Queen Letizia Jewels, 2: Jan. 2022 -

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Arms of Queen Letizia of Spain

Welcome to Queen Letizia Jewels Thread, Part 2

Commencing January 1st, 2022

The previous thread can be found here

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Lovely to see La Peregrina being worn again despite the mishap!

Letizia wearing La Pelegrina brooch (Passing Jewels) for the second time at Pascua Militar after 2019.

She dropped the brooch outside and Felipe picked it up.

Furthermore, Letizia seems to have done an ear piercing

Very good to see her make good use of the JdP brooches.

Letizia wearing La Pelegrina brooch (Passing Jewels) for the second time at Pascua Militar after 2019.

She dropped the brooch outside and Felipe picked it up.

Furthermore, Letizia seems to have done an ear piercing

That brooch is not La Peregrina, it is an error of some Spanish media that do not know how to differentiate the jewels. This brooch is made of gray pearls.


La Peregrina is a whiter pearl, with only two diamonds on the top.

I don't know if it's Letizia's small frame or her hairdos but the bigger tiaras just don't look good on her, they absolutely swamp her. Perhaps bigger hairdos would help but that might swamp her too. They almost look like cheap prom Queen tiaras on her which I know sounds ridiculous but that's what they remind me of. Seeing that last picture of Queen Ena really shows how good the bigger tiaras CAN look but not on the present Queen sadly.
Who has possession of La Peregrina Queen Letizia or Queen Sofia?
That brooch is not La Peregrina, it is an error of some Spanish media that do not know how to differentiate the jewels. This brooch is made of gray pearls.


La Peregrina is a whiter pearl, with only two diamonds on the top.


Where did Letizia acquire this brooch then? Do we know the history

After those first few events in January it appears Letizia is no longer wearing the extra diamond stud in one of her ears - I do wonder if we made a mistake and it wasn't a new piercing but instead something else????
Where did Letizia acquire this brooch then? Do we know the history

After those first few events in January it appears Letizia is no longer wearing the extra diamond stud in one of her ears - I do wonder if we made a mistake and it wasn't a new piercing but instead something else????
hello! i'm new on TRF.
the brooch with grey pearls originally belonged to Infanta Isabel of Spain, known as ''la chata'', according to information posted in https://dinastias.forogratis.es/
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Queen Letizia with new Diamond earrings during a state banquet for the Sheikh of Qatar. I wouldn't be surprised if they are a gift of the Sheikh (maybe they were already gifted in 2011 or earlier) they have a nice simple design imo.


Lovely earrings, I can see them getting quite a lot of use.

Why do I get the sense that what Letizia wore was the truncated top part of a longer, more substantial pair of earrings?
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Yes lovely earrings! but i have the feeling that something miss!!
Earrings are really gorgeous but other than that a poor jewel effort yet again from the ever predictable Letizia.

Nothing new there. Letizia was and is disappointing in the Jewellry departement.
Earrings are really gorgeous but other than that a poor jewel effort yet again from the ever predictable Letizia.
I maybe in the minority but I thought she was perfectly bejeweled. The dress had enough shimmer in it that she didn't need to wear anymore jewelry
I was thinking that we had seen them before but couldn't be 100% certain and thanks for the update!
Good to see her wear ANY jewellery, but I can't claim to be a fan of these earrings. IMO they are too twee for a woman of her age.

I thought they were really lovely and sadly with Letizia all we get are the earrings on the jewel front.
I was quite happy to see a bracelet last night as it added sparkle to the somber looking outfit.
Yes but it are always the same jewels. Boring.

Imagination with jewels was never Letizia's strong point but was happy to see some effort made.
Queen Letizia wore the Joyas de pasar brooch when arriving in London, but took it off later..I hope we will see it tomorrow..
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