Princess Leonor's Military Studies

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The men's and women's rooms are separate.
According to several journalists, Leonor will not have security while the ship is at sea, but security will be deployed upon arrival at port. The Royal House, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via the embassy of each country, will have to organize a team of personnel and security to accompany her at each stop.
I don't expect pirates to try to board a Spanish Navy ship. The biggest security threat is indeed when the Princess is on land after they arrive at port, especially in the South American countries where violent crime is rampant.

I wonder if the local police could also be called upon to provide security. Leonor is most likely an IPP and the Ibero-American republics have close links with the Kingdom of Spain.
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I wonder if the local police could also be called upon to provide security. Leonor is most likely an IPP and the Ibero-American republics have close links to the Kingdom of Spain.
The Princess of Asturias will not arrive at the ports as just another midshipwoman or on a private visit, but rather as a representative of the Spanish State and will carry out official activities, she will probably meet with mayors, governors or even some president... so the trip has been organized in accordance with the authorities of those countries.
Ok thanks, so while at sea there is more or less security provided by the military background on the ship and at port the security of the respective state/spanish state/royal house will be waiting for her.
I don't think it's out of the question to think that a couple of the regular crew members now come from a special forces unit, just in case.
It's a pretty paranoid thought, I admit, considering Leonor will be surrounded by navy personnel who should be regarded as highly dependable. But of course it also depends on the general security assessment.
It will probably all depend on the activities planned in each city and the authorities involved in them, but the cruise has also been organised taking into account the requests of the countries to be visited.

For example, the Colombian press is already announcing that during her visit to the country in May she will participate in the 500th anniversary of the city of Santa Marta.

especially in the South American countries where violent crime is rampant.
Felipe was sent to Colombia at the age of 15. By himself. And I think they were expecting him back! Not to mention he regularly visits all those "South American countries". Given the number and duration, I'm sure the Spanish and respective governments wouldn't do anything less for a smooth and secure visit for his heir.

All that being said, it still feels mildly astonishing that Leonor herself is off on her first royal tour (of substantial duration no less) solo, while still a teenager.
Felipe was sent to Colombia at the age of 15. By himself. And I think they were expecting him back! Not to mention he regularly visits all those "South American countries". Given the number and duration, I'm sure the Spanish and respective governments wouldn't do anything less for a smooth and secure visit for his heir.

All that being said, it still feels mildly astonishing that Leonor herself is off on her first royal tour (of substantial duration no less) solo, while still a teenager.
Despite her young age she impresses me with how composed and mature she comes across as.
I would not consider this 'a royal tour'. She is first and foremosy off on a 5-month naval training period. Nonetheless, when visiting ports the expectation seems to be that she will be treated differently than her more experienced fellow-recruits because of her position of heir to the throne - as she will be expected to carry out some representative engagements.

It remains interesting how in this regard, the Spanish take a different approach than other European monarchies in which future royals take on military training. In those cases it seems that they try to not stand out or have additional/different tasks as part of their military training because of their future role.
Felipe was sent to Colombia at the age of 15. By himself.
All that being said, it still feels mildly astonishing that Leonor herself is off on her first royal tour (of substantial duration no less) solo, while still a teenager.
They are not normal teenagers, they are teenagers who can become Heads of State from the age of 18... so no matter how much they tell us that they want them to have a normal life or education, it is not... especially from the moment they reach the age of majority and acquire a responsibility.

Nonetheless, when visiting ports the expectation seems to be that she will be treated differently than her more experienced fellow-recruits because of her position of heir to the throne - as she will be expected to carry out some representative engagements.

It remains interesting how in this regard, the Spanish take a different approach than other European monarchies in which future royals take on military training.
Other European heirs are also following special programmes that are not the same as those followed by other officers, and they adapt their military training to their studies or official commitments.

The "Juan Sebastián de Elcano" training ship is not just another ship of the Navy, it is an institution itself that is almost a century old and an ambassador of Spain. When the ship reaches port it becomes an extension of the Spanish embassy in that country. The captain receives authorities, the sailors are guides for visitors, the music band offers concerts for the public... on land everyone plays a role that is different from the one they strictly fulfill on the ship.

She is just another midshipwoman on the ship, but when she reaches land, she is the Princess of Asturias, heir to the Spanish throne, and representative of Spanish diplomacy, and she receives the place that corresponds to her according to protocol.
She is just another midshipwoman on the ship, but when she reaches land, she is the Princess of Asturias, heir to the Spanish throne, and representative of Spanish diplomacy, and she receives the place that corresponds to her according to protocol.
I think this will only be partly true, of course she will share the duties of her classmates but in addition to that she has to prepare all the activities on land while on the ship, what will require office/organisational work on top of the regular naval training. The ship and officer crew will be prepared to make room for those needs to be met.
I think this will only be partly true, of course she will share the duties of her classmates but in addition to that she has to prepare all the activities on land while on the ship, what will require office/organisational work on top of the regular naval training. The ship and officer crew will be prepared to make room for those needs to be met.

