Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett News & Current Events Part 2: 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't think they'll invite Durek to church to be honest. As far as I remember, the last time Märtha, Durek and the girls spent Christmas with the King and Queen, only Emma went to church with the King & Queen. But Durek is embarassing enough for them, even if he doesn't go to church...

I agree, now we're supposed to believe that having sex with the clients he supposedly treats would be considered just fine in the US? I know he has them sign something, but it's all very fishy.
He isn't a real medical professional, but he claims that he treats people for physical and mental issues... And neither in the US nor in Europe is it considered acceptable for doctors, therapists etc to have sex with their patients. So again, he's not a real doctor or therapist, but that still doesn't make it acceptable! Especially with mental health issues people might be coming to him in a very vulnerable state and he is abusing his position of trust...
Maybe in the US his doings just didn't draw attention, because he isn't famous there...
And on top of that having his clients signing a waiver means nothing in Europe. It wouldn't protect him the least bit, on the contrary perhaps. And in Norway, probably most of Europe, his clients are considered patients and that means extra responsibility both in regards to the treatment, confidentiality and malpractice.
He could actually well end up seeing the inside of a European prison. And if he think his American citizenship will protect him, he's in for a surprise! Inside Europe he'll just be handed over. If he makes it to USA there are now extradition agreements in place - and I doubt the US authorities will do much to prevent the extradition of a quack who is a former convict.

But... but... for someone who is almost, nearly, a kind of Timelord, how come he did not see this coming?
His accusation that the judicial system is corrupt is quite a statement for a member of the king's family. I guess the Norwegian people are fine if he stays in the USA, which he seems to consider a superior country.
He is certainly not on our national radar here in the US. I’d never heard of him until he and ML got together :lol:

I don't think they'll invite Durek to church to be honest. As far as I remember, the last time Märtha, Durek and the girls spent Christmas with the King and Queen, only Emma went to church with the King & Queen. But Durek is embarassing enough for them, even if he doesn't go to church...

I agree, now we're supposed to believe that having sex with the clients he supposedly treats would be considered just fine in the US? I know he has them sign something, but it's all very fishy.
He isn't a real medical professional, but he claims that he treats people for physical and mental issues... And neither in the US nor in Europe is it considered acceptable for doctors, therapists etc to have sex with their patients. So again, he's not a real doctor or therapist, but that still doesn't make it acceptable! Especially with mental health issues people might be coming to him in a very vulnerable state and he is abusing his position of trust...
Maybe in the US his doings just didn't draw attention, because he isn't famous there...

Holy Moly!!! I know he’s not a licensed mental health professional but I wondered how he’s listed on his site (since he’s not licensed, no insurance in the US will pay a dime). He charges $2000 for a single in person one hour session and $1500 for a virtual session!!!!! Most real therapists in the US charge approximately $120-180ish depending on your location - and that’s for an hour too!🤣

Here is a Medical Disclaimer that a lawyer drew up so he can’t be successfully sued. This disclaimer is hidden on the menu at the bottom of a long list of FAQS. Among other things, it says:
Shaman Durek, Company and Site, do not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does he provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided on this Site, will not treat, cure, or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and by using this Site you agree that should you experience any such issues you will see your registered physician or other practitioner as determined by your own judgment.

Holy Moly!!! I know he’s not a licensed mental health professional but I wondered how he’s listed on his site (since he’s not licensed, no insurance in the US will pay a dime). He charges $2000 for a single in person one hour session and $1500 for a virtual session!!!!! Most real therapists in the US charge approximately $120-180ish depending on your location - and that’s for an hour too!🤣

Here is a Medical Disclaimer that a lawyer drew up so he can’t be successfully sued. This disclaimer is hidden on the menu at the bottom of a long list of FAQS. Among other things, it says:
Shaman Durek, Company and Site, do not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does he provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided on this Site, will not treat, cure, or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and by using this Site you agree that should you experience any such issues you will see your registered physician or other practitioner as determined by your own judgment.

That disclaimer would be totally worthless in Norway. Even if he did get an authorization to practice, any such disclaimer would be worthless.
If he should practice without authorization, such disclaimer would also be worthless.
It's a catch 22.

Anything that directly involves people's health, mental or physical, needs an authorization and his clients would be considered patients.

