Princess Letizia, Current Events Part 7: October - December 2006

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Aug 13, 2004
Welcome to the 9th thread of Current News for Princess Letizia.

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Happy posting...
Sunday Times
Spain bumps into a modern princess
by Graham Keeley


THE unconventional wife of Crown Prince Felipe, the heir to the Spanish throne, has broken with protocol to announce that she is eight weeks pregnant with their second child...

The official reason for the early announcement was that it would explain her absences from royal engagements. The rumour in royal circles is that it was to dismiss a report in a German magazine, which claimed she had had a miscarriage, and to dispel gossip she was suffering from an eating disorder...

Despite her glamorous looks, she is portrayed as a mandona, or bossy woman, who once told her 38-year-old husband to “shut up and allow me to talk” during a public engagement...,,2089-2404256,00.html
What a strange article which say nothing else that it was wrotten since two years yet.
Yes, the truth is that it is a strange enough article, which demonstrates little work that dedicates to being informed. It seems to me to be a bit ridiculous that count the history of Armani's suit 3 years later, when since then the only woman in the Spanish Royal Family who dresses exclusively of Spanish designers is the Princess of Asturias.:wacko: Certainly, I believe that if there is a Princess who from the beginning has fled of the profile of "Diana" she is precisely Letizia. She has not also interpreted precisely well the article that was published in El Pais recently, I believe that she has understood it, or transmits it badly enough.
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Laviollette said:
Sunday Times
Spain bumps into a modern princess
by Graham Keeley


THE unconventional wife of Crown Prince Felipe, the heir to the Spanish throne, has broken with protocol to announce that she is eight weeks pregnant with their second child...

The official reason for the early announcement was that it would explain her absences from royal engagements. The rumour in royal circles is that it was to dismiss a report in a German magazine, which claimed she had had a miscarriage, and to dispel gossip she was suffering from an eating disorder...

Despite her glamorous looks, she is portrayed as a mandona, or bossy woman, who once told her 38-year-old husband to “shut up and allow me to talk” during a public engagement...,,2089-2404256,00.html

I believe what she said was "Let me finish."
chuchu said:
I believe what she said was "Let me finish."

You are right that is what she said. The question did arise at that time on whether she broke protocol.

1. - Doña Letizia

This past Monday , to 11.30 in the morning, princess Letizia made entrance in the public school Princes of Asturias of the Madrilenian locality of Pozuelo de Alarcón. She went accompanied of flat the greater one of the Secretariat of the Prince, with Jaime Alfonsi'n, their person in charge, at the top. In addition to two heads of press, personnel of protocol, aides and a nourished escort group that tried to contain the crowd congregated to the doors of the center. In the séquito the minister of Education, Mercedes Goatherd, and the president of the Community of Madrid also integrated themselves, Hope Aguirre. As much equipment was not for less, since it was a little while stellar for the Princess, who had raised an enormous mediatic sense of expectancy: the opening of its own agenda of official activities, separately of the Prince. With a field of adapted work in addition custom-made to its restlessness: childhood and youth.

Adorned with a gray diplomatic suit that still more marked to its thinness and shoes of serpent of high heel, the Princess kicked during two hours the classrooms of the center. And that that its new pregnancy is making him pass an authentic one via crucis of nauseas, mareos and permanent malaise. Until the point of which in a while of the route, it had to see the open sky when “bath” sighted the signboard. There one put as quickly as possible, surely to unload an inopportune mañanero vomit. Its pregnancy was one of the centers of attention of the visit. In char them informal with the teaching staff of the center, the Princess recognized with total naturalness that was worse than in the previous pregnancy “it is being called on to me to suffer”, said. It also commented that it hoped that did not last long time the malaise to him “if I am therefore the nine months, I die”, and that or had said to the Prince “that of four or five children…” and it don't mention it made a significant gesture with the hand of “anything”.

