Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 1: November 2002 - November 2003

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Nov 8, 2002
Name; Madeleine Thérèse Amelie Josephine

Title; Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland

Born; on June 10, 1982 at Drottningholm Palace.

Family; Princess Madeleine is the youngest child of His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia. She has a sister, Crown Princess Victoriaand a brother, Prince Carl Philip.

Residence; Drottningholm Palace

Confirmed; confirmed in the summer of 1997 at Vadstena Church, after confirmation studies in Medevi.

School; During the period 1985-89, Princess Madeleine attended the Västerled parish pre-school. In the autumn of 1989, she started school at Smedslättsskolan in Bromma, which she attended at junior level. For the intermediate level, the Princess attended Carlssons skola in Stockholm and went on to senior level studies at Enskilda Gymnasiet in Stockholm.

The Princess passed her senior level examination in the summer of 2001 and during the autumn of 2001, the Princess followed a study program in the United Kingdom. During the spring of 2002, the Princess attended a course in law at Folkuniversitetet in Stockholm, studied for an ECDL, European Computer Driving License,

work experience programmes; During the autumn 2002 the Princess will go through an introduction in modern architecture, design, art and advertising to prepare her for coming studies in History of Art at the University.

Some facts; In accordance with the 1979 Act of Succession, which entered into force on January 1, 1980, Princess Madeleine is third in the line of succession, next to Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Carl Philip.

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Princess Madeleine of Sweden

She isn't destined to become Queen of Sweden — that title will fall on her sister Victoria's shoulders — but she is swiftly becoming a queen of beauty and style. Princess Madeleine is a gorgeous blonde who has grown up into a very fashionable and self-assured young woman.

She was born on June 10, 1982 (making her 19 years old and exactly 11 days older than Prince William) at Drottningholm Palace. Her full name is Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine and her royal titles are Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Halsingland and Gastrikland. She recently completed her studies at Enskilda Gymasiet in Sweden, which is the equivalent to graduating from high school. Her official biography on the Swedish Royal Family's web site says she "enjoys riding, skiing, and other forms of outdoor life." Hola magazine also reports that she wants to study architecture.

Madeleine is quickly becoming a media darling. Her blonde hair and blue eyes make her a photographer's dream. And she's got quite an impressive fan base — their nickname for her is "Madde" and many of them have built web sites dedicated entirely to her. As if that wasn't enough, Sweden's Slitz magazine recently rated her as the fifth sexiest woman in Sweden. Since she's close to Prince William's age, Madeleine is sure to be mentioned as a possible bride for Britain's heir to the throne.

Speaking of romance, Expressen, a Swedish publication, says she is dating Matias Trotzig, a young PR consultant. Apparently the press spotted them together in Stockholm's fashionable Oestermalm district and the couple did nothing to hide their feelings for each other. Good for them!

18 NOVEMBER 2002
After one and a half years, pretty Princess Madeleine of Sweden has decided to call it quits on her controversial relationship with Erik Granath, the son of a wealthy Swedish businessman. She confirmed the split to the press upon leaving the Swedish Hit Music Awards in Stockholm this week with a simple Its over.

The young couple's relationship had caused something of a stir with the Swedish public because Erik has a police record. In April 2002, however, the Swedish royal family released a statement confirming that he had been welcomed by Madeleines parents, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia.

Some years ago, in his adolescence, Erik Granath went though a difficult period and was under a lot of pressure, read the statement. Now, he is conscious of what he did, and he is deeply sorry.

Despite this public acceptance of Erik by Madeleines parents, it is thought that King Carl Gustaf was never fully happy with the relationship and had advised his daughter that she should end it.

Madeleine is currently studying Interior Design in Sweden after leaving London in January 2002 due to the pressures of media attention.
Princess Madeleine Current Events Part 2 (November 2002-June 2003)

Source Expressen

Princess Madeleine want to brake up with boyfriend Erik Granat, but Erik has a hard time accepting this.
This is what sources tell Expressen.
Madeleine on her own terms has tried to end the relationship, but Erik has not come to terms with her decision.
The source says that Madeleine feel guilty that her relationship become public and he has become a public person and therefor has a hard time breaking up with him directly.
Erik is now saying that he and Madeleine will meet this weekend to talk things out.
Madeleine said just last week that Erik is passé..

