Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO 2009 - 2024

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I don't think so. The patronage decides who it asks to be a royal patron, and I don't think any of Alexandra's former patronages asked Marie, or perhaps they did and Marie refused.

I will have a look if I can find a list of the former patronages of Alexandra.

Edit: It might take a while to load, but it works... Those are Alexandras honorary memberships and Patronages from January 2007.

H.H. Prinsesse Alexandras æreshverv


  • Christian den Fjerdes Laug
  • Mermaid Projektet, forskning i gynækologisk kræft
  • Kræftens Bekæmpelse, projekt kvinder og kræft
  • København Zontaklub I
  • Honorært medlem af Dansk Primula Klub
  • Ærespræsident for UNICEF Danmark

  • ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst
  • Dansk Blindesamfund
  • Dansk Landsforening for Laryngectomerede
  • Dansk Parkinsonforening
  • Dansk UNICEF Komité
  • Det Danske Haveselskab
  • Dyrefondet
  • Fonden for Træer og Miljø
  • Fonden Fyrtøjet - et kulturhus for børn i Odense
  • Foreningen Kniplings-Festival i Tønder
  • Landsforeningen til støtte ved Spædbarnsdød
  • Menighedernes Daginstitutioner
  • Mødrehjælpen af 1983
  • Nordsømuseet, Hirtshals
  • Odense Zoologiske Have
  • Radiopigekoret
  • Randers Regnskov
  • Rehabiliteringscentret for Torturofre, Jylland (RCT-Jylland)
  • Skrædderskolen under FOF i Frederikshavn: Alexandra-skolen for Skrædderi og Konfektion
  • Svenske Villa Fonden. (Kulturhus beliggende i Bernstorff Slotspark, Gentofte)
  • The English-Speaking Union of Denmark
  • Ungdommens Røde Kors
  • Vestjysk Musikkonservatoriums Pigekor, Esbjerg
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Princess Marie of Denmark attending an UNESCO meeting at Kronborg Palace in Elsinor, Denmark. March 07, 2011

Belga Gallery
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Thank you so much for the link Marika86.
Nice to see Princess Mary on duty.
Thanks for the many delightful pictures. :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #10, 2011.
Prinsessens eventyr - The Princess' fairy tale.
Written by Trine Larsen.

As you know our Marie was recently on the job for UNESCO at Kronborg Castle (*) outside the town of Helsingør.
Here Danish a foreign schoolchildren, 5th graders, took part in a project about world heritage sites, among them Kronborg.
The Danish children acted as hosts and guides for children from places like Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain. (**)
Anyway, la Marie, sporting a neat ponytail, read our aloud the fairy tale about Holger Danske by H. C. Andersen. - In English. Something she did with enthusiasm.
There is a statue down in the casemates of the castle of Holger Danske. A big, fiercely looking man in full 1000-11's armour, sitting in a chair sleeping. He will wake up and slay any foe, should Denmark ever come under attack. (***)
The fair Marie went for a tour of the fortress with the mayor of Helsingør, Johannes Hecht-Nielsen, and the manager/baillif, Louise Ruemoss.
After which she looked at a fencing match in the inner court yard.
When the mandatory photosesion with children was over, marie recieved a lot of small parcels from the foreign pupils.

(*) Kronborg was a hyper-modern fortress when Shakespear wrote Hamlet, and as the well informed man he was, Shakespear would no doubt have heard about the Danish stronghold.

(**) Judging from the pics, at least some of them were dressed in their national costumes. And while these costumes were colorful it may be questionable whether they were suited for a late wintersday in DK.

(***) There are several legends about the historical Holger Danske. The one I'm most familiar with is that he was a follower of the Frankish hero, Roland. You may have heard about the poem, where Roland and his band held back an enemy advance. Roland blew his horn to alert the Frankish army, but alas, the reinforcements arrived too late and Roland and his men were all cut down, among the Holger Danske.
That should have happened in Spain in 777. - There is a reference in the chronicles to a Ogier la Danois.
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Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO attended the opening
dinner of the UNESCO conference on womens empowerment and education, entitled "Women
as Carriers of Development in the Global Reality" in Tivoli, Copenhagen, December 8, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 **

Today, December 9, Marie attended the conference itself, a short video of her speech in English
can be found here:

** BB: Video: Prinsesse Marie holder tale om kvinder ** translation **

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** Pic 6 ** Pic 7 **
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #50, 2011.
Gravid Marie med fart på - Pregnant Marie with the pedal down.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Our Marie has been busy lately.

