Princess Esperanza de Orléans e Bragança, née Borbón-Two Sicilies (1914-2005)

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
Esperanza of Borbón, aunt of the King dies in Villamanrique

Sevilla, 9 ago (EFE) .-
Esperanza de Borbón- Dos Sicilias and Orleans, she died last night 91 years in her house of Villamanrique's Sevillian locality of the Countess. As informed Efe municipal sources, Esperanza of Borbón, sister of the mother of the King, she died as a result of ailments due to her advanced age, by what recently she had been deposited in the Clinic Sacred Heart of Seville.
Dona Esperanza, devout of the Virgin of the Rocío, was very linked to the fraternity of Villamanrique and Triana and was supporting a narrow relation with Seville.
Born on June 14, 1914, she was a daughter of the infante Carlos de Borbón and of Luisa of Orleans and on December 18, 1944 she married in Seville with Pedro of Orleans and Braganza.

There dies dona Esperanza de Borbón, aunt of the King, in Villamanrique of the Countess (Seville)

MADRID (EUROPA PRESS) Dona Esperanza de Borbón - Two Sicilias and Orleans, aunt of the king Juan Carlos, expired last night, at the age of 91, in his palace of Villamanrique's Sevillian locality of the Countess, municipality that has delivered a judgment three days of official mourning.
The late one will be buried in a pantheon that one has constructed in the chapel of the Sacrarium of the Church of Santa Maria Sponge-cake of the Sevillian population, as informed Europa Press the second lieutenant of mayor of the municipality, Juan Gonzalez, who indicated that from the house - palace one communicated on the same morning the death to the Town hall and assured that " during the morning it will report of the date of the burial and of the funeral acts " to the Council.
Dona Esperanza was born in Madrid on June 14, 1914 and she was a daughter of the infante Don Carlos de Borbón and of Dona Luisa of Orleans, princess of France and daughter of the counts of Paris. Her life was very tied to Seville, since in Villamanrique of the Countess she had the palace of her mother, where she established herself after marrying on December 18, 1944 in the Sevillian capital with Pedro of Orleans and Braganza.
Gonzalez indicated that the municipal Government, beside delivering a judgment three days of official mourning, has ordered to suspend the cultural foreseen acts this week on the occasion of the day of the boss of the locality, San Roque, whose efeméride is celebrated on the 16th. In addition, today there will meet the Meeting of municipal Speakers to resolve the " next actions ".
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My condolences to her family and friends.

May she rest in peace.


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From abc.sevilla :


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The funeral will be Thursday morning, and the Kings Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía seems to be that they will come. They have said anything neither of the Princes nor of the Infantas. It looks like the Princes of Asturias that they travel and there is not known where they are. And the Dukes of Lugo also are of vacations, not if they will come, because in Doña Esperanza's palace it was where they celebrated the dinner previous to their wedding.

The Kings are " deeply upset " for the death this night of Esperanza de Borbón - Two Sicilias and Orleans, aunt of don Juan Carlos, to whose burial they will be present next Thursday, they informed today to EFE sources of the House of the King.
The Kings have received with " deep sadness " the news of dona Esperanza's death, in whose memory Villamanrique's Town hall of the Countess has delivered a judgment three days of mourning.
Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía will represent next Thursday, to the midday, to the mass " corpore unburied " that will inform in the parochial church of Santa Maria Magdalena, of the mentioned Sevillian locality, and to the later burial in a crypt.
I`ve just heard about it in the news. She has been a really discrete person in Spanish society, and that's why spanish people know very little about her. It should be of great help and a good "in memoriam" thread this one if we could post all of the info we can about her, as well as any photos you can gather which show her in the past, with her family, with the King and the Queen, you know what I mean.

who did she marry? who are her children? Any info will be welcomed!

