The city wants to Letizia Princess de Asturias falls well between her countrymen by her intelligence, affection and valentía, whereas the critical reproach their strong character
to him Lorena PEREZ The 1 of November of 2003 the Real House announced the commitment between Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, a young journalist who months ago was the most well-known face of the TVE news and that in addition was Asturian.
Immediately the present Princess of Asturias entered history and everybody thought on which she would be someday Queen of Spain. The mass media of all the country focused attention on Oviedo, the native city of Letizia, in which it lived until the 15 years, and all their countrymen showed joy before the fact that Asturias already had Princess and, in addition, Asturian.
When they are going away to turn three years of that announcement of his commitment, the ovetenses continue being proud of "their" Princess. They praise his valentía to face the responsibilities that entail their new life, its strength, its amiability and its intelligence.
Others, the minuses, indeed criticize that character that has demonstrated in some occasion and is one that it prefers not to think. The NEW SPAIN has gone out to gather the opinions of the neighbors of "the city of Letizia". "I am enchanted with her, is handsome, likeable, pleasant, list, person in charge, brave, and surely one madraza, the Prince has taken a treasure...". This sinfín of positive adjectives towards Princess de Asturias is of Marisol González, a neighbor of the street of the General Elorza, in whom the Princess lived several years. "I do not realize to see it, but I have a friend who says that yes, that she remembers much the three sisters, and sure that I admit that she influences, but although outside, the small one she is not worth a pile here and she is demonstrating, the one to it that criticizes it is because it has something of envies that of that always it had...", affirms to the neighbor victim somewhat. The same opinion has Publishes Alvarez and their Antonio husband.
"It seems small ready and a worker. It was very young when it already presented/displayed the TVE television newscast and to arrive I imagine there that there is to work and to have good head much. To me I like ". The work of the Princess plays its favor. "Man, if one chavala not outside intelligent would not have arrived where he was with 30 lambskins, and everything what worked before..., sure the one that is worth, is worth. And now of Princess because he gives to taste because the Eva Sanum that what was going to know of Spain, what culture could have, nothing, nothing,
the Prince has very good eye and I give the enhorabuena him ", explained Juan Domingo Marquess, another ovetense that assured that today it will be in the environs of the Campoamor to try to see the Princes. Outside Oviedo and over Asturias the Princess also prevails. Dolores and her Carmen sister are frontier and have come to the city to spend days "and of step we see the prizes in direct and not by tele like always". To two they like Letizia, although Carmen admits "that it sees him that it has much character and that is not going it to benefit, but the women must have character", aims. Dolores affirms to be enchanted: "I went to see it the day of the wedding because the occasion was worth the trouble, although rained much. He was guapísima and nerviosísima and from that day enchants to me. I admire much because a change that abrupt is not easy for anybody, and do not believe that it has wanted to raise of social position because she has had to resign to many things that surely it liked, like its work ". The critics to the Princess are based, mainly, in the supposed character that the mass media affirm that it has and in its previous civil state. "To me that it is divorced almost already gives me equal, but it is that before it was not married according to the Church and that now he has become so believing, because because it does not seem or, it is only appearance, insurance and for that reason it does not fall to me very or, although good in fact it gives me equal, they live and we worked", reflected Sofía Vázquez, another neighbor of General Elorza aloud, who remembers the Ortiz family. "I decide Me to see the grandmother because to me the radio always I have liked much; yes, sometimes it saw it this way ". Between the young people asked most of them the monarchy it does not matter to them. "To me it gives me just as they marry, that has two or eight children. The monarchy to neither goes me nor comes to me, and the republic also ", confessed a young one encuestado that it preferred not to give his name.