look!
I love the color of the purple shirt but not the print.
The red dress is absolutely stunning. Beautiful color and design. She looks exquisite.
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Queen Letizia looked beautiful today,one of better Valera outfits of late.
A perfect colour considering the occasion - it's an interesting design and very beautifully accessorised.
Queen Letizia looks stunning today. The style of the dress, the color, the hair, the earrings were all gorgeous.

Queen Letizia looks stunning today. The style of the dress, the color, the hair, the earrings were all gorgeous.

Agree 100%. :flowers: Great color, wonderful dress, terrific hair. Splendid!
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Gorgeous from head to toe.
I agree. This is one color that she should wear often.
Letizia looks wonderful! Whilst I'm not as keen on the top half of her dress, that shade of red (I agree with Bine221 that red is her colour, without a doubt) looks amazing which makes me love it. Her hair is also looks elegant, I love Letizia in buns.
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