Princess Leonor's Military Studies

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My translation of that sentence would be something along the lines of: The Princess of Asturias, together with the authorities present at the lunch offered at the training ship 'Juan Sebastián de Elcano' during their stopover at Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

So, she went to take a picture with those present at the lunch. It still is not fully consistent with the message that she would not have any special events - as unlike her classmates she was expected to show up for an official picture to be taken, so (as I do understand why the authorities liked this picture to be taken) maybe they should not stress the 'no special events' if they don't follow through to the letter.
Unless you are a Spaniard, your translation is subjective to your interpretation in English. Literal translations to another language are rarely able to capture subtle variations, often ending up in a different meaning.

Leonor is the Princess of Asturias and the highest diplomatic person on the ship. She's also a trainee on Elcano. I genuinely don't understand why it's so difficult to understand she has a dual role. Her military studies come first, but she's still the Princess of Asturias.
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I am not even sure why it seems to be this huge deal for some in general?

Even IF she had attended the lunch, which she apparently did not as she ate with some of her fellow midshipmen, so what? She is the heir to the crown, which Tenerife is part of.

All her life she will be expected to have lunch/dinner with dignitaries in the places she visits.
Leonor is a midshipman aboard the ship but ashore she is also very much the Heir and as such the direct representative of the King and as such she outranks everybode else present, so I'd say she can't avoid both representing the ship, the navy and Spain as midshipman while at the same time representing Spain, the Spanish government and the King. It's a multifacetted role, because of who she is.
Here fellow midshipmen can "merely" concentrate on becoming officers and gentlemen which of course also includes representative duties.
What Lula said from the beginning was that the JSE is not just a training ship but also a representative of Spain in other countries and how as the trip goes on the midshipmen gain experience and responsibilities, taking part in different events abroad and as guides. And how the command of the ship are received by authorities and play a diplomatic role. And of course, on foreign land the Princess of Asturias is not a mere midshipwoman but one of the highest representatives of the Kingdom of Spain and as such will have an official agenda. For example, thanks to the Colombian press we know that Colombia has requested her presence at the commemoration of a City.

It was known that the ship would arrive to Tenerife on Friday and spend a couple of days so of course the press wanted to know if Leonor had an official agenda to cover it. They were told Leonor would have no official events on Tenerife and she didn't.

The story of the photo has been explained already, she posed for a photo with the authorities just like she posed with the owners of the restaurant where she had lunch, it's not a conspiracy, many people want a photo with the Princess of Asturias.

I truly don't understand the problem.
The phrase that accompanied the photo on Twitter does not indicate that the Princess was present in the lunch, only that it is with the people who was present at it. There will be websites or media that assumed that she was at the lunch without asking, but from the moment the photo from the same day in a restaurant on the island appears and the owners of the restaurant speak to the press and comment on who she went with and what they ate, it is evident that she was not at the lunch.

The trip will last 5 months, the Royal Household will be providing information and adjusting the agenda as it progresses, while the press will always speculate and often publish information that is not accurate.

The Princess of Asturias will always be the Princess of Asturias, and with her she attracts greater media and public attention to Elcano's annual trip... in Tenerife people have waited in queues for two hours to visit the ship. So, as normal as they want the trip to be, the situation is not and they must give a response to authorities, the press and the public that goes beyond the usual.
Unless you are a Spaniard, your translation is subjective to your interpretation in English. Literal translations to another language are rarely able to capture subtle variations, often ending up in a different meaning.

Leonor is the Princess of Asturias and the highest diplomatic person on the ship. She's also a trainee on Elcano. I genuinely don't understand why it's so difficult to understand she has a dual role. Her military studies come first, but she's still the Princess of Asturias.
What is wrong with my translation? Any translation always requires some interpretation and knowledge of both languages (so that applies to people whose mother tongue is Spanish, those whose mother tongue is English, those whose mother tongue is neither and even those who grew up bilingual - although they might be best positioned). In this case mine is fully consisted with lula's interpretation.

It is understandable that she has a dual role and it is clear that the choice has been made to highlight her role as princess of Asturias during this trip. The problem in this case was the claim that there would be no activities related to her role as heir during this particular visit to Tenerife when there was evidence of the contrary. I guess, in the future, we should not take these statements too seriously and assume there will always be some special expectations for Leonor but the extend of it will differ.
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The problem in this case was the claim that there would be no activities related to her role as heir during this particular visit to Tenerife when there was evidence of the contrary.
All we know is that she met with the attendants of that luncheon on the ship (after having lunch with at another restaurant where she also took pictures). We do not even know if and when this was planned.

People seem to try to turn the claim she would've no official activity (do we really have to call every picture with local dignitaries an "official activity") into a huge scandal or whatever.
All we know is that she met with the attendants of that luncheon on the ship (after having lunch with at another restaurant where she also took pictures). We do not even know if and when this was planned.

People seem to try to turn the claim she would've no official activity (do we really have to call every picture with local dignitaries an "official activity") into a huge scandal or whatever.
Of course it was planned, and shared by Casa Real, making it official.
If I understand correctly, the "problem" to some is that it was announced that Leonor would have no official agenda in Tenerife and posed for a photo with some authorities. Thereby rendering Zarzuela an incredibly untrusworthy source in their minds.
How lovely that they are making two stops on the Canary Islands. Last year, they only made a stop in Gran Canaria according to this map: last year's route

It looks like this year's route -with their southern crossing of South America- is a bit more challenging than last year's.
It looks like this year's route -with their southern crossing of South America- is a bit more challenging than last year's.
New York is definitely a hell of a town…
The training ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano arrives in Gran Canaria

Princess Leonor Arrives At Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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Here are some more photos of today:

** gettyimages gallery: ESP: Princess Leonor Arrives At Las Palmas de Gran Canaria **

The ship Juan Sebastián Elcano leaves Las Palmas on its way to Salvador de Bahía (Brazil), where it will arrive on February 14.

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Video of the exercises carried out by the Princess of Asturias during the voyage aboard the training ship “Juan Sebastián de Elcano”.

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She seems to be thriving. And why not. She is pushing her boundaries and thus winning personal victories on a daily basis. And she is winning the respect of her peers, which will also help her grow.
When looking at Leonor in the video I can't help thinking: If she was a dog I'd say her fur and eyes are shining.

Each time she's climbing the masts, she's winning. Each time she steps out on the yard-arms, she's winning. Each time she try as hard as she can but fail, she's winning. Each time her hands are raw and bloody from pulling ropes, she wins.
When she returns home, the Spanish Regent Couple won't greet a daughter, but a confident young woman, who is way more mature than most her age.

I notice the ship is armed with two pieces.
I've been in Elcano as a visitor and going up to third mast is not for the fainthearted. In reality that mast is much higher than videos or pictures reflect.

Leonor is doing so well. This experience will be invaluable to her in the future - from cleaning ship duties to bloody her hands with ropes as Muhler said.

I know I've said it before, but we are so proud of her. :giggle:
Is the ship’s position currently known, or will we just not hear anything until they land in Brazil?
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