Madeleines kärlekskris

Ett kärleksdrama pågår på kungliga slottet.
Prinsessan Madeleine vill göra slut med pojkvännen Erik Granat.
Men Granat har svårt att acceptera det.
Detta uppger källor med insyn för Expressen.

Madeleine, 20, träffade Erik Granat, 24, via sin bror prins Carl Philip.
Förhållandet inleddes för drygt ett år sedan.
I oktober förra året tog en fransk fotograf bilder på paret i Hyde Park, London.
I våras fick Granat följa med kungafamiljen till Sainte Maxime i Frankrike och i somras bodde Madeleine en tid hemma hos Granat på Gotland.
När det avslöjades att Erik Granat dömts för rattfylleri och misshandel blev besvikelsen och oron stor i hovet.
Madeleines närstående försökte påveka henne av avbryta relationen.
En person med insyn säger till Expressen:

Sedan en tid har Madeleine på eget initiativ försökt avbryta förhållandet med Erik. Men det verkar som om Erik inte är med på dessa noter, han tycks vilja fortsätta relationen. Det har spekulerats i att kungen pressat Madeleine att säga stopp till Erik. Så är inte fallet. Det är helt och hållet hennes eget beslut.
På Expressens fråga varför inte Madeleine gör slut direkt utan bara försöker göra slut, svarar källan:

Vårt intryck är att hon försöker avbryta på ett så mjukt sätt som möjligt. Det är litet av Florence Nightingale över det hela, vi tror att Madeleine tycker synd om Erik som ju genom relationen med henne näst intill blivit offentlig person och som fått sin brottslighet detaljerat beskriven i medier.
Det var ju nästan samma sak med kronprinsessan Victoria när hennes relation med Daniel Collert ebbade ut. Victoria valde att fortsätta kontakten med Daniel men nu på ett kompisplan.
Expressens källor säger att hovet tycker det är en mycket bra lösning att Madeleines förhållande med Erik Granat är på väg mot final.

Vandaliserade öltält
Det som bekymrat hovet är att Granat fortsätter hamna i trubbel även efter domarna. I somras vandaliserade han ett öltält i Visby, för några dagar sedan avslöjades det att han har en skuld hos kronofogden.
Hovet vill inte kommentera frågan om Madeleine och Erik Granat.
Informationschefen Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg:
Jag har dels ingen kännedom om det här och dels skulle jag inte ha anledning att kommentera frågan även om jag hade kännedom.
Erik Granat säger till Expressen.
Jag vill inte kommentera om prinsessan Madeleine och jag fortfarande är tillsammans. Jag vill prata ordentligt med Madeleine. Vi ska träffas i helgen. Vi är absolut inte osams.
Granat säger att den senaste tiden varit svår:
Jag vill faktiskt knappt gå ut längre. Det har tagit knäcken på mig. Det känns som om jag inte kan lita på någon, inte ens mina kompisar. Jag har på sätt och vis blivit en helt annan person efter det att jag blev tillsammans med Madeleine.
I wonder what he looks like we see how pretty she is. And what was he in trouble with the police for, does anyone know?
Actually to make a correction to one of the articles you quoted, where it said she was only 19 years old. In actuality she is 20 years old.
source there is a picture there to

Madelaine has to have a bodyguard now....
She did not have one before

Nu tvingas Madeleine ha livvakt

Säkerheten kring prinsessan Madeleine har skärpts.
Hon tvingas nu ha två livvakter från säkerhetspolisen, Säpo.
Prinsessan får hjälp och skydd när det behövs, säger Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg, informationschef vid hovet.

Prinsessan Madeleine har alltid tidigare kunnat röra sig i Stockholm utan livvakter. Senast för bara knappt två veckor sedan på musikgalan Swedish Hit Music Awards.
Hon har vid ett flertal tillfällen besökt innekrogen Laroy vid Stureplan, och inte vid ett enda tillfälle har hon haft livvakter med sig.
Men situationen har förändrats. När Madeleine i onsdags kväll besökte Huddinge sjukhus för att träffa svårt sjuka barn var säkerhetsarrangemangen rigorösa.
Ett par minuter innan Madeleine anlände till sjukhuset körde en grafitgrå BMW upp framför ingången. En livvakt från Säpo steg ur och ställde sig vid dörren.

