Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh: Visit to Australia - March 11-16, 2006

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Heir Presumptive
Aug 10, 2003
United Kingdom
I presume that this might actually be the shortest thread ever at the RF.
The Commonwealth Games starts soon. HM The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be in Melbourne for the opening ceremony, they will then leave for a trip to Indonesia. Prince Edward will be in Australia for several days before and will stay for the duration of the games, undertaking various engagements for the Commonwealth Games as well as the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. I however expect little if any news and photos of these engagements.
Her Majesty does spends 4 days there, but it's not as long as she did before as we can understand she is reaching her 80th birthday soon.And i want to give a correct, claire, it's the Queen's State Visit to Singapore not Indonesia.
I read on another site that the Commonwealth Games Committee have said they are not going to play the National Anthem at the opening!:eek:
Has anyone else heard about this?
This is sort of a side note but I just found this out and I thought it was interesting. For the Commonwealth Games England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compete independetly. For the Olympics they compete under Great Britian so if they win God Save The Queen is played. For the commonwealth games instead they use England- Land of Hope and Glory Scotland- Flowers for Scotland Northern Ireland - Londonderry Air and Wales The Land of My Fathers

I love anthems so I found this intersting. All the info was off Wikipedia so it might not be 100% accuarate.
I live in Melbourne. As far as I know, God Save the Queen will not be played during the Opening ceremony I think?To be honest, I haven't been able to find any real info on that, hopefully there'll be more in the next couple of days. I would prefer it if they did play it though. I think it's disrespecful and embarrassing, since we are hosting the Commonwealth Games! I mean, Australia needs to make a decision FAST, are we going to be part of the Commonwealth or aren't we? all this yeah we'll take part in what suits us is getting really frustrating:mad:
Thanks Avalon for the link.

I think they should play god save the queen at the opening ceremony, but I'm sure it's not going to happen. The queens coming from england to open the games and I think this will be her last trip to Australia so God Save the Queen should be played out of politeness.

I agree with u Aussie Princess we have to decide if we want to be part of the commonwealth but I don't think this is going to happen for a while.
It's not a question of politeness. When in office, Sir Ninian Stephen proclaimed that God Save the Queen would continue to be Australia'a Royal Anthem, to be played in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen, members of the Royal Family, and those holding the vice-regal positions representing Her Majesty. Thus, this becomes a written rule.
The Prime Minister has stated his decision that it is to be played, and no events organisers or state government usurpers have authority to ignore a former Governor-Generals' proclaimation.
I'm going to get attacked for this, but I'll say it anyway. I want Australia to become a Republic, and while I guess it's "polite" to play God Save the Queen, I don't think we should. The Commonwealth Games are being held in Australia. Our anthem, Advance Australia Fair, should be played and not the British. I was reading in an article that it's normal for only the host country's anthem to be played at the opening ceremony. Why should we change that and play some other anthem? :rolleyes:
Danielle said:
I'm going to get attacked for this, but I'll say it anyway. I want Australia to become a Republic, and while I guess it's "polite" to play God Save the Queen, I don't think we should. The Commonwealth Games are being held in Australia. Our anthem, Advance Australia Fair, should be played and not the British. I was reading in an article that it's normal for only the host country's anthem to be played at the opening ceremony. Why should we change that and play some other anthem? :rolleyes:

Yes I definately agree with you Danielle. :)
There is so reason not to play the Australian anthem either. When I was in school we went to a ANZAC day service, and both anthems were played, as a lot of the people who served were British or of British heratidge, and it was the anthem most of them had known.
I guess this decision is final, but I'm very,very dissapointed. Who made this decision anyway? It's no secret our PM is a royalist. Was it the head of the games comittee?I don't even know who that is....
Aussie Princess said:
There is so reason not to play the Australian anthem either. quote]

Of course there is every reason to play the Australian national anthem, mainly because its being held in Australia and Australia are the host of the games. But maybe they should play the british anthem in addition as well just to show the history of the Commonwealth Games, or the Empire Games as it was called back in the day. Just for history sake. But I really dont think it is necessary.