He is allowed to have his clients sit with a crystal on their heads for an hour, while he tap-dance around them, humming in Hindi. But the second he tells them this will cure or alleviate an illness they have, he's a quack.
He is however allowed to tell his clients that someone else felt better or was cured after having a crystal on the head for an hour, it's then up to the client to believe whether that was due to the crystal or not. But that's about it. (There is a book about a seven-star out there that use exactly that approach. It comes with a silver-star in paper. But if you buy a seven-star made from say aluminum or gilded steel, it - may - work even better... The book mainly consists of hundreds of unverifiable examples of people who in various ways felt better after having slept with a seven-star under their pillow. Similar concept as crystals and pyramids. But that's as far as you may go in Norway.)
He is certainly not on our national radar here in the US. I’d never heard of him until he and ML got together :lol:

No one in the USA covers his adventures in Norway, unless you count his associates and fellow scammers...I mean, influencers with magical powers and products to sell. They are all part of an echo chamber of gurus and celebrity parasites but outside that circle, no one in the USA has heard or cared about anything that comes out of Durek's mouth.
If you Google Durek Verrett his wikipedia site shows up. "Durek Verrett (born November 17, 1974, as Derek David Verrett) is an American conspiracy theorist,[2] convicted felon,[3] alternative therapist,[4][5] and self-professed shaman as a practitioner of Neoshamanism. He has been widely described by media and other observers as a conman and conspiracy theorist.[4][6][7][2"

As we must know by now, Durek seems to have a very checkered past as a serial liar corroborated by: the US Census, court and law enforcement records, several family members including his aunt, mother, sister, a former partner and others. It will be interesting to see how his marriage with ML and relationship with the NRF ends up (survives). Who would want to be subjected to so much chaos and pathological dysfunction?
If you Google Durek Verrett his wikipedia site shows up. "Durek Verrett ...

I did not know of this wikipedia page... until now I thought the Shaman is more of a funny surfer of the "zeitgeist", a hacker of social media, a funny, anomic criminal, BUT this wikipedia page screams "psycho"! And very loud!

My, the Norwegian Royal Family is hard hit with the Shaman und the "Bonus Prince" Marius!
I don't think anyone in the United States -- apart from a few "clients" and the California Prison Board -- had heard of him before he started dating Martha-Louise and Vanity Fair profiled them. (And IIRC, that profile included a long section talking about the waivers he made his patients sign, warning them that some of his healing techniques could be misinterpreted as sexual contact. Just...yuck.)

I wonder if Durek (or Marius) will ever face prison time for the things the media has pinned on them. It's hard to believe that both the King's children's marriages have connected the family to all this.
As we must know by now, Durek seems to have a very checkered past as a serial liar corroborated by: the US Census, court and law enforcement records, several family members including his aunt, mother, sister, a former partner and others. It will be interesting to see how his marriage with ML and relationship with the NRF ends up (survives). Who would want to be subjected to so much chaos and pathological dysfunction?
And I still do not understand why Harald and Sonja could not have said "NO" to this person joining their family. Yes, they might have been estranged from ML for awhile (until the marriage blew up) but it certainly would have protected the monarchy and make them look like strong leaders. As it is, they are as weak as milquetoast.
What does Märtha say? As a Norwegian and a member of the royal family, she should actually be defending her country and the justice system there. After all, she lives with Durek, at least partly in Norway. Is she so dependent on him and his opinions and public statements that she accepts everything without criticism? It certainly looks that way and shows how much she is addicted to him.
The aggressive way she goes after each and everyone who dares to speak up against him and never, not even with one word, defends norway, norwegians, norwegian culture, and least of all her father or brother, shows more than enough to me how much she cares about the country where she was born…. She couldn’t care less about it

The biggest scandal in all this is almost not even Durek anymore… It is that she still has the legal right to call herself ”Princess” and (at least in theory) still can end up as Queen
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Maybe I’ve been deliberately not paying attention, but I don’t quite understand how so much of this managed not to blow up until after the wedding.
I haven't seen anything new after the wedding. All I read in recent months was already known in some way, shape or form.
Märtha Louise has reviewed her personal 2024 and added her New Year's wishes:

Nice to wish "the beautiful souls" a very happy New Year. Friendship, love , that is what we all want.
But, again, looks like her bubble she is living in. No words about peace in the world, in a world that is so terribly falling apart. Ok, she hasn't has to mention it, but it still gives me the feeling of a bubble she is living in. Happy woman, indeed.
I never imagined that the most low-key of all royal families we chat about in this Forum would have gotten so much attention because of the antics of three people only, Martha and Durek plus Marius. That took away bigger moments like the King reaching his 80th birthday celebration.

