Princess Margaretha and Family, Current Events Part 1: December 2002 -

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Nov 8, 2002

Welcome to the first thread about Princess Margaretha of Sweden.

Princess Margaretha Désirée Victoria
born October 31. 1934
married: June 30. 1964 with John Ambler
(has the title Princess Margaretha, Mrs Ambler)

their daughter: Sybilla Louise, born April 14. 1965
their son: Charles Edward, born July 14. 1966
their son: James Patric, born June 10. 1969
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Lennart Bernadotte with Princess Margaretha

here is her husband

from 2002

As a young woman

one more pic

Joining in a birthday portrait to mark the 20th birthday of Sweden's Princess Margaretha (right) are Princess Birgitta and "Anja" a pet puppy. On October 31st, Margaretha will be 20. She is the daughter of Princess Sibylla and the late Prince Gustaf Adolf.

Princess Margaretha at Daughter Sybilla's Christening
At St. Paul's Cathedral in Knightsbridge, Princess Margaretha of Sweden holds her daughter, Sybilla Louise, after the child's christening while her husband, John Ambler, looks on with pride.

Date Photographed May 1965
Location Information Knightsbridge, London, England, UK

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Princess Margaretha with a Cadet
Original caption: Royal Glamour. Stockholm, Sweden: Lovely Princess Margaretha of Sweden enjoys a chat with Cadet Lars Sjoedahl at the Cadets Ball at the military school of Karlberg's Castle in Stockholm. It was the first time that the pretty Princess had taken part in the traditional event.

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Princess Christina Posing Near Flowers
Original caption: The Barefooted Princess. Sweden: Blonde and chubby Princess Christina breaks royal precedents and poses for her picture in her bare feet. She is the youngest of the four daughters of Prince Gustav Adolf and Princess Sibylla, and a great-granddaughter of King Gustaf of Sweden.

Royalty Attending the Amaranther Ball
Original caption: Royal Ribbons 'N' Beaux. Stockholm ,Sweden: Wearing their royal ribbons, Swedish Princesses Margaretha (second from left) and Desiree (second from right) are flanked by their beaux Mr. John Ambler (left) and Baron Niclas Silfverschiold (right). The regal foursome attended the traditional Swedish Amaranther Ball, which was held in Stockholm.

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I tried to find some new pictures of her but with no luck

here with her sister Christina 13/5 1963
Princess Margaretha to the left

1/6 1960


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On her wedding day.....


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Margaretha son Edward Ambler and wife Helen Ross 1998

Prinsessan Margaretha 1998

Sybilla von Dincklage (dotter till prs Margaretha) med maken Cornelius med barnen Sebastian och Madeleine 2000

Prinsessan Margaretha 1994

Prinsessan Margaretha och Christina (Tina) Silfverschiöld (numera Tina de Geer), midsommarfesten juni 1994

Prinsessan Margaretha med dottern Sybilla, kungens 50-årsfest 1996

Tina och Hans de Geer 1999

Prinsessan Margaretha med sin cocker spaniel Wonder och mamma Sibyllas Jasmine 1962

Prinsessan Margaretha och John Ambler, bröllop Gärdslösa kyrka, Öland 30/6 1964

Prinsessan Margaretha och John Ambler, förlovning 28/1 1964 , prinsessan Desirée och prinsessan Sibylla


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Princess Margaretha's wedding on 30 June 1964

King Gustaf VI Adolf ecorts the bride, Princess Margaretha
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wow! her wedding crown is spectacular. I've never seen it on other members of the swedish royal family.

does anyone know more about its current provenance?
pollyemma said:
wow! her wedding crown is spectacular. I've never seen it on other members of the swedish royal family.

does anyone know more about its current provenance?
That's because it is the bridal crown of the church she married in, Gärdslösa church on Öland (you can read that in one of my earlier posts about her wedding, and also in the newsletter devoted to "Princess Brides"). I don't know anything about this particular bridal crown really, but it belongs to the church and was lent out to Margaretha on her wedding day.
GrandDuchess said:
That's because it is the bridal crown of the church she married in, Gärdslösa church on Öland (you can read that in one of my earlier posts about her wedding, and also in the newsletter devoted to "Princess Brides"). I don't know anything about this particular bridal crown really, but it belongs to the church and was lent out to Margaretha on her wedding day.

that is really interesting. so if say Madeleine decided to marry in that church she could also wear the crown?

can commoners borrow it for their weddings?
pollyemma said:
that is really interesting. so if say Madeleine decided to marry in that church she could also wear the crown?

can commoners borrow it for their weddings?
Yes, she could, if she would want too herself of course. It was Princess Margaretha's personal choice to wear the church's bridal crown, and not a piece from the Royal collections.

