Netflix had yesterday in Copenhagen a presentation of upcoming series. Märtha Louise and Durek's documentary series was among the productions showcased. The name of the series and the premiere date haven't been confirmed. There are probably two potential names: "The Princess and the Shaman" and "Princess and Shaman".
The first clip has small snippets from Märtha Louise's childhood, as well as news broadcasts from the US that reported on their relationship. Durek says that he "always thought he would end up with a man," but that he is "soul sexual", meaning that he falls in love with souls. Märtha says that she is always misunderstood, and that it is difficult. Clips are shown from the press circus and chaos, from Geiranger during the wedding and elsewhere. Durek claims that the Norwegian press doesn't like him, and doesn't want to see a bisexual shaman in the royal family. In the next clip, they talk about the royal family, how Durek thought it was cool to become a part of it. He gets etiquette help from his wife, and says that he can be himself, while at the same time being part of the royal family.
Prinsessebryllupet ble solgt til Netflix og blir å se på strømmetjenesten i 2025. Nå er første sniktitt ute, og her er detaljene.
Even though Märtha was the one who "fell" first, she was also a little hesitant. She says that she thought "Oh God" when Durek said during their first meeting in the USA that their meeting was destined long before they were born.
– I rolled my eyes. You see, I'm a very polite princess. But he's been my best friend from the start. He's my heart and my soul, she says.
Netflix describes the documentary as "profound" and "moving," and that it provides "a unique insight" into an "unusual, modern and heartwarming love story."
Durek Verrett (50) hadde ikke sett for seg å slå seg til ro med en kvinne. Og fortsatt har han ikke lært seg de kongelige reglene.