My condolences to the family. May she rest in peace

Dona Esperanza Rocío Amalia Rainiera de Borbón and Orleans was born in Madrid on June 14, 1914 and she was a daughter of the infante Don Carlos de Borbón and of Dona Luisa of Orleans, princess of France and daughter of the counts of Paris, with whom Don Carlos married after the death of his first wife, Doña Maria of the Mercedes of Borbón and Hapsburg, Princess of Asturias - with whom he had had two children, Alfonso and Isabel Alfonsa-. In his second marriage, Don Carlos had other four children: Carlos, Dolores, Maria de las Mercedes - mother of the S.M. the King - and Esperanza.
On December 18, 1944 she married in Seville - was the first wedding ceremony before the major altar of the cathedral with Don Pedro of Orleans and Braganza, turning into Imperial Princess of Brazil. The marriage installed to itself in Villamanrique's palace of the Countess - locality to which Her Imperial Highnesses have been always very tied and where they have received permanent samples of affection-, though also every year was spending long seasons in Brazil.
Her Villamanrique's house has been, on the other hand, opened for different celebrations of the Royal Family. The Palace the Infanta Elena received in 1995 the dinner of show on the occasion of S.A.R.'s wedding with Don Jaime de Marichalar, just before the celebration. In numerous occasions it has received other family celebrations that have relied on S.M.'s presence the King, that he feels a special affection for his aunt Doña Esperanza, whom he names in the intimacy " Aunt Bili ", as reminded last night the personnel nearest to the deceased.
Dona Esperanza de Borbón - Two Sicilias had six children: Maria Gloria, duchess of Segorbe, Pedro, Manuel, Alfonso, Francisco and Cristina, several of resident them in Seville. In spite of her advanced age, the news of her definitive good-bye affected all the neighbors of Villamanrique, although it had been the health of her husband, Don Pedro of Orleans, which had worried during the last months.

Three days of mourning in Villamanrique by Doña Esperanza de Borbón
The aunt of King Juan Carlos died to the 91 years in her palace of the Sevillian locality, where she will be buried in the church of Santa Maria Magdalena

Doña Esperanza de Borbón-Dos the Sicilies and Orleans, imperial princess of Brazil and aunt of king Juan Carlos, passed away at night of the last Monday 8 of August, to the 91 years, in her palace of Villamanrique of the Countess. The City council, after officially knowing the news - yesterday 10,30 through a concise official notice its greater daughter, Maria Gloria de Orleans and Braganza, wife of the Duke of Segorbe- decreed three days of mourning and suspended all the acts anticipated for this week in the occasion of its pattern, San Roque. The flags wave to average spear with crespones and a side has been emitted in which its figure is praised publicly.

The aunt of king Juan Carlos had had to enter the last week in the Sacred clinic Heart of Seville due to diverse affections related to her outpost age. She had been operated several times of heart and, although after his last hospital stay it visibly seemed improved when returning to the palace, finally she happened the death to him.

Doña Esperanza was born in Madrid the 14 of June of 1914. She was daughter of the infant Don Carlos de Borbón and of his second woman, Doña Luisa de Orleans, princess of France and soon countess of Paris, to which the municipality must its present name of Villamanrique of the Countess by a real decree of 1916. Of this marriage other three children were born, Carlos, Dolores and Maria of the Mercedes, who would be wife of Don Juan de Borbón and mother of the King of Spain.

Doña Esperanza lived with her family of girl in Seville, city to which his father was destined like commander in chief and whom deeply she loved, like her sister Maria of the Mercedes. She studied in the school of the Irish, but in 1931 she had to start off for exile with the rest of the real family. In his first visit after the years abroad, lodged in the England Hotel, that filled to him of nardos. It returned to settle down itself in Villamanrique in 1944, after his wedding with Pedro de Orleans and Braganza. The aunt of king Juan Carlos had inherited the palace of her mother and no longer she would be broken contact never with the municipality. She is mother of six children, on whom four live in Brazil, of where one hopes that they arrive late this to attend the funeral.

In the palace of Villamanrique its ardent chapel was installed from yesterday to 18,00, in a wing of the porticado central patio of columns of Italian marble through which until the ten at night they passed numerous neighbors of the municipality and of other zones of the province which they wanted to give the last good bye him, as well as the authorities. Today it will return to open itself to 10.30. Tomorrow it will be buried in the mausoleo that the family has prepared in the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena, near the house of the century XVI in which it resided.