The other great center of attraction, mainly for the children, was Infant Leonor. Thanks to them knew that it is taking his first steps. “ You have not brought Leonor because you have come walking and she does not walk? ”, a girl asked the Princess. This one responded to him: “You do not create, already almost walks”.
fanletizia said:
I thought this little anedocte in this text was cute:

"In each of the classrooms she would ask the name of the children and would stop to talk to them. In one of the classrooms, they gave her a drawing signed by the students. Letizia looked at it and then said, looking at one of the children, "Miguel, I can't find your signature". The boy simply answered that he had forgotten."
She's got good memory! The article mentioned something about the Royal family having some intense training in this area. That they set great store by having such great memory and being able to call people by their given names minutes or seconds after they were first introduced...interesting! I wish I could get that sort of training. I tend to have little "brain farts" or as some would call "Senior moments". I forget people's names!
Ennyllorac said:
You are right that is what she said. The question did arise at that time on whether she broke protocol.

IMO, i'm seeing this as, maybe they are over-reacting a wee bit by being harsh about the situation. I've listened to the clip and i actually don't find it offensive, since it was a light-hearted moment (celebrating their engagement). there may have been people who are strict adherents of protocol and probably couldn't accept that the future bride had the, erm, nerve to cut off the prince like that.

maybe they should just chill for a while there. ;):flowers:
Prince or not - you do not interupt the person talking - especially if it is the fiancee. I hope Felipe learned a lesson. There are moments when women rule without question - at their engagement, wedding day and during child birth.
grevinnan said:
Prince or not - you do not interupt the person talking - especially if it is the fiancee. I hope Felipe learned a lesson. There are moments when women rule without question - at their engagement, wedding day and during child birth.

hear, hear! practical lessons and words of wisdom, ha ha.:flowers: i agree with you grevinnan. just a simple issue of not interrupting someone when s/he is talking.
Hey Ennyllorac, I love your avatar.. But I don't recall seeing the complete photograph of Leti & Felipe of that particular pic.. Do you have the full picture and where do you take them from?
Letizia, in third of Princess Princess Letizia salutes in an act witnessed by notary public

