abir said:
The children of Lalla Meryem' look more like their father. Here is the link to a picture and an article of Fouad Filali, Lalla Meryem ex-husband.
Fouad Filali, the ex-prsident of ONA, is neither a social quation several unknown, nor a lectron free from financire Moroccan galaxy whose premire caractristique is the opacit and the absence of vision. It made in the dignit the boss's apron of the first group Moroccan priv, on April 20th, 1999. This fact, malgr of often destructive expectation and sometimes bad faith, droul in a climate of srnit which says a lot on the capacit of Fouad Filali there to make face the adversit under all its forms.
Our man, a manager count of 44 years, sports paces and in athnien contour, is not n of the dernire rain. He knows whom he is. That he owes his pre and his country. It also grabs the borders of its rves and of its ambition. It connat, especially, intimately good fes which trs tt lean on his cradle to make of him what it became. A man lineage, unquestionable loyaut, honor by the Moroccan monarchy and
What adds sense in all that, Fouad Filali knows how to put into perspective events and things. They can have all the destinies of the world reunited in a life, it resides nevertheless, beyond all the chances which wallpapered his life, that there remains a man with a destiny of man made greatness, joy, sadness, weakness and proofs. It never pleads infallibility or perfection even if they demand of him often, in his defending body, by a kind of sublimated projection, a perfect and ideal attitude.
In a country where predominant culture is that of people of good, the rancur calculated on the curve of events, the hate tested on the vagaries of life, flamboyant defamation reinforced by anonymity historically, do not represent stocks to the aune of which they can judge Fouad Filali.
He did not choose to be son of ambassador and to cross, notably, a Chinese adolescence rich in experiments and in strong feelings of oddness. He did not choose to be son of a minister respectable and respected in blameless patriotic course. It did not choose a conjugal life which made of him the father of grandchildren of SM The king Hassan II. It, whose ancestors were always subjects very close to Moroccan sovereigns. Fouad Filali lived and always saw this destiny as a sum of honours and differentiations a legitimate pride of which he draws. Nevertheless, as though it was a psychological clamping, it continues wanting to dress his person of a Moroccans. Fouad Filali lived and always saw this destiny as a sum of honours and differentiations a legitimate pride of which he draws. Nevertheless, as though it was a psychological clamping, it continues wanting to dress his person of a simple, everyday humankind, made calm mornings and soft family parties. It is stubborn, sometimes with awkwardness and often successfully, in wanting to introduce a practice into its life citizen of responsibility at the risk of creating a gap between what he is profoundly and the way with which it is perceptible. A not sought-after effect which explains probably the barely observable voile which sometimes covers its look and the at the same time tender and distant tone which marks its voice.
The man who that day explains his departure of ONA calmly is not persuasive. But does he indeed wish it certainly? The humid eyes, rested traits but indeed of tiredness and anxiety, he does not arrive or does not want to approach the true reasons of his departure of this prestigious group. He knows that, by this attitude, he stirs the forehead of willful rumours and that he reinforces harmful speculations of all those who have taken up a cabale full of hatred for several weeks against it. They reduced his backlash deprived to destroy its professional picture better. A technique, one thousand deplorable times, alone the sly circles of financial power of which have fine workmanship. But nothing of the kind show on the surface in the purposes of the young leaving president. But it really flings its in one's own way truths policée, technocratic and firm. When the reference stockholder put it at the head of this group, it gave him as mandate to put ONA in the service of the
ONA in the service of the economic and social development of Morocco.
The country need a group deprived as engine, ONA had to create of the value in interest of its environment and of his stockholders. From 1986 till 1999, Fouad Filali held this line of conduct while making sure that ONA becomes a group endowed with a strategical vision, structured, transparent and productive. In epoch, financial capitalism did not exist under its actual form, the grant of Casablanca was virtual and bets it at level, and its corollary that is the globalization, a distant borderline in a protected market was only.
The development of the financial market and the unbridled running for the control of whole sections of Moroccan financial cloth, without anti-monopoly law, without loins anti-hoarding, without law on competition are going to drive in this area to situations of violence and "savageness " which get American liberalism for a soft meadow.
Most normally of the world, a new main stockholder was obvious to the cur of ONA by means of catch of various participations. It is consequently in time to dictate its law rightfully and legally even if it will appear later that the same stockholder, by the same system, and if his plans become a reality, will be led to control 70 % of main market capitalizations of the country. A colossal figure: 101 billions of dirhams on 142 billions.
In this context, the wolf being already in the sheep barn, ONA was not any more ONA. And the mandate of Fouad Filali had become null and void, because it had not as objective at first to manage a financial group. But outright a group which creates of the true value. Out of boutoir of massive and efficient stock exchange transactions, those who led hard life to ONA outside weighed of all their weight of inside all at once to jostle things. The worm was in the fruit.
The initial mandate of Fouad Filali ended. Normally in a national tâtonnante economy and experimental, in a sulphurous and initiated financial bubble and in a ridiculous and ridiculous Moroccan liberalism. The games of roles supplanting the creative true economic effectiveness of jobs and of true treasures. Fouad Filali said nothing about all that. Naturally. It did not need it. It has already been elsewhere. It remains proud of its group. Of 2M and of the nice intellectual and political adventure which it represented. Of his mining growth.
His developments in the field of tourism, of share-out and of the peach. His true jobs where urban and country workers act for their good, the ease of their family and that of their community. It forgets Fouad Filali nothing of the kind. When that day, voice is not clutched by emotion and when look is not put out by an inexpressible regret, it succeeds in expressing,
" A registration desk was organized in your honour, and We want today to organize this ceremony in acknowledgement in services returned by the man, the citizen, by the State man, by the minister and by the companion that you are. We do not forget that our Augustus father, that God rest his soul, always said to us that our grandfather, Moulay Youssef, that God has it in His Holy Mercy, and your father maintains very solid relations.
These relations continued with our father, that God rest his soul. According to the example of your father, you have father as uvré beside our regretted and in Our side personally. I could say only a thing: I always found in you the citizen mobilized, arranged and ready to take any mission and any responsibility. In our personal name, and in the name of the Moroccan people whom you served with abnegation and fidelity, we would like to manifest you our acknowledgement by granting you this Wissam so that all the Moroccans know your place