Princess Laurentien and Her Foundations for Social Issues

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A group of victims of the child benifit scandal have written an open letter to the politicians and the media. It seems they are livid about what happened to the princess and how anonymous civil servants try to get rid of her.


They wonder when the scandal will finally stop. Or if the Child benifit scandal is slowly turning into a new scandal, namely which they already call the ´herstelschandaal´

The letter starts with:

'Last week the news was dominated by accusations of anonymous civil servants of the ministery of Finance. This started a true witch hunt on Laurentien van Oranje, in her role as boardmember of the Foundation SGH. What happens here is beyond any borders of decency."

Later on they credit Laurentien for finally finding a sollution (IIRC her method solved as many cases in a few months as the ministery did in several years).

While they set out the reasons why the method worked, why they are happy with it and what problems they have come across with the ministery of Finance, they continue:

"We are angry because Laurentien - a woman who believed in us and made us feel more confidence in life- has already been convicted by the media and a few political scientists on the basis of anonymous accounts. We truely wonder how editors could engage in 'trial by media'. How could they simply go along with the accounts of anonymous civil servants, who have a lot to gain by putting up smoke screens?"

Later on:

"From the moment Laurentien got engaged with this subject she has tried to give us and our children a real voice. She made sure we were no longer being sent from pillar to post. Because of that to many of us she is a courageous beacon of justie, hope and faith."

They added that their faith in Laurentien was not due to her membership of the royal house but because of a proces of 'thousands of steps" . They continued: "We asked Laurentien to help us because she was the only one who still saw us as human beings, she looked for connections with us and saw our potential.

"Laurentien creates an atmosphere in which we feel safe, seen and heard. She dares to feel our emotions herself. And she dares to listen patiently, profoundly and without pretentions. She has the gift to translate what she hears to human logic.

Etc. etc.

The last time a member of the royal family was praised this way must have been many decades ago.

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The NOS also published a short article based on the above mentioned interview. It highlights that it is important to prince Constantijn to continue his current activities and would not like to be limited to ceremonial tasks (as was suggested by one of the party leaders of the current coalition government). He also stressed that currently, he is not undertaking ceremonial engagements but has a job (to promote innovation) and that both he and his wife need to acquire their own income and are not receiving money from the state. All in all, he feels that the current arrangement (in which they take on their own projects but do discuss their involvement with various ministries) is balanced and works well.

I do understand where he is coming from. It is a delicate balance to on the one had require the couple to be above reproach (and under 'ministerial responsibility') as members of the royal house (note that for about 9 years he was the first adult in line to the throne) but also require them to find their own way in life in terms of earning money by a satisfying career. I think the main thing is to very carefully consider any involvement in topics that might turn political (or are political in nature as with the current benefits affair) while still finding ways to contribute to society.

In the past Pieter van Vollenhoven also tried to do a similar balancing act. Not everyone was initially happy when he got involved with the topic of 'safety' but in the end he definitely made a difference - culminating in him being the first chair of the 'research council for safety' (which is now an institute of stature in the Netherlands).
Princess Laurentien just announced that she stepped down as chair of the foundation focused on the benefits scandal as she doesn't want to stand in the way of its work and wants a happy life herself as well. She made the decision this weekend and was not pressured/asked to do so by either the king or prime minister.

Prinses Laurentien stopt als voorzitter van stichting voor toeslagenouders - Prinses Laurentien stopt als voorzitter van stichting voor toeslagenouders
NRC (a Dutch quality newspaper with a liberal image) is reporting -on the basis of document analysis and interviews with 20 'stakeholders'- that conflicts between princess Laurentien and civil servants at the ministry date from as early as 2021 - when she was trying to find a solution for the children of parents that are involved in the benefits scandal (via her Missing Chapter Foundation). According to the sources, the princess tried to put a substantive stamp on the agreement, accused civil servants of a lack of respect and made derogatory comments towards them. At that point the secretary of state (responsible for solving the benefits scandal) implemented the rule that only 2 specifically assigned policy officers were allowed to be in touch with the princess. When asked for a response, the princess stated that she does not recognize herself in the image that is painted by the newspaper article.

Princess Laurentien should not involve the Dutch Monarchy in any more hot water even if her intentions are honourable towards the victims of the child benifit scandal.
Thanks for that, Somebody. I wish the NRC would be as critical and as interested about the rehabilitation efforts of the ministery -5 years going and utterly failing- as they are about the princess. But a whisper campaign of anonymous sources seems more interesting to them. I understand it is juicy, but they could at least approach the civil servants with the same criticism they reserve for the princess.

I am not sure why the last article is news, how is it relevant? She cán have disagreements. Many people working together have. And after so many years of incompetence, false promisses, lies and sabortage on the side of the ministery, who on earth are they to cast this stone? If civil servants feel mistreated by a few harsh words one wonders how they think about the Kafkian mess at their own tax service and ministery and victims who to this day are treated as criminals and who have no view on rehabilitation by a bureaucratic and unwilling insitution focussed first and foremost on saving its own reputation.

As for the princess stepping down: sad but the only thing she could do. And the civil service can congratulate itself on a hitjob well executed. But if a member of the Royal Family can not force a sollution in this dossier and can not make the ministery cooporate, who can?