And yes, commoners can borrow the bridal crown if the church in question still has one. In older days in Sweden, bridal crown belonging to churchs was very common. It used to be the most important detail in the bride's attire on her wedding day. The church's bridal crown was lent out to chaste women's wedding attire and showed the bride's virginity and her being a maiden - and became a symbol for the weddings.
GrandDuchess said:
Yes, she could, if she would want too herself of course. It was Princess Margaretha's personal choice to wear the church's bridal crown, and not a piece from the Royal collections.

And yes, commoners can borrow the bridal crown if the church in question still has one. In older days in Sweden, bridal crown belonging to churchs was very common. It used to be the most important detail in the bride's attire on her wedding day. The church's bridal crown was lent out to chaste women's wedding attire and showed the bride's virginity and her being a maiden - and became a symbol for the weddings.

thanks for the explanation! that is very interesting to read. it's lovely that Margaretha went along with that tradition.

I am going to research bridal crowns. do you know of any sites that have photos of them?
Josefine said:
Princess Margaretha Désirée Victoria
born October 31. 1934
married: June 30. 1964 with John Ambler
(has the title Princess Margaretha, Mrs Ambler)

their daughter: Sybilla Louise, born April 14. 1965
their son: Charles Edward, born July 14. 1966
their son: James Patric, born June 10. 1969

They have six grand-children.
daughter Sybilla Louise married Cornelius baron von Dinckslage.
they have a daughter Madeleine (1999) and a son Sebastian (2000)
son Charles Edward married Helen Ross.
they have two daughters Sienna Rose (2000) and India Tani (2003)
son James Patrick married Ursula Shipley.
they have a daughter Lily (2003) and a son Oscar Rufus (2004).
Josefine said:
... Princess Margaretha of Sweden holds her daughter, Sybilla Louise, after the child's christening while her husband, John Ambler, looks on with pride.

Is it known how Princess Margaretha got to know her future husband ?
Svensk Damtidning reports that John Ambler, husband of princess Margareta, died last week at the age of 84. He was buried a few days later with a very secret cermony in England where only his wife and three children were present.

The death of John Ambler did not come as a surprise, he had been ill for many years and lived at a nursing home in Oxfordshire. No official announcement of his death has been made by the family and accordning to Svensk Damtidning not all members of the Bernadotte family were aware of his death.
That is sad news for Princess Margareta and her family. Is there any obvious reason why the ceremony was this private (not even the children-in-law), a family rift or just because Mr. Ambler and his family preferred the intimacy of a funeral in such a small circle, with the ones who really mattered in the life of the deceased.
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On the cover of today's Expressen:
From castle to a cabin
Sweden's most private princess
The truth about Margaretha's anonymous life in the countryside

The article is on the paper magazine, I hope that they put it online later.
They have put a short video of the village Margaretha lives online, only a few in the village know that Margaretha is a princess and a neighbour tells that she just wants to be a "normal" citizen.
Prinsessan Margaretha lever anonymt i England Kungligt Kungligt
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Margareta Thorgren from the press department tells that princess Margaretha has arrived to Sweden. Thorgren tells that there is a surprise party for Princess Margaretha to celebrate her 80th birthday with family, relatives and friends in Sweden. There is no official celebration, just private celebration in Stockholm. The king and Margaretha's sisters have organized the party. Thorgren says that she has spoken with princess Margaretha about the weekend's celebration and Margaretha is pleased to celebrate her birthday together with her children and grandchildren, siblings and other family.
Hemliga syrran flygs hem till 80-årsfesten Dokument Expressen

Margareta Thorgen told to Aftonbladet that about 40 guests are coming to celebrate princess Margaretha.
Prinsessan fyller 80 – firar i Sverige Nyheter Aftonbladet
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Svensk Damtidning tells this week about princess Margaretha's birthday celebration.
She arrived to Sweden on Tuesday last week. She, her children and grandchildren stayed at the guest rooms of the Royal Palace.
On Friday, Margaretha's 80th birthday
Margaretha's daughter Sybilla von Dincklage had organized a lunch at the restaurant Lisa Elmqvist at the Östermalmshallen. Margaretha sat at one table with princess Birgitta, Tord Magnuson and her friends. Margaretha's six grandchildren sat at another table, and Margaretha's children Sybilla, Janes and Edward at third. Sybilla held a speech. After the lunch Margaretha and Birgitta walked back to the Royal Palace.
In the evening the king hosted a dinner with 45 guests at princess Sibylla's apartment at 19.30, the dress code was black tie. The king and Sybilla held speeches. Crown princess Victoria wore a black evening gown and dangling glittering earrings. A troubadour dressed as Bellman sang "Fjäriln vingad syns på Haga", reminding Margaretha about her childhood as a Haga princess.
On Saturday
Victoria and Daniel hosted a lunch at the Haga Palace for the Haga princesses and their families. And as it was the All Saints' Day, they all visited together the Royal Cemetary at Haga and lit candles at the family graves.
In the evening the king, queen, Margaretha and the other Haga princesses went to Artipelag to enjoy of opera "Xerxes".
On Sunday
The king hosted a private lunch to his eldest sister with her family at Stenhammar Castle.
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Svensk Damtidning tells this week about princess Margaretha's birthday celebration.
She arrived to Sweden on Tuesday last week. She, her children and grandchildren stayed at the guest rooms of the Royal Palace.
On Friday, Margaretha's 80th birthday
Margaretha's daughter Sybilla von Dincklage had organized a lunch at the restaurant Lisa Elmqvist at the Östermalmshallen. Margaretha sat at one table with princess Birgitta, Tord Magnuson and her friends. Margaretha's six grandchildren sat at another table, and Margaretha's children Sybilla, Janes and Edward at third. Sybilla held a speech. After the lunch Margaretha and Birgitta walked back to the Royal Palace.
In the evening the king hosted a dinner with 45 guests at princess Sibylla's apartment at 19.30, the dress code was black tie. The king and Sybilla held speeches. Crown princess Victoria wore a black evening gown and dangling glittering earrings. A troubadour dressed as Bellman sang "Fjäriln vingad syns på Haga", reminding Margaretha about her childhood as a Haga princess.
On Saturday
Victoria and Daniel hosted a lunch at the Haga Palace for the Haga princesses and their families. And as it was the All Saints' Day, they all visited together the Royal Cemetary at Haga and lit candles at the family graves.
In the evening the king, queen, Margaretha and the other Haga princesses went to Artipelag to enjoy of opera "Xerxes".
On Sunday
The king hosted a private lunch to his eldest sister with her family at Stenhammar Castle.

Here they are at Artipelag.
Expressen has today article about Margaretha, the last one of their articles of the Haga princesses.
For many years, princess Margaretha as Margaretha Ambler has lived outside Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire, England. Her little stone cottage is well hidden behind tall bushes and in the village, few are aware that their neighbor is the Swedish king's sister.
When Expressen met her in the village in 2013 she told that she thought it was fine in the country and that she did not miss living in London.
But there was no longer chat.
- I've never set up any interview. And I will not do it now either, princess Margaretha said then.
For 40 years Margaretha had an annual mission: To inaugurate the Swedish Church Christmas Bazaar in London. But seven years ago, she resigned from the assignment because she no longer wanted to drive all the way into the city. The vicar in London, Michael Persson, has continued to have contact with Margaretha.
- What I can say, having met her quite often that she is such an intelligent woman. Had they changed the succession order one generation back, she would be the queen. She would have been a brilliant queen. She is so smart and she and Victoria are so alike. Margaretha is a royal I am very impressed of. That's a great girl, he told to Expressen.
Margaretha – den hemliga prinsessan Dokument Expressen
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Princess Margaretha's daughter baroness Sybilla von Dincklage celebrated her 50th birthday with a three day celebration in Munich, where she lives. One day was a garden party with pizza and beer. Unfortunately princess Margaretha couldn't attend, and crown princess Victoria was in Denmark celebrating queen Margrethe.
At the big photo Sybilla with her children Madeleine and Sebastian.
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Kronprinsessan Victorias kusin firade 50-årsdagen med grillparty _ Svensk Damtidning
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In an undisclosed stone house in the English countryside a little bit outside of Chipping Norton lives the Swedish princess who chose to stay away from the spotlight.
The small village is about one and a half hours drive from central London. The roads are lined with light stone or brick houses. They have names "Winchcomb Cottage", "West Manor Cottage" or "Hillside Cottage". Some houses are luxuriously renovated with generous patios and landscaped gardens. Others have remained untouched for several years. The oldest swedish princess has settled here, in a stone house hidden behind tall bushes. Far from both Sweden and her royal siblings, and the glamorous life of London.
And not everyone knows that there is a Swedish princess living in the anonymous house. A woman who is out with her dogs stops in the rain and says she thought princess Margaretha lived somewhere else.
- Doesn't she live in Norfolk? Or had moved home to Sweden? She likes to be by herself.
Opposite princess Margaretha's cottage lives John Pritchard. He moved here in 1984 but says that most of the people still see him as a "newcomer". John tells that he usually meets the princess when he goes out with his dog Toby.
- She is often out walking so we usually encounter each other. I don't know her very well, but she is always very nice and talkative when we meet.
He is aware of that she is the Swedish king's big sister, but he says that it doesn't affect her relationship with the other inhabitants of the small village.
- I don't think there's anyone who really thinks about it, she seems to be a person with both feet on the ground.
Another of Margaretha's neighbors tells that she has never met the princess, but that her mother has had closer contact with her. She says that Margaretha lives an anonymous life.
- I see her sometimes but it rarely happens. She seems to be very nice, but I get the impression she chose to step out of the spotlight. You hardly live in this village if you want to be at the center.
A stone's throw from Margaretha's house is the local pub. John Pritchard describes it as the focal point of the village.
- We know each other in the village because it is so small and everyone is seen at the pub sometimes. But I have never seen the princess there.
The staff inside the classic British pub The Crown know that Princess Margaretha lives just a few meters away, but don't want to tell if she goes there.
- A pub visit takes place in trust between the one who comes here and the bartender, says a woman from the staff.
Princess Margaretha has lived in England since she married John Ambler in 1964. They lived for a while in central London before moving to the Chippinghurst Manor in Oxfordshire. The husband's business activity went on worse, and it ended with bankruptcy in the mid 1990s. Then it became known that the couple separated and they were rarely seen together. They sold Chippinghurst Manor for financial reasons for close to 10 million.
Now, Margaretha lives alone in the house in Oxfordshire. But she seems to enjoy the little village, and the village's residents seem to like the princess's presence.
John Pritchard appreciates their talk while walking with his dog.
- You notice that she likes Toby as well. So we two will be happy when we meet her.
Prinsessan Margarethas hemliga liv på engelska landsbygden _ Nyheter _ Expressen
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Svensk Damtidning had in last week's issue a photo of princess Margaretha's daughter Sybilla von Dincklage with her friends in Stockholm.
Sybilla lives in Munich but visits Sweden a few times a year in family gatherings. This time she came to Sweden with five friends from Germany to a hen party. They surprised one of the friends with a trip to Stockholm for a hen party. They had four great days with boat trips, sightseeing, dinners and party. The only thing which wasn't great was the weather.
Kungliga Magasinet's articles about princess Margaretha's life and her children at their latest issue.
The magazine writes about Sybilla Louise von Dincklage (born 14th April 1965). She got her name from princess Sibylla and queen Louise. She married Cornelius von Dincklage in June 1998 and got with him children Madeleine (born 1999) and Sebastian (born 2000). Sybilla and Cornelius divorced a long time ago but have stayed as good friends. Sybilla lives in Munich and works with fashion.
Charles Edward Ambler (born 14th July 1966) married Helen Ross in 1999, they have two daughters, Sienna Rose (born 2000) and India Tanni (born 2003). Edward was an artist for many years, but has now driven Ed Ambler Gardens for many years.
James Patrick Ambler (born 10th June 1969) married Ursula Shipley in 2001 and they have two children: Lily (born 2003) and Oscar (born 2004). James works with sales.
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Ed Ambler Gardens – Garden Design & Landscape Construction
Svensk Damtidning tells at their article about tourist attractions in Stockholm, that princesses Margaretha and Birgitta go often to the Royal Gift Shop at the Royal Palace.
When Princess Margaretha is visiting Stockholm, she lives in the guest apartment at the Royal Palace. Svensk Damtidning's reporter met princess Margaretha in the Royal Gift Shop some time ago and Margaretha told then that she liked a lot to buy some small gifts from there.
8 kungliga sommarpärlor i Stockholm _ Svensk Damtidning
Princess Margaretha celebrates her 85th birthday on 31st October. She has told to her family that she doesn't want any celebration in Sweden right now.

Princess Birgitta was ready for the royal family party - but now it is set. Here she explains why.
The Haga Princesses together again? Yes it could have been.
In just over two weeks, Thursday, October 31, the king's oldest sister, Princess Margaretha, will turn 85, and when we reach Princess Birgitta, 82, in her home in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca, she states that she was ready for the royal family party. But Margaretha, who lives in the British countryside, does not want to come home.
- Yes, I thought we would gather to celebrate Margaretha - but now it won't be. She has asked not to be celebrated right now, she thinks it is hard to travel to Sweden when it is so cold and creepy outside.
- But we'll do it a little later, so she won't be forgotten!
How unfortunate. It's not as often as you siblings are now see eachother?
- No, it is not that often, so we always try to take this opportunity when someone is turning years. And we had hoped that we would be able to see eachother now, but that may be later as said.
Kungens syster ställer in festen – vägrar komma hem _ Svensk Dam

Princess Birgitta tells Expressen that Princess Margaretha's 85th birthday will be implemented later:
- It is a wish to do it when it is a little warmer. Later in the spring I guess, I don't know, she says.
Kungens syster flyttar födelsedagsfirandet
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