Maybe the British national anthem would be more appropriate in the early days of the games, hence the reason why the name changed from Empire Games to Commonwealth games.
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That's what I meant, Australian, to play both anthems. There is no reason they can't do that. And even though something isn't necesary doesn't mean you don't do it. But in my opinion it is necesary to properly respect the Commonwealth and it's leader that we are so lucky to be a part of. JMO:)
Danielle said:
I'm going to get attacked for this, but I'll say it anyway. I want Australia to become a Republic, and while I guess it's "polite" to play God Save the Queen, I don't think we should. The Commonwealth Games are being held in Australia. Our anthem, Advance Australia Fair, should be played and not the British. I was reading in an article that it's normal for only the host country's anthem to be played at the opening ceremony. Why should we change that and play some other anthem? :rolleyes:

In answer to the question you close with Danielle, as I stated before, Sir Ninian M. Stephen (then Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia), decreed that on occasions where Her Majesty the Queen is present in Australia, the Royal Anthem (God Save the Queen), is to be played, and may be followed by Advance Australia Fair (the Australian National Song). End of story. Why? Because His Excellency did his job and made the decree.
Sara, with regard to your article, is states that the Victorian Minister in charge of the organisation, contacted the 'Queens offices' and was told there was no breech of protocol. Well, since 1986, none of Her Majesty's offices have had anything to do with protocol or Australian legislation. It is a breech of Australian protocol to not play the Royal Anthem in the presece of our Queen. It just goes to highlight the ignorance of the 'games organisers' (and I use the term organise very very losely), that they don't even know which country's department of protocol to consult!
My understanding was the God Save the Queen was played since a) The Queen is there b) It is the commonwealth games same as the Greek national anthem is played at the Olympic opening ceremonies. c) It is the only time God Save The Queen is played durning the games (see my post above)

My understanding (and fuzzy memory) is that God Save The Queen, Advance Fair Australia and Thou Art The Ruler of the Minds of All People (India's national anthem New Dehli is home to the 2010 games) would be played at the Opening Ceremonies

Although know I'm looking at the flags and it says that the former current and future place fly. Since England competes by itself do the Manchester Games fall under GB or England. So they might be playing Land of Hope and Glory.

:confused: very confusing

God Save the Queen will be played at the ceremony it has been officially annouced.

Queen Elizabeth is Queen of Australia and i would have thought that playing the Australian national anthem in her presence would suffice. It is the national anthem of her realm (Australia) so shouldnt that be enough? Isnt playing the Australian national anthem in her presence an honour? Since he is our Queen

But i understand why the British anthem ahs to be played as well, for the sake of history.
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Personally I think there has always been a problem in that " God save the Queen" is both the anthem of the Commonwealth, Great Britain and the Royal family. If only they could separate the three - have an anthem for the British nation, one for the Commonwealth to be played at the Head of State Conference (kind of like the EU theme) and another to announce the presence of the Queen and other royals.
were there any news on which royals will attend? probably we may see frederik and his australian born wife there, since they plan to go to australia this year and they are both sports fans :)
So far only members that have confirmed their attendance is HM the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh who will attend the opening ceremony. HRH Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex who will arrive from the 11 of March and stay for the duration of the games as Vice - Chairman of the Commonwealth Games Federation.
The Organisation committee have stated that they have invited Princes William and Harry - but it is doubtful if they will attend. I doubt they can simply leave Sandhust to attend. Princess Mary of Denmark has also been invited as have Elle MacPherson and several other Australian celbrities and sportsmen.
Australian said:
God Save the Queen will be played at the ceremony it has been officially annouced.

Queen Elizabeth is Queen of Australia and i would have thought that playing the Australian national anthem in her presence would suffice. It is the national anthem of her realm (Australia) so shouldnt that be enough?