The wife of Don Felipe and mother of Leonor already is prepared to have her own agenda of acts Oviedo, Pillar RUBIERA "it has surprised the equipment of the Zarzuela". The commentary, made to the NEW SPAIN by a witness, talked about the visit that Doña Letizia the past carried out 9 of October to a school in Pozuelo de Alarcón. It was the first act of his agenda of princess. And it was not the first time that left agape to some of the members of the House of King Letizia already astonished the day of its commitment, in the palace of the Brown. Their expansive character and its espontaneidad in the way to go to their then fiance', Don Felipe, caused stupor in and smiles in other "This woman are a pump", a member of the communications equipment of the House of the King exclaimed. Letizia, good in the office for learning, knew then that the work of princess demanded to clear the perfection. And that meant substitute in almost all the subjets. The 1 of November of 2003 initiated its walking by history. Three years later, already it can say that it is licensed. "In Pozuelo she was calm and it took care of all. It spoke with the children, told things of his daughter, Leonor them. To the professors it responded to them with naturalness when they asked to him for his pregnancy. When it left, it observed that there was people in the street that it wanted to greet it and one approached. She was loose, it cheers and much more open ", it relates one of the people whom the visit followed. The idea of the House of the King is that Doña Letizia has her own agenda of activities centered in subjects related to the childhood, social youth and causes. But it will be organized of a calm way. Its popularity note in the amount of requests that are received in the Zarzuela so that it participates in acts. And the reality, of which they are very conscious in the Foundation Prince of Asturias, is that an act in which it no longer tells on the attendance of the Princes is the same when Doña Letizia does not go. It happened recently in Asturias, the past 28 of September, when the Princes had to accompany to the president by Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva in their visit Oviedo. Three days before, agreeing indeed with the visit of State of Cavaco Silva in Madrid, the Princes were themselves forced to make official the news of the second pregnancy of Doña Letizia before the constant annoyances who suffered and who was going to force it to absent itself of the official anticipated for that same night. He could not either go with Don Felipe to Oviedo. In this last week, Doña Letizia had to absent itself of the reception, in the Real Palace, in the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces, although yes she was in the parade. He could not either be the past Sunday in the failure and the delivery of the prize "Planet" in Barcelona. The priority, at this moment, is its family and the agenda that shares with its husband. This new gestation is giving more problems him than the previous one and then it already suffered annoyances during almost all the pregnancy. She herself has said it in different meetings. "If I am therefore the nine months, I die", confessed. The reality is that it undergoes enough incomodidades, with continuous vomit accesses, although the pregnancy, according to the doctors, is developed with normality. Leonor, its first-born, that will fulfill a year next the 31 of October, grows with normality, as soon as it has taken resfriado and it says some words, among them "water", according to the past declared 12 day the happy father, Don Felipe de Borbón. Although contained in the acts witnessed by notary public, Doña Letizia forms an equipment with her husband and thinks of all the related one to the agenda of both. The reflection has done almost hers of the King of which Corona is necessary to gain it every day to it. Letter to everything what it says and writes on the Royal Family, knows that the Monarchy in Spain is not a life insurance and thinks that there is to work and to have constant contact with the citizenship. It has fame of mandona and are famous its fits, but they are aspects of its character that balance with others. Its search of the perfection does not save it of the critics nor either of the journalistic pressure. The telebasura is fattened with her. For she is excessively thin, for others almost anoréxica. It has had to listen that its first childbirth was not absolutely normal and that Leonor was born with some problem. Also which infant Cristina has been distanced of her sister-in-law and the husband of, Iñaki Urdangarín. She does not count either on the acceptance of many monarchists. The most preservative right questions its plebian origin and good part of the left sighs by the Republic. The controversy also surrounds to its second pregnancy. If he is young, the present Spanish Constitution recognizes to him like heir Corona, discriminating against the first-born by the fact of being woman. The political parties are in favor of reforming the Magna Carta, but they do not seem to find the moment. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have been able, so far, to have a certain privacy, whom they enjoy, mainly, the week ends and vacacionales period. They leave with friends, they go to the cinema and the theater. The Princess has a person who the aid in the care of Leonor, but whenever can takes care of she. "He is happy with its daughter and with Felipe", they affirm. The Prince is enchanted with his two women. Both they hope deluded the arrival of his second son, but it is not very safe to want to have more. That understood the professors in Pozuelo when they asked to him for the phrase that Don Felipe said on the children that they would like to have, "more than three but less than five". Letizia maintains its relation with friends and friends of profession and speaks by telephone frequently with them. It sees much his mother, Rocasolano Dove, and something less to his father and his sisters, although it speaks with them. One takes very well with Reina and takes care of his advice. Also with the Infant Elena and Jaime de Marichalar, Dukes of Lugo. It takes care of its image, but with the sobriety that Doña Sofía characterizes to Reina. The experts in fashion value their taste for the complements, mainly purses and shoes, but not as much their suits and dresses, that consider very traditional, little dangerous. One dares more in the suits at night, almost always designs of Lorenzo Caprile. The certain thing is that it repeats models and slopes and, say, that also it has put order in the accounts of his home. The next Thursday, the Princess will return to her native earth to preside over, for the second time, the ceremony of delivery of the prizes "Prince of Asturias". In October of 2003, Doña Letizia and Don Felipe already they were fiancès. It went as journalist of the TVE to inform into the awards and he carried out all the tight agenda of work with a joy in the body that nobody knew to interpret. She said then to a group of Asturian friends who left with somebody "that made things different".
suPeRgiRL! said:
Hey Ennyllorac, I love your avatar.. But I don't recall seeing the complete photograph of Leti & Felipe of that particular pic.. Do you have the full picture and where do you take them from?

