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Hello to everybody
I've just found on the web video from Italian TV emitted for Princess Stephanie's 40th birthday. It's quite long and there are few short interviews with Stephanie where she speaks french.
Here is teh link:
It really make us so sad.She had losen her Mum when she was very young so her Daddy must be in her great love.She looks really sad.We all hope Prince Rainer can recover it.
Is that the Red Cross Ball Gala take place on Saturday?
So Prince Rainer will not be at the Gala,maybe only Caroline and Albert and Ernst August.Hope Stephanie will be there.But we know it's so sad that Prince Rainer not there.And his children will not be happy aas they are attending the Gala while their Daddy is in hospital.
Some good news in bad times, it says Stéphanie is
in love a again. He's called Mathieu and works in a
restaurant in Cap d´Ail, France, Le Lamparo where
Stéphanie uses to eat. So it says, I don't know
its so rough for her when she was young she lose her beloved mum the Princess Grace who died in 1983 they now her dad in Hospital but im wishes she will visit her dad at Hospital soon! wait and see what her dad feels
Has anyone heard anything about Princess Stephanie throughout this difficult last few days? I haven't seen her at the masses....
She seems to have disappeared
News on the children?
It brings tears to one's eyes again to see Stéphanie
so sad...:-( :-(
There is one pic of her in the Caroline&Ernst-thread
where you can see her behind the closing doors of
the palace, dressed in black, that's a pic that also
touched me..
All is so sad for this family, it´s so....! just it´s horrible. I don´t belives in wiches but that really let my think..Caro, Albert and Steph suffer a lot.
Thanks for post the pics Enelle! They are sad