I hope Martha and Durek listen to the stars on their 2025 horoscope and tone it down to be less front and center. Maybe he can channel less than 10 annoying previous lifetimes per week for the social events?
Posts discussing certain gossip sites have been removed according to the TRF rules.
In November, it became known that Swedish father of two Joakim Boström had reported Durek for sexual harassment, happened in 2015.
Now Boström tells Nettavisen that the Swedish police have dropped the case. They haven't even investigated it. Because while the statute of limitations for such cases is 10 years in Norway, it is only five years in Sweden.
- The police here didn't know how to handle my report, and took it to a higher authority. I was very well received and they accepted the report, but I also received the explanation that it is only documented, and that no legal investigation would be initiated because it happened further back in time than the statute of limitations allows.
In November, it became known that Swedish father of two Joakim Boström had reported Durek for sexual harassment, happened in 2015.
Now Boström tells Nettavisen that the Swedish police have dropped the case. They haven't even investigated it. Because while the statute of limitations for such cases is 10 years in Norway, it is only five years in Sweden.
- The police here didn't know how to handle my report, and took it to a higher authority. I was very well received and they accepted the report, but I also received the explanation that it is only documented, and that no legal investigation would be initiated because it happened further back in time than the statute of limitations allows.
I believe this has already appeared in TRF re: Durek and his illicit behavior toward some of his clients.

Princess Märtha Louise via Instagram showed her support for those affected by the fires in Los Angeles:
“I am praying for everyone in Los Angeles affected by the fire. Our hearts go out to you all during this difficult time. It is terrible to hear all the heartbreaking stories of people who have lost their homes. So sad.”

Story: "

Trademark approved in the US.
"Princess trademark approved in the US: – Confusing and contradictory
Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett have claimed to TV 2 that the trademark "The Princess and the Shaman" should not be used commercially. Now, however, they have received approval for their application to use the princess title in commerce."

They don't care about the NRF.
They don' care about King Harald and Haakon. Why should they? There are no consequences and there will be no consequences.
ML and her shaman will keep pushing their boundaries, because why not.
Trademark approved in the US.
"Princess trademark approved in the US: – Confusing and contradictory
Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett have claimed to TV 2 that the trademark "The Princess and the Shaman" should not be used commercially. Now, however, they have received approval for their application to use the princess title in commerce."

In a brief response at that article, Durek Verrett's spokesperson, Jenni Weinman, says:
– The title “The Princess and The Shaman” has been registered as a trademark solely as a protective measure. At this time, there is no intention to use the title. The registration is solely to protect the trademark.
In a brief response at that article, Durek Verrett's spokesperson, Jenni Weinman, says:
– The title “The Princess and The Shaman” has been registered as a trademark solely as a protective measure. At this time, there is no intention to use the title. The registration is solely to protect the trademark.
Does anyone actually believe "at this time there is no intention to use the title...solely to protect the trademark." Yeah, protect it for when they think they can get away using ML's "the Princess". Unfortunately if King Harold doesn't remove ML's title soon it will be too late. They are waiting for him to pass as horrible as that sounds; what else could it be. 😲😳😖
Does anyone actually believe "at this time there is no intention to use the title...solely to protect the trademark." Yeah, protect it for when they think they can get away using ML's "the Princess". Unfortunately if King Harold doesn't remove ML's title soon it will be too late. They are waiting for him to pass as horrible as that sounds; what else could it be. 😲😳😖
I agree! it seems to me that they are playing the royal family and the public for fools.
The "agreement" might as well not exist. They keep breaking it and there are no consequences.
All these "talks" but neither Harald or Haakon put their foot down. No action. All "love" as a family but no respect for the institution.
They have no intention to use it at this time, that will come sooner rather then later.
Couldn't they just sell their registered trademark to the NRF, for a very symbolic sum, blue-eyed little me asks.
After all they don't intend to ever use it, right?
In August 2023, Märtha Louise purchased a new detached house in Bærum municipality with the price NOK 18.65 million.
The purchase price was NOK 750,000 above the asking price in a fairly hard-hit housing market. The home has been empty since then.
Even though Märtha and Durek have never moved into their new dream home, the expenses have continued to mount. Se og Hør reveals that according to the publicly available land register Märtha Louise has taken a new million-dollar loan, 10 million from Handelsbanken on December 19 last year - with the uninhabited house in Stabekk in Bærum as collateral.
That sounds worrying. Märtha not only makes strange relationship decisions but also seems to make wrong or dangerous decisions in financial matters. Why take out a loan for a second house when she already has a huge house, especially as her two eldest daughters no longer live with her? Who will pay for all this if she can't raise the money through her activities?
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