UNESCO Denmark was visited by the general manager/general secretary, Irina Bokova, last week.
And Marie was present at a UNESCO conference in connection with that visit. The conference, Women as carries of development, took place at the Worker's Museum in Copenhagen.
Marie gave a speech and attended a lunch afterwards. She also saw an exhibtition at the musum by John Kørner: "Women for sale" about human trafficking. Prinsesse Marie holder tale om kvinder.aspx
That was not the end of the UNESCO thing. Because Marie also attended a dinner at PH Lounge in Tivoli, hosted by Minister for Children and Education, Christine Antorini. Irina Bukova was the honoured guest and the fair Marie was the guest of honour. - That's how you solve that little problem. Watch and learn.:)

Marie informed our reporter that she has not yet felt any contractions or other discomfort.

And now for the fur coat.
At the wedding Marie was promised a fur coat by Kopenhagen Fur as a present. That was delivered last week. I'm looking at it right now, it's beige-grey off tan, sort of. (I'm a man I'm genetically excused for not knowing anything about colors).
In January Marie went to Kopenhagen Studio to select the fur. She chose Silver Blue Mink.
The coat has a collar and hood, which can be removed. The hood is lined with fur from a fox.
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A chic looking Marie celebrated the 65th anniversary for UNESCO DK at Kronborg Castle yesterday: Billed-Bladet - Prinsesse Marie besøgte Kronborg

Our Marie said: "I have for three years had the pleasure of being patron for UNESCO and I have in that period experienced a big commitment/dedication from the members of the comission. I'm proud of being a part of the team".

The location is no coincidence as Kronborg Castle is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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Princess Marie, in her role as Patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, has taken part in the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention at Kronborg Castle in Helsingor today, November 12, 2012.

** Pic ** gallery: 40-året for World Heritage konventionen ** **

** stella/belga gallery ** BB: Prinsesse Marie til konkurrence på Kronborg ** translation **

** pp gallery: Princesse Marie : Radieuse pour un anniversaire frisquet à Kronborg **

** Prinsessan Marie på slottsuppdrag ** 2 **
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Billed-Bladet - Prinsesse Marie hylder kvindelige forskere

Gallery from Billed Bladet, showing our Marie handing out grants to three female scientists within natural science.
These annual grants are handed out from UNESCO-L'Oreal.

The grants are at 100.000 DKK each. That's around 20.000 $. And they are probably neede because research, especially within natural science and comparable branches is still very male dominated here in DK.

- Why is la belle Marie wearing these pants with very wide legs? Mrs. Muhler, being the cynic she is, tells me it's a way to camuflage your thighs if you think they are too...curvy. There is nothing wrong with Marie's thighs.
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On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Denmark participated in the opening of the 37th General Conference of the UNESCO in Paris, France.

at the 2:36 minute, speech by Marie
Opening of 37th General Conference - YouTube
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #46, 2013.
Maries stærke tale - Marie's strong speech.
Written by Annelise Weimann.

Who has based the article on a transcript of Marie's speech and pictures.
Our Marie recently went to Paris to attend a meeting in UNESCO.
In her speech which was a mix of French and English, she said: "During the years I have follwed UNESCO I have been deeply impressed with the work that is carried out in order to make this world a better place for us all.
The General Secretary for the UN has made education a to priority but his goal isn't just that all children should be able to go to school but also that the quality of education must be improved.
In order to live together peacefully it is necessary that we acknowledge each other's cultural traditions".

With her to this meeting was the Minister for Education, Christine Antorini, whom Marie has worked with often.

At the lunch after giving her speech Marie was seated next to the UNESCO general director, Irina Bokova.

Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO has presented the international engineering award "Niels Bohr International Gold Medal" during the conference on "An Open World" at the University of Copenhagen today, December 5.

** Pic ** UNESCO awards Niels Bohr Gold Medal to CERN **

Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO has presented the international engineering award "Niels Bohr International Gold Medal" during the conference on "An Open World" at the University of Copenhagen today, December 5.

** Pic ** UNESCO awards Niels Bohr Gold Medal to CERN **

Marie has been really active these past two months or so which is great to see.

Here is more pictures from the event from

Pic 1 ** Pic 2
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