The ship has a crew of 240 people, of which only 76 are students. In addition to ship duties, students have class hours for their university degree. Since Leonor has a specific study plan and does not take all the subjects of the degree, it is likely that the extra time for her to prepare these activities is already contemplated.
A nice side by side comparison of Leonor's send off versus her father's
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She was so small and shy, once.

Now she’s up in the wind and off to sail the world. Brava, Alteza; brava Leonor.

(You don’t wish a military crew “bon voyage”, right?)
I still remember when as a toddler kept playing with the microphones saying "oto, oto" trying to grab another one after Sofia was born.

She's so calm and poised, doing so well and make us so proud. Where have the years have gone?

They are unlikely to use a safety line while climbing the ratlines, unless the weather is truly terrible and in that case I assume the ship has an engine, otherwise it would take forever to climb up to the yardarms.
However they will use safety lines when working with the sails on the yardarms.
How do I know? Because most European countries with a seafaring tradition has a tall ship or two like this to train sea-officers.

It's not 1825, where the sailors and midshipmen had to climb and work in the masts in all weather.

In fact Danish sailors during the summer, didn't go down on deck unless they had to, like wash-day or Sunday-prayers. They slept in their hammocks tied to the yardarms and when they had to - ahem - relieve themselves, they walked to the lee end of the yardarm and did that. A bucket of water and a cloth would clean things... They of course also ate up there.
Yet, people rarely fell down.

Leonor will be fine. She will push boundaries by climbing the ratlines and gain more self-confidence and of course earn respect from her peers.
Muhler, thank you so much for bringing your experience and knowledge to the thread. I admit I have no idea about safety procedures in naval training ships, the reason why I appreciate so much your input.

One of the moments I got tear eyed with was when Felipe gave a quick embrace to Letizia because she was crying.

Felipe and Letizia have never displayed their love for each other in public. We know Letizia is a warm person demonstrating her affections freely but few times we've seen Felipe give his wife a genuine embrace in public. Royalty or not, they were a mother and father saying goodbye to their teen daughter, and Felipe knowing by experience what it meant, reassured his wife with a quick hug.

It was so lovely to just see genuine caring in a couple that never displays their feelings in public.
Juan Sebastian de Elcano ship already arrived at the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on Jan 16, 07:53 UTC


Princess Leonor arrives in Santa Cruz de Tenerife


Princess of Asturias will not have any special events during her visit to the Canary Islands. She will participate in the same activities as the other midshipmen. This morning they visited the Captaincy General and the Army Museum in Tenerife.

Princess of Asturias, together with the authorities present at the lunch offered on the training ship “Juan Sebastián de Elcano” during its stopover in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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More photos:

Royal House also released photos:

While the citizens visit the ship, the midshipmen visit Teide and the southern part of the island.

Princess Leonor's route on her second day in Tenerife: visit to Teide and the south of the island

The princess yesterday at a restaurant on the island.

Did all the shipmen attend lunch with the authorities of the Canaray Islands or just Leonor?
She only greeted the authorities who had lunch with the commander, she had previously had lunch with her colleagues at a local restaurant. If she takes a photo with the owners of a local restaurant, how could she not do so with the authorities who visit the ship?

In port, the crew has institutional, social and cultural activities in which the midshipmen must also participate, since it is part of their training. Last night there was a reception on the ship.

As the captain himself explained when he arrived in port on Friday, social and diplomatic relations are also part of the training they receive on the ship.

"We alternate organized activities with private activities in which they will enjoy the city with total freedom. We also interact with guests and citizens who can come to visit us, but it is also something formative because there are young people in the third year who must learn to relate as sailors, members of the Spanish Armed Forces and as Spaniards beyond the seas," the commander summarized.

He has insisted on the importance of this "human" training that the midshipmen receive and that complements them "from the social, ethical, professional and relationship point of view."

"They have to learn during their stays in ports the fundamentals of naval diplomacy, which is something that we sailors have been very honored with for many centuries," added the commander.
In a previous post you mentioned that when she reaches land Leonor as Princess of Asturias will meet with local authorities and carry out activities representing Spain.
Based on the caption from Casareal the lunch with the local authorities seems like one of those events.
In a previous post you mentioned that when she reaches land Leonor as Princess of Asturias will meet with local authorities and carry out activities representing Spain.
Based on the caption from Casareal the lunch with the local authorities seems like one of those events.
I have also written that the Royal House and the Navy have communicated that during this stopover the Princess of Asturias would not have official activities alone, and that she would only participate in the normal activities of her shipmates.