hi, i'm not Ennyllorac, but i'd like to help! that photo was posted in the Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia current events thread, like this one originally posted by Redferns:
The city wants to Letizia Princess de Asturias falls well between her countrymen by her intelligence, affection and valentía, whereas the critical reproach their strong character
to him Lorena PEREZ The 1 of November of 2003 the Real House announced the commitment between Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, a young journalist who months ago was the most well-known face of the TVE news and that in addition was Asturian.
Immediately the present Princess of Asturias entered history and everybody thought on which she would be someday Queen of Spain. The mass media of all the country focused attention on Oviedo, the native city of Letizia, in which it lived until the 15 years, and all their countrymen showed joy before the fact that Asturias already had Princess and, in addition, Asturian.
When they are going away to turn three years of that announcement of his commitment, the ovetenses continue being proud of "their" Princess. They praise his valentía to face the responsibilities that entail their new life, its strength, its amiability and its intelligence.
Others, the minuses, indeed criticize that character that has demonstrated in some occasion and is one that it prefers not to think. The NEW SPAIN has gone out to gather the opinions of the neighbors of "the city of Letizia". "I am enchanted with her, is handsome, likeable, pleasant, list, person in charge, brave, and surely one madraza, the Prince has taken a treasure...". This sinfín of positive adjectives towards Princess de Asturias is of Marisol González, a neighbor of the street of the General Elorza, in whom the Princess lived several years. "I do not realize to see it, but I have a friend who says that yes, that she remembers much the three sisters, and sure that I admit that she influences, but although outside, the small one she is not worth a pile here and she is demonstrating, the one to it that criticizes it is because it has something of envies that of that always it had...", affirms to the neighbor victim somewhat. The same opinion has Publishes Alvarez and their Antonio husband.
"It seems small ready and a worker. It was very young when it already presented/displayed the TVE television newscast and to arrive I imagine there that there is to work and to have good head much. To me I like ". The work of the Princess plays its favor. "Man, if one chavala not outside intelligent would not have arrived where he was with 30 lambskins, and everything what worked before..., sure the one that is worth, is worth. And now of Princess because he gives to taste because the Eva Sanum that what was going to know of Spain, what culture could have, nothing, nothing, the Prince has very good eye and I give the enhorabuena him ", explained Juan Domingo Marquess, another ovetense that assured that today it will be in the environs of the Campoamor to try to see the Princes. Outside Oviedo and over Asturias the Princess also prevails. Dolores and her Carmen sister are frontier and have come to the city to spend days "and of step we see the prizes in direct and not by tele like always". To two they like Letizia, although Carmen admits "that it sees him that it has much character and that is not going it to benefit, but the women must have character", aims. Dolores affirms to be enchanted: "I went to see it the day of the wedding because the occasion was worth the trouble, although rained much. He was guapísima and nerviosísima and from that day enchants to me. I admire much because a change that abrupt is not easy for anybody, and do not believe that it has wanted to raise of social position because she has had to resign to many things that surely it liked, like its work ". The critics to the Princess are based, mainly, in the supposed character that the mass media affirm that it has and in its previous civil state. "To me that it is divorced almost already gives me equal, but it is that before it was not married according to the Church and that now he has become so believing, because because it does not seem or, it is only appearance, insurance and for that reason it does not fall to me very or, although good in fact it gives me equal, they live and we worked", reflected Sofía Vázquez, another neighbor of General Elorza aloud, who remembers the Ortiz family. "I decide Me to see the grandmother because to me the radio always I have liked much; yes, sometimes it saw it this way ". Between the young people asked most of them the monarchy it does not matter to them. "To me it gives me just as they marry, that has two or eight children. The monarchy to neither goes me nor comes to me, and the republic also ", confessed a young one encuestado that it preferred not to give his name.
This one is a curious news. A few weeks ago the same newspaper was speaking about the problems of this woman with her house, it has been enough to appear in a newspaper, and to say that the news had been followed by the Princess, in order that her problems should fix up rapidly. After so many years the woman must be enchanted.:lol:

Happy end for a case of the reportera Letizia

A precipice in Oviedo of which it reported in LA NUEVA ESPAÑA the Princess of Asturias thirteen years ago finishes of be solving and returns to bring to the first plane the beginning of her journalistic activity

Letizia Ortiz was reportera before that Princess. Of her step along LA NUEVA ESPAÑA numerous information stays in the newspaper library. One of them, the case of a precipice in Oviedo, has just had a happy end. Undoubtedly to the journalist Ortiz it had liked to give very much the primicia. This one is the history.