According to sources informed into the City council, Doña Esperanza had a very near relation with the rest of inhabitants, "vicinity", and emphasized the affection that the majority feels towards her being "a reasonable" person. Years ago, it donated lands to the Sisters de la Cruz to raise an asylum, property of the Archbishopric, and for a center by day of the third age of the Foundation Felipe Neri, who manages the City council. The last event which it could attend was the inauguration of the quarter of the Civil Guard, the past 31 of May. However, he was habitual in local celebrations. Although she was tie mainly to the Dew. Doña Esperanza was honorary older sister of the Brotherhood of Villamanrique, and made the entrance in the village almonteña with Triana. Like connoisseur of romería, she accompanied to queen Sofía in the visit that this one did in 1972. Very near his nephew king Juan Carlos, specially turned upside down with the Spanish real family in the occasion of the wedding of Infant Elena and Don Jaime de Marichalar in Seville, in 1995. In fact, the official reception to the 1,300 guests, the eve of the ceremony that was celebrated in the Cathedral, was made in its palace of Villamanrique of the Countess.
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The Kings will attend the funeral by Doña Esperanza de Borbón tomorrow

SEVILLE. Their Majestys the Kings will tomorrow attend the buried mass "corpore in" by the soul of their Height Real Doña Esperanza de Borbón and Orleans, aunt of Don Juan Carlos, who the past passed away Monday to the 91 years of ge. The funeral will take place in the Church Santa Maria Magdalena of the Sevillian locality of Villamanrique of the Countess, where passed away and to that was very united, after its entrance the last week in the Sacred clinic Heart of Seville as a result of diverse affections related to its outpost age.

Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía welcomed with "deep sadness" the news of the death of Doña Esperanza, in whose memory the City council of Villamanrique of the Countess has decreed three days of luto.Los Kings are "deeply ashamed", according to informed sources into the House of the King.

Doña Esperanza was born in Madrid the 14 of June of 1914, daughter of the Infant Don Carlos de Borbón and Doña Maria Luisa de Orleans, and sister of Doña Maria Mercedes de Borbón, the mother of the King. The 18 of December of 1944 contracted marriage in Seville with Pedro de Orleans and Braganza.

La noticia de la muerte de Doña Esperanza fue recibida con tristeza en Villamanrique de la Condesa. A su capilla ardiente, acudieron numerosos vecinos y políticos, entre ellos el presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Manuel Chaves.
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Kings come Villamanrique represents funeral aunt Don Juan Carlos
The Kings came little before 12:00 to Villamanrique's Sevillian locality of the Countess to be present at the funeral and at the burial of Borbón's Hope - Two Sicilias and Orleans, aunt of Don Juan Carlos.
The Kings accompanied of the Infanta Dona Cristina and of Dona Pilar, sister of on Juan Carlos, all of them dressed in mourning, were got in the Plaza of Spain of the locality by the adviser of Health of the Meeting of Andalusia, Maria Jesus Montero, who was representing the Andalusian president, Manuel Chaves, of visit in Galicia, and for the delegate of the Government Andalusia, Juan Jose Lopez Garzón, as well as for other civil and military authorities.
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The Kings, along with Infanta Cristina and Infanta Pilar, attended, today in Villamanrique de la Condessa (near Seville), the funeral of Doña Esperanza de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Orleans, the aunt of Don Juan Carlos, who passed away last Monday.

Doña Esperanza was born in Madrid on June 14th, 1914, and was daughter of Infante Don Carlos de Borbón and Doña Luisa de Orleans, princess of France and daughter of the counts of Paris. Her life was very bound to Seville and particularly Villamanrique de la Condessa, where it was placed her mother’s palace, which has been her residence, since marrying Don Pedro de Orleans e Bragança, on December 18th, 1944.
Photo from Hola:


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My deepest sympathy and condolences to the Spanish Royal Family.
So Infanta Elena didn't show up?
iowabelle said:
So Infanta Elena didn't show up?

Not, the Infanta Elena did not come, she must be of vacations abroad
Cristina's hair has gotten so long and blonde! I like the style. I'm not sure about her outfit, seems a little too casual for a funeral, esp a funeral with royal connections.
So sorry to hear of the loss. Who is the man in the wheelchair? A family member? Doña Esperanza's husband?
Lady Jennifer said:
So sorry to hear of the loss. Who is the man in the wheelchair? A family member? Doña Esperanza's husband?

yes, he is Pedro of Orleans