Åkte med en livvakt
Lite senare kom Madeleine i en av hovstallets bilar.
Även i denna bil fanns det en livvakt från Säpo, samma vakt som i flera år har skött kronprinsessan Victorias säkerhet.
Under det knappt två timmar långa besöket bevakade livvakterna vartenda steg hon tog.
Polisöverindendent Margareta Linderoth, chef för Säpos skyddsenhet, säger:
Jag kommenterar inga skyddspersoner om de har eller inte har livvakter. Det skulle ta bort effekten av det ena eller det andra.
Finns det en konkret hotbild mot prinsessan Madeleine?
Jag kan inte kommentera det.
Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg, informationschef vid hovet, säger:
Det görs bedömningar från gång till gång. Hon och prins Carl Philip får hjälp och stöd när det behövs.
Finns det en hotbild mot Madeleine?
Det kan jag inte svara på. Det kan bara polisen svara på. Jag vill poängtera att prinsessan Madeleine har haft livvakt tidigare vid ett besök i Furuvik.
I kungafamiljen har det fram till nu bara varit kungen, drottningen och kronprinsessan Victoria som ständigt har haft livvaktsskydd. Prins Carl Philip har haft det vid enstaka tillfällen. *

Originally posted by mwheeler@Nov 26 2002, 01:44 PM
Actually to make a correction to one of the articles you quoted, where it said she was only 19 years old. In actuality she is 20 years old.
She may have been 19 when the article was written......

3 websites about Princess Madeleine
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I'm not sure what she saw in him. If he has such a temper like they say he has then I certainly wouldn't want to date him! He's not the best looking guy I've ever seen either, but I guess it's not looks that count. It's the personality and character. Does he really have a nasty temper or was that what a tabloid said?
I don't know about his temper, but to act that way in front of a judge doesn't give a lot of credence to his intellect! :blink: It was probably the good girl attracted to the bad boy rebellious stage. :doh:
"but to act that way in front of a judge doesn't give a lot of credence to his intellect"

Okay, spill the beans. I've been under a rock :lol:

Kelly D
From what I read he went in front of the judge and acted like a jerk. He said he couldn't pay the fine for some stupid reason..the judge wasn't impressed by his actions and made the fine like 10 times the original amount! And he had to serve what I interpreted as community service. :doh:
I guess some of that might have been bravado. You know, that macho guy junk they pull some times when they're in big trouble and won't admit it. But it makes him look stupid all the same.

And if his father's wealthy as has always been written, what legitimate excuse could he have had for not paying? Probably why the judge wasn't impressed.

Kelly D
He looks a bit brutish. Didn't I read somewhere tht he used to bully Prince Carl-Philip at school?

I hope Princess Madeleine finds happiness.
Hi everyone! :)

Tisha, I read the same thing somewhere, unfortunately, I can't remember where. I do remember that there was some definite mention of Erik being a brute and bullying Prince Carl-Philip at school. :angry:

Royal kidnap plan foiled

From correspondents in Stockholm, Sweden
December 11, 2002

SWEDISH police have uncovered a plot to kidnap Sweden's 20-year-old Princess Madeleine, tabloid daily Expressen reported.

The newspaper said a group of men of eastern European origin were in Sweden at the end of November to plan the kidnapping of the youngest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia.

Expressen said police had identified two of the men, but provided no further details.

Neither the royal palace nor the Swedish security police would comment on the report.

However, security has been visibly stepped up around Madeleine. Normally seen around Stockholm with no bodyguards, the princess was seen with heavy security on an official visit to a hospital recently.

Third in line to the throne, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed princess has stolen the headlines in Sweden and abroad in recent months with reports of her romances and wild partying.

She is currently doing practical training in Stockholm in the fields of design, fashion and advertising, and has applied to Swedish universities to begin art history studies in January.
source aftonbladet

Friday December 13 2002

Princess Madeleine friend busted for possession of narcotic

Madeleine knows the 22-year-old man because one of her best friends dated him for a while.
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source expressen

Madeleine tells that the person who was caught in a narcotic bust is not a friend to her.

And friends to Madeleine that Expressen has talked to say also that this person was around a few years ago as a boyfriend to Madeleines friend, but is bot any longer in her inner circle.

Madeleine is sad because most things that has been written about her is lies.
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Hey Josefine!

