Princess Michael of Kent's Fashion and Style Part 1: June 2004 -

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Heir Apparent
Mar 29, 2004
Do you have any pics of The Kent Ladies's hats.Please send to this thread.
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Do you know the hat which Princess Michael wear at Trooping The Colour 2004 and the hat she wear at Royal Ascot 2004?She always use them.The hat which she wear at Ascot 2004,she has worn it at Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee,50 years of The Coronation,at her friend's wedding...And the hat which she wear at Trooping The Colour,she has worn many times too. :angry: Why?She doesn't have any other hats?
The Michael Kents are not that well off and HRH regularly refurbishes her clothes & hats. All of the jewels she has were inherited from Princess Marina.

I think it is good to see a royal being so thrifty and, you have to admit she always looks very stylish.
Yes,she looks stylish.But i want Princess Michael wear some new hats like Queen Elizabeth II,Sophie Wessex.She always use a hat many times.
Originally posted by Windsorfan@Jun 22nd, 2004 - 8:00 pm
Yes,she looks stylish.But i want Princess Michael wear some new hats like Queen Elizabeth II,Sophie Wessex.She always use a hat many times.
Princess Michael doesn't have the clothing allowance the Queen, Sophie etc have. :angry: :p
Actually, she does work. She writes books and gives lectures. Her husband works too, though I don't know what at. They also, I'd imagine, have sums from their parents when they died.
I think she chose deisgner for making clothes and hats they dont buy hats and clothes because she is Princess of Kents.

Sophie chose collection hats and clothes from designer because she more respectfully from her mother in law the Queen 2 since she got married to Prince Edward in June 1999 i really adores her daytimes and evening dresses.

Sara Boyce
I believe that Prince Michael holds directorships for some companies in the City. He also does some work in TV. Here in Australia we have just seen a program he did about his great great grandparents, Victoria & Albert.
You see,Princess Michael had worn a hat at 3 Trooping The Colour :( .The hat which she wear at Trooping The Colour 2004,she had worn it at Trooping The Colour 2003 and Trooping The Colour 2002.
The Princess has actually worn a great variety of hats over the years. If you go to and type "Princess Michael of Kent" into the search engine you will find 36 pages of photos of her. Although it is obvious from the number of downloads from corbis on this site that many people are already aware of how good a source of information it is.
The amazing photos have been posted!!!
I love the first photo so much.
Well, it's clear this woman has a great style, she is very elegant, but also sober (a great quality for a member of the British Royal Family...)
I quite agree with you. Princess Michael does a good job of putting together lovely ensembles and pulling off the Edwardian style hats. For instance,Royal Ascot Races - Day One or 10th Anniversary Service For Diana Princess of Wales (Although a light blue ensemble did not fit the occasion well, Princess Michael looked nice).
Of course there are fashion faux pas as well. For instance, Service at Westminster Abbey for Diamond Anniversary I do not think that the pink colour is a suitable combination for the brown one. A baby-doll style of a coat would befit a little girl more. A coat that was shorter than a dress looks absolutely awkward to me. I am totally speechless about an odd fury hat. The only thing I liked in this ensemble is a pearl choker.
It is worth noting that Princess Michael has done a good job teaching Lady Gabriella how to dress.
Don't like the outfit, but the brooch is incredible beautiful. :flowers:

The picture with the "30's-dress" was taken on The Queens 60th birthday celebrations, April 1986.
Totally agree with you, Marsel. Surely this woman has a great style...
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