With the incompetent and weak government that was recently installed we will be even more run by a camarillo of civil servants. They have the real power in this country. The quality of ministers and parlament has tumbled these last decades and the civil service can basically spin most ministers around. It is fundamentally undemocratic that the service has this power. They need to do what the government / parlament tells them to do. Not the other way around. And I really don't think the civil service should be able to knife down anyone critical of it.

This whole affair really leaves a bad taste. It shows how completely messed up things are at the ministery. I fear the victims will never see the end of it and will never get the rehabilitation they are entitled to.
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Members of the Royal Family should not be interfering in politics even if it is for a good cause ,it could very well backfire on the Princess and damage the Monarchy.
The post below gives a perspective from someone in the NGO world who has also met Laurentien in that capacity. She points out that this week must have been very painful for the families impacted by the benefit scandal. In princess Laurentien they finally found someone who really listened and made a difference.

I do think Laurentien had the best intentions, but it seems it turned into a power struggle between her organization and the ministry. The ministry was pretty useless because they’re too cautious, and their method would have taken ages to produce results. They have too many lawyers, while Laurentien’s approach is much more practical.

However, the princess is wading into muddy waters. Her method has some support in parliament, but I doubt she herself will have enough backing. Reports suggest she can be quite dominant, and as a result, her good intentions might negatively impact the monarchy.
Only 4 months after Laurentien's Foundation started their work for the government was the issue of Laurentien's membership of the royal house and therefore ministerial responsibility raised. It was deemed not to be problematic. According to legal specialists, it is noteworthy that while officially the prime minister is responsible for anything done by members of the royal house, in this case, the cabinet's stance was that the state secretary responsible for (solving) the benefits affair was responsible.

The article also mentioned that while it was always claimed that Laurentien did her work selflessly (i.e., without being paid), it has now appeared that Laurentien's Number 5 Foundation DID bill the Stichting (Gelijk)waardig Herstel for "facilities, expertise and knowledge".
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It is interesting that the criticism about the constitutional issues, are all by one and the same person, Prof. Paul Bovend'Eert. I have seen his name mentioned in most articles.

The reembursement part can be more sensitive in the eyes of the public IMO. Remember the scandal with Siewert van der Linden who claimed to aquire mouth masks 'om niet' (for nothing). Still, it is possible the foundation received money (which the article calls a 'reasonable' sum) while the princess herself did not. Note that the foundation was foundede by Laurentien ánd Constantijn, according to their website.

A group of victims of the child benifit scandal have written an open letter to the politicians and the media. It seems they are livid about what happened to the princess and how anonymous civil servants try to get rid of her.


They wonder when the scandal will finally stop. Or if the Child benifit scandal is slowly turning into a new scandal, namely which they already call the ´herstelschandaal´

The letter starts with:

'Last week the news was dominated by accusations of anonymous civil servants of the ministery of Finance. This started a true witch hunt on Laurentien van Oranje, in her role as boardmember of the Foundation SGH. What happens here is beyond any borders of decency."

Later on they credit Laurentien for finally finding a sollution (IIRC her method solved as many cases in a few months as the ministery did in several years).

While they set out the reasons why the method worked, why they are happy with it and what problems they have come across with the ministery of Finance, they continue:

"We are angry because Laurentien - a woman who believed in us and made us feel more confidence in life- has already been convicted by the media and a few political scientists on the basis of anonymous accounts. We truely wonder how editors could engage in 'trial by media'. How could they simply go along with the accounts of anonymous civil servants, who have a lot to gain by putting up smoke screens?"

Later on:

"From the moment Laurentien got engaged with this subject she has tried to give us and our children a real voice. She made sure we were no longer being sent from pillar to post. Because of that to many of us she is a courageous beacon of justie, hope and faith."

They added that their faith in Laurentien was not due to her membership of the royal house but because of a proces of 'thousands of steps" . They continued: "We asked Laurentien to help us because she was the only one who still saw us as human beings, she looked for connections with us and saw our potential.

"Laurentien creates an atmosphere in which we feel safe, seen and heard. She dares to feel our emotions herself. And she dares to listen patiently, profoundly and without pretentions. She has the gift to translate what she hears to human logic.

Etc. etc.

The last time a member of the royal family was praised this way must have been many decades ago.

Anonymous civil servants at the department of Finance...the ones that created this ordeal for thousands of innocent people? accusing the Princess for raising her voice?? And being dominant?. Cowardice! They should be outed and dealt with!And I mean REALLY dealt with! Bless the Princess for speaking out where nobody else did or dared!!
Tv program Nieuwsuur keeps diving into this issue. Today they reported that before they started negotiating with Laurentien's foundation, civil servants at the Ministry already warned against working with a member of the royal family on such a sensitive political issue. There warnings were ignored.

Ambtenaren waarschuwden al vroeg voor rol Laurentien in hersteloperatie - Ambtenaren waarschuwden al vroeg voor rol Laurentien in hersteloperatie

Of course, now they keep wondering whether Laurentien's informal role at the foundation is acceptable... I guess they don't plan on stopping trying to take Laurentien down.
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