It was a July 8, 1993. She worries one and perfectionist reportera in practices, of name Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, it was reporting in LA NUEVA ESPAÑA of the precipice of a building in evil been of the street of the Rúa, in the ancient Oviedo. " She made clear to me that she was coming from LA NUEVA ESPAÑA and that she was doing the information of the event ",she recalls today Elisa Rubio, one of affected by the destructions. " she gave to me her number of telephone in order that she was calling her with any innovation. She was a girl espabilada, with very much nonchalance, there was called me the attention the interest that she was putting ".

Thirteen years later, that news has had end. The Town hall of Oviedo has just granted license to repair the building, after a length peregrinaje bureaucratic of the neighbors and of that these were returning to denounce the case last week across this newspaper. Thirteen years later, Letizia Ortiz is a princess and the neighbors guard as gold in cloth the documentary evidence: two clippings of the information with her signature, one of July 8 and other one of 14. As good journalist, she was following with insistence the news. " Some day turned me to calling to house to see if it had some innovation, she was interested in continuing giving information ", assures Elisa Rubio. This time Letizia Ortiz will not be able to give the primicia, but precisely when there returns to be in Asturias that case, her case, it is solved. " It is as if the circle was closed ", say graphically the neighbors, who join to the satisfaction for this fact her of having a chunk of paper in the hands that were revalued sentimentally by the time for whom she was signing it. First, when they saw that girl in practices to manage to present the "Television newscast". " Years had passed, but I remembered her immediately on having seen her on the screen. I still had her smile engraved ". Then, enormous surprise, when she became a girlfriend of the Prince.

Of the step of the Princess along LA NUEVA ESPAÑA more of half a hundred of chronicles stay for the newspaper libraries - the images of some of which they reproduce in this page - of the most varied areas: from the summer article to the literary critique, of theparty of the Seals to the political and economic information. " Since she was a journalist, one sees her very aroused with the problems of the people. She is a very good princess, she will be a great queen and she was an excellent journalist.she was connecting very well with the people ", assures Elisa Rubio. There is no doubt, Letizia Ortiz already had this conquered woman many years ago, from that precipice ovetense.
RhapsodyBrat said:
IMO, i'm seeing this as, maybe they are over-reacting a wee bit by being harsh about the situation. I've listened to the clip and i actually don't find it offensive, since it was a light-hearted moment (celebrating their engagement). there may have been people who are strict adherents of protocol and probably couldn't accept that the future bride had the, erm, nerve to cut off the prince like that.

maybe they should just chill for a while there. ;):flowers:
I agree way too much was made of that moment. All the same, the commentator in the article in the british Times newspaper was spot on that a lot of people STILL perceive Letizia as 'cold and distant'. And that she may have to work hard to get as loved as , say, a Diana was in her day. And I think that's probably absolutely right.
princess olga said:
I agree way too much was made of that moment. All the same, the commentator in the article in the british Times newspaper was spot on that a lot of people STILL perceive Letizia as 'cold and distant'. And that she may have to work hard to get as loved as , say, a Diana was in her day. And I think that's probably absolutely right.

This it is simply an argument to criticize since they can be different.

The Queen Sofia, was for many years the Germanic, serious and cold Queen ... only when the grandsons started coming, the people saw a more tender facet of her. Still seeing images with her children or in her humanitarian trips with children and poor people, they continued saying that she was a cold woman. Often the people repeat what hears in some mass media and scarcely the images stop. Curiously the same ones who say that the Queen or the Princess are cold, are the same that say that they say that a Queen or a Princess must not show their feelings.:wacko:
princess olga said:
I agree way too much was made of that moment. All the same, the commentator in the article in the british Times newspaper was spot on that a lot of people STILL perceive Letizia as 'cold and distant'. And that she may have to work hard to get as loved as , say, a Diana was in her day. And I think that's probably absolutely right.

Some people just have their own perception and they probably haven't followed much the acts of Felipe and Letizia. Because she was a journalist, very successful one on her generation, she must be a cold-blooded woman :cool:. But if you have followed their activities, they always appear warm and close to people, so many times they broke the protocols to great people, shape hands with them. They both are Spanish, love the country and its people, absolutely genuine feelings here.
i love prince felipe and princess letizia. can someone please explain how they can still manage to have private lives even with the public scrutinizing their every move.
klau23 said:
i love prince felipe and princess letizia. can someone please explain how they can still manage to have private lives even with the public scrutinizing their every move.