No Australian, it isn't. If governments/organisations fail to meet requirements set out in proclaimations by the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, they are doing themselves a great disservice. It's not a question of appropriateness or history, but adhering to a vice-regal proclaimation. It is not debatable.
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Claire said:
Personally I think there has always been a problem in that " God save the Queen" is both the anthem of the Commonwealth, Great Britain and the Royal family. If only they could separate the three - have an anthem for the British nation, one for the Commonwealth to be played at the Head of State Conference (kind of like the EU theme) and another to announce the presence of the Queen and other royals.

Hallo Claire,
"God Save the Queen" isn't the 'anthem of the Commonwealth', it is a patriotic song celebrating the life of the sovereign, used as the Anthem of the United Kingdom, and the Royal anthems in Australia, Canada and New Zealand (among others).
The issue arising over the playing of 'God Save the Queen' for the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games, has nothing to do with it being a Commonwealth event. It is the correct Australian practice, in observance of the 1984 proclaimation by His Excellency Sir Ninian M. Stephen KG AK GCMG GCVO KBE, (then Governor-General), that God Save the Queen is Australia's Royal anthem, and is (without exception), to be played in the presence of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia and members of the Royal family. Regardless of the reason they are here, the Royal anthem is to be played.

If I'm sounding too strong in my posts, I apologise, but coming from a protocol background, I find it intolerable that people are so willing to be incorrect when very clear guidelines exist.
Von Schlesian said:
If I'm sounding too strong in my posts, I apologise, but coming from a protocol background, I find it intolerable that people are so willing to be incorrect when very clear guidelines exist.

Sometimes guidelines become inappropriate as time goes by (not for all, but for some), its not a question of being incorrect, its a question of moving with the times. We know that the GG made a decree but that doesnt mean it has to stay like that forever, situations change over time.

Don't apologise Von Schlesian, I like your posts as they are very accurate and informative. But I guess its just the republican in me talking. :)
1. As it is the Royal Anthem and she is royal surely her anthem should be played.

2. If she came here as a visiting head of state - i.e. Australia was a Republic guess what - God Save the Queen would be played

3. Good manners indicate that people acknowledge in an appropriate way visitors - in this case it would be by playing God Save the Queen.

As to the question about which royals will be attending - The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and The Earl of Wessex.

The Crown Princess of Denmark has indicated that she want be coming to Australia until at least 2007 due to the turmoil over the cartoons.

Neither William nor Harry have be announced as attending however I would be extremely surprised if they walked out of Sandhurst in the middle of term to simply watch some athletes. NB William will be going to the World Cup but that is on during the Sandhurst summer break.
Australian said:
Sometimes guidelines become inappropriate as time goes by (not for all, but for some), its not a question of being incorrect, its a question of moving with the times. We know that the GG made a decree but that doesnt mean it has to stay like that forever, situations change over time.

Don't apologise Von Schlesian, I like your posts as they are very accurate and informative. But I guess its just the republican in me talking. :)

An issue much larger than adhering to protocol is being dragged into what is actually a very VERY clear-cut requirement, (not by you Australia, but by the Australian 'media'). Unfortunately for republicans like you Australian,;) the proclaimations of Governor-General exists unless ammended by the Sovereign or subsequent Governors-General, and shall so exists until there are no more Governors-General or Sovereigns of Australia (which for me is an if, and for you is a when). Moving with the times is all well and good my Western Australian friend, but for major events organisers and state governments to ignore their Governor-General(s), is quite unforgivable. They were denying the Australian public the right to give our Sovereign the salutation which is Her Majesty's due.

You humble me with your kind words, I thank you.
Even leading Republicans have said that God Save the Queen should be played.

Remember, if and/or when, Australia becomes a republic God Save the Queen will be played if and when the monarch makes a visit - they visit other countries other than those of which they are monarch - so why shouldn't it be played when she visits a country of which she is the Queen.
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