Princess Máxima's Visit to Paraguay: October 8-10, 2008

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
quoting Marengo:

Dutch Princess Máxima will travel to Paraguay

Princess Máxima of the Netherlands is expected to attend the 11th Inter-American Microenterprise Forum on October 8, 2008 in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Read the entire article here.[/quote]
Máxima arrived this morning to Asunción(Paraguay) and will attend tomorrow the XI Foro de la Microempresa(Inter-American Forum on Microenterprise).

According to several argentine media, the Princess will visit her family in Buenos Aires by the end of the week.
Ah, that would be her 4th or 5th visit to Argentina this year? I doubt that she will though, as she has an event in the Netehrlands on the 11th, and she still has to fly home bore that. If she chooses to fly to Argentina I suppose she will need to hurry.
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Ah, that would be her 4th or 5th visit to Argentina this year? I doubt that she will though, as she has an event in the Netehrlands on the 11th, and she still has to fly home bore that. If she chooses to fly to Argentina I suppose she will need to hurry.

WOW!!! good news!!! in my country!!! I hope to see her... and take some pics!!! :cool:
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I just woner how they hundled the girls, she is awya from home and I belive he is too, I suppose the girls by now they use too, but still they are so youbg, the kids always want to be with there parents!
Máxima arrived this morning to Asunción(Paraguay) and will attend tomorrow the XI Foro de la Microempresa(Inter-American Forum on Microenterprise).

According to several argentine media, the Princess will visit her family in Buenos Aires by the end of the week.

i guess the distance from paraguay to buenos aires is short enough to seize the opportunity to visit your family for the weekend! that's quite nice. it's a shame they didn't organize a longer visit to paraguay though.
Which event?:)

Oops, I checked the wrong month, September instead of October. So technically she can go to Argentina again though the 5th time in one year.... don't think it goes well with the press, the last visit received a few remarks here and there but another one with the year not over might be pushing it IMO. Of course she is free to do whatever she likes.
5 times in a year? that seems much more than i can keep track of. i know she was there for christmas, but... when else?
For her father's birthday(january), for a congress on microcredits(april) and for her father's operation(june).

And that is four.Perfectly allright.Would be silly if she would not pay a short visit to her parents now she's less then an hour away from BA.
The girls are allright,they are not the nagging whining kind of kids,they're used to seeing either one of their parents off regularly,they're allright,no worry,they grow into that sort of situation...and to welcoming them home again...wildly curious what present they take along for,oh what fun!
Well it is quite a few visits, but I'd assume her father isnt going to have surgery every year, and she is only an hour away...
What does it matter? Don't most of us take the opportunity to visit family when we are so far away? And frankly, the Dutch get a minimum of 5 weeks of vacation a year, which can be greatly expanded by tacking it onto national holidays, so if they choose to spend some of that with family, as they do when they go to Tavarnelle and Lech big deal.
People shouldn't get upset about her visits to Argentina this year, especially since one was to be near her father during his surgery. Any daughter would want to be near her parent during a time such as this. If she is making a visit while she is in the region, it seems perfectly logical to me. Of course, I am not Dutch, so my opinion is not as valid as those of her subjects.:flowers:
A nice crisp outfit, I like it on her.
Lovely photo! Maxima looks so happy.
Thanks Princess Maxima, and sorry to be so superficial in this thread but Maxima looks great. I really like the jacket it looks to me like a nice princess-all business mix jacket.
Thanks Princess Maxima, and sorry to be so superficial in this thread but Maxima looks great. I really like the jacket it looks to me like a nice princess-all business mix jacket.

The jacket is the same one she wore for Friso's wedding in 2004
From royalblog:

Princess Máxima visited an elementary school in San Antonio, near Asuncíon in Paraguay. The Dutch Princes is on a three day working visit in the South American neighbour of her native Argentina. She is attending the 11th Microenterprise Forum, which takes place October 8–10 in Asuncíon.
Máxima visited the school because it takes part in the Aflatoun Child Savings International campaign.

Read the entire article (+ photos) here.
Some pictures from daylife/reuters here.
any video with maxima speaks spanish?????????
I like the creamy silky-looking jacket she wore for the speech in Asuncion. The color really looks nice with her hair and skin tone. Always so great to see her with children, too: she's a natural!:flowers:
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