It's a true and acurate question because part of tabloid are ready to do the worst to obtain some details about their private life:bang:

It's the reason why, for me, it's actually understable that, first they keep for them their private life VERY PRIVATE and by the way the could have sometimes as in holidays some days only for them very far away of the people exactly as they do since two years when they deasapperedduring quiet a week. Then they try to protect their girl agaisnt the vulture pres.
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I think something that helps a little bit is the fact that they live in the Zarzuela complex which is far from downtown Madrid.

Their house in the Zarzuela grounds is big and has ton of space for them to be outdoors, use the pool, etc.

Also, the Zarzuela grounds are very big and are under security so no paparazzi can go and take pictures of them.

klau23 said:
i love prince felipe and princess letizia. can someone please explain how they can still manage to have private lives even with the public scrutinizing their every move.
I just went to to check the Princess events for this week and it seems she won't be attending any official ones, while on the other hand Felipe has a bunch. :sad:

I hope she will start feeling well soon. I think in November she will be in her fourth month of pregnancy.
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there were news that circulated that she was becoming snobbish and bossy. i think that's a result of her pregnancy. is that true? how did people give such assumption? based on what?

on a side note, has someone read that article in hello magazine? they were trying to compare felipe and letizia with mary and frederik and the danish couple won, 60% of the 155,00 online votes. the spontaniety has a significant impact of all of it. the fact that they kiss comfortably in public. still like letizia and felipe though. anyway, do u guys know why they don't show that much feelings in public?
klau23 said:
there were news that circulated that she was becoming snobbish and bossy. i think that's a result of her pregnancy. is that true? how did people give such assumption? based on what?

on a side note, has someone read that article in hello magazine? they were trying to compare felipe and letizia with mary and frederik and the danish couple won, 60% of the 155,00 online votes. the spontaniety has a significant impact of all of it. the fact that they kiss comfortably in public. still like letizia and felipe though. anyway, do u guys know why they don't show that much feelings in public?

Yup. I read that article too. something from Hello Magazine I think with the headline Danish couple won....I can't remember the whole title but it was all about the Danish Crown Couple winning the votes as the most (again I can't remember the poll). Anyway, I think they won because well alamost all Australians voted for Frd and Mary as if their lives depended on it :ROFLMAO: :lol: ..Back to Felipe and Letizia, they are my favorite couple too.. they are just so perfect when they're together.. too bad Letizia is pregnant when she started her own agenda.. so we'll have to wait 7 mos more before we see her solo again...:)
If you pay attention of the content of all the threads about the princes of Asturias it's an old discuss which has its origin in the press it self.
I don't know where you have read something about the snobism of the Princes; i had read a lot of things but not that.

For the competition between the Princes of Asturias and the Crown Princes of the Denmark, houve have yourself the answer: it was in Hello Magazine.... an english newspaper which concern all the people who speak .... english!
adelaide said:
If you pay attention of the content of all the threads about the princes of Asturias it's an old discuss which has its origin in the press it self.
I don't know where you have read something about the snobism of the Princes; i had read a lot of things but not that.

For the competition between the Princes of Asturias and the Crown Princes of the Denmark, houve have yourself the answer: it was in Hello Magazine.... an english newspaper which concern all the people who speak .... english!

:ROFLMAO: :lol: I think that was the time when the Danish crown couple is really on the pedestal.. with all the media and pics of them esp. Mary..and I think after that Mary kept a low prohile bec many criticize her for her glamorous acts...:ROFLMAO: and of course being a so-cxalled fashion dictator by one of the tabloids.. back to the Spanish crown couple again (after all this is all about Letizia) well, Letizia has had her times being called "bossy woman", and who would believe that os course those who don't follow Letizia in all her acts..imo Letizia is the most hardworking CPss (apart from CPss Victoria bec her role is different).. look at her past activities.. it's nothing about fashion, it's always on the benefit of the Spanish people.. so for CPss Letizia that was a job well done!!1;)
To me letizia and felipe are such a more glamorous couple.!!!
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