The ship and its crew have a series of institutional activities that are part of the usual itinerary of the training ship, then in each port the Royal House will announce whether apart from these activities, the Princess of Asturias will carry out her own institutional events or not.

She and her classmates have only been on the ship for a week, they are still acclimatizing to a new situation for them, so it is normal that this first stop on Spanish territory is not loaded with commitments and that they are allowed to enjoy themselves before being locked up on the ship for 22 days.

The lunch for the authorities was offered by the commander on the ship and is part of the institutional activities that they usually carry out. He also visited the town hall and the military command of the island. Although there are no pictures, there was a reception on the ship on Saturday night attended by civil and military authorities, and the midshipmen and midshipwomen also participated.

It is normal for the Princess of Asturias to have the courtesy gesture of greeting the authorities who visit the ship, although it is the commander who receives them. If, for example, there had been a midshipman on the ship who is from Tenerife, he would surely have had the opportunity to greet the mayor of his town. As they progress through their training, students will also serve as guides for citizens visiting the ship.
Yes Leonor participated in events with her shipmates. However, she also attended an official luncheon for the president of the Canary Island and other local authorities. There are no photos or reports that suggest Leonor's shipmates attended this luncheon. So it's clear that Leonor's presence at the luncheon is due to her role as heir.
Yes Leonor participated in events with her shipmates. However, she also attended an official luncheon for the president of the Canary Island and other local authorities. There are no photos or reports that suggest Leonor's shipmates attended this luncheon. So it's clear that Leonor's presence at the luncheon is due to her role as heir.
I repeat again, Princess Leonor was not at the lunch, because as indicated in other reports and in a photograph, she had lunch with several shipmates in a restaurant in Tenerife. She only greeted the authorities who visited the ship and took a photo with them.

The President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, was not at the lunch either, because the seat of government is in Las Palmas and not in Tenerife. The attendees were: the president of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, Astrid Pérez, the president of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Rosa Dávila, the mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, José Manuel Bermúdez, the subdelegate of the Government in the Canary Islands in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Javier Plata, and the head of the Canary Islands Command, Julio Salom.
According to Casareal :

"La Princesa de Asturias, junto a las autoridades presentes en el almuerzo ofrecido en el Buque Escuela “Juan Sebastián de Elcano” durante su escala en Santa Cruz de Tenerife."

In English:

"The Princess of Asturias, together with the authorities present at the lunch offered on the training ship “Juan Sebastián de Elcano” during its stopover in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

So then is Casareal lying? One event does not negate the other. It is entirely possible that Leonor had lunch with shipmates and attended the luncheon with the local authorities (thanks for the correction). Other articles such as the one below is in harmony with the report from The Royal House that the Princess did infant have lunch with the local authorities.

"También se reunió con las autoridades locales a su llegada a la isla, con los que mantuvo un almuerzo en el Juan Sebastián Elcano."

"She also met with local authorities upon her arrival on the island, with whom she had lunch at the Juan Sebastián Elcano."
According to Casareal :

"La Princesa de Asturias, junto a las autoridades presentes en el almuerzo ofrecido en el Buque Escuela “Juan Sebastián de Elcano” durante su escala en Santa Cruz de Tenerife."

In English:

"The Princess of Asturias, together with the authorities present at the lunch offered on the training ship “Juan Sebastián de Elcano” during its stopover in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

So then is Casareal lying? One event does not negate the other. It is entirely possible that Leonor had lunch with shipmates and attended the luncheon with the local authorities (thanks for the correction). Other articles such as the one below is in harmony with the report from The Royal House that the Princess did infant have lunch with the local authorities.

"También se reunió con las autoridades locales a su llegada a la isla, con los que mantuvo un almuerzo en el Juan Sebastián Elcano."

"She also met with local authorities upon her arrival on the island, with whom she had lunch at the Juan Sebastián Elcano."
There are nuances how Spanish translates to English that can make it confusing. All Casa Real says is that Leonor was present to meet, greet and be photographed with the authorities, during the lunch the Elcano offered to them. It doesn't say she participated in the lunch.

As Lula keeps reiterating, Leonor had lunch with her shipmates at a restaurant in Tenerife. We have the pictures and the even the owner and staff of the restaurant, have talked to the press about some anecdotes during the lunch.

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My translation of that sentence would be something along the lines of: The Princess of Asturias, together with the authorities present at the lunch offered at the training ship 'Juan Sebastián de Elcano' during their stopover at Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

So, she went to take a picture with those present at the lunch. It still is not fully consistent with the message that she would not have any special events - as unlike her classmates she was expected to show up for an official picture to be taken, so (as I do understand why the authorities liked this picture to be taken) maybe they should not stress the 'no special events' if they don't follow through to the letter.
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