How are you? Thank you so much for all these latest news and pictures of Princess Madeleine. You are simply Divine!!! I appreciate it all so much. I send one billion Thank you's to Sweden. :D :heart:

Princess Madeleine always wears the most beautiful clothes and has equal style and elegant tastes as Crown Princess Victoria and looks smashing in any color and style and has a body to die for. I wonder where she buys her clothes from and if it is Swedish designs. :)

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and take care all. :D


:heart: Lorissa
I found an old article about Madeleine in London

26 OCTOBER 2001

Princess Madeleine of Sweden is settling into a new phase of life since arriving in London three weeks ago. The princess, who shares a Chelsea home with a family friend, is in the UK trying to perfect her already excellent English and, she says live like a normal girl.

Ive always been very interested in languages, and I felt that I wanted to improve my English a little more, says the princess in an interview with Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. Ive been (to England) a couple of times before and have always been comfortable... Ive always wanted to go abroad, to get to know other cultures and try new things.

Because of the intense interest in her arrival, Madeleine the younger sister of Crown Princess Victoria agreed to meet the press yesterday, speaking from the Swedish Embassy in London. And the blonde-haired blue-eyed royal appears to be a normal 19-year old when she greets reporters, dressed casually in a denim jacket and black trousers only the fact that she must call a press conference to discuss her recent move gives her away. I had really hoped for a private life in London... I want to speak with the media now, once and for all, so I can have peace and quiet later, she says. Ive felt chased. Its no fun to have people lying in wait for you at the door of your house.

In the same interview, Madeleine confesses she doesnt follow the newspaper reports about her in Sweden, but she does manage to hear rumours through the grapevine. My friends call sometimes from home and say things like, Theyre saying over here that you were at a club until five in the morning, is that true? she says. And its not true most of the time.

While spending time on her studies and enjoying life in London, Madeleine has also found time to develop her relationship with 19-year-old Pierre Ladow. According to the Swedish periodical Expressen, Madeleine and Pierre spotted in an embrace last summer in the French Riviera see each other frequently and seem to have a fairly serious relationship. It is said that Madeleine, who is interested in interior architecture, had considered relocating to Florence, Italy, to study design. However, a boyfriend in London prompted her to change her mind.

Though the two are often seen in the streets of London together, so far there has been no official acknowledgement of the romance. A Swedish palace spokesperson refused comment, while Pierres father, businessman Allan Ladow, also remained mum on the subject: There isnt really anything official, and thats all I can say.

Many royal watchers would be delighted to see the Swedish beauty, who was linked to PR consultant Matias Trotzig earlier this year, pair up with the equally striking Prince William, as she is only 11 days older than the future king. However, those hopeful for a royal match may be disappointed to discover that the two dont even know each other. He seems nice, she says of the Prince. Ive never met him.

And would the princess consider a permanent move abroad? She admits its difficult to say... but its clear Sweden is my home.
January 2003
Princess Madeleine are attending Stockholm University to start her "History of Art" studies. this she will do for a year at least.

She will do the A-level course in "History of Art" at Stockholm's University. then she will continue with the B course in September.
She was accepted at all of the three universities she applied to, Stockholm, Lund and Uppsala, but choose Stockholm, that is where her friends will study.
Princess Madeleine and Erik Granath have had an stormy relationship and apparently he isn´t popular among her friends and family...

But Madeleine seemed very much in love and thats all that matters...right??

heres some cute pictures of the couple...
Yennie here is more about erik and madeleine and i´m glad that you found this forum

Madeleine broke up with Erik. She has been seen with a law student from Stockholm. there are some blury pictures of him and a article from aftonbladet at this thread link
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yes I know that the papers wrote that they broke up... and maybe thats true but I dont think that just because Madeleine goes out and has dinner with another guy means that she broke up with Eric...

but. who knows?? Anyway, heres some pictures of Erik and Madeleine...

so am i josefine! Its a very good forum!

I have a question about the links to alloverpress.. I cannot see anything when I try to open the page. It just says that "cannot find the site"..
Is it just me or....???


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Wasn't it something like fasion design? or something like that? remember she designed her own dress for the Noble awards.
I think it's interior design, something to do with the arts. The Nobel dress has been roundly criticised on some boards.
She will study science of art "art science" this spring and at least to next year at Stockholm University.
I don't know the exactly translation from Swedish konstvetenskap

I underlined her course - konstvetenskap, art science.
in the article
She is not chosen a major yet, that will come later.
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nice! I've heard that she's going to study history of art, but I'm not quite sure
Originally posted by cosh@Jan 22nd, 2003 - 11:50 am
nice! I've heard that she's going to study history of art, but I'm not quite sure
She has said her self in a TV interview that is art science. I think that's more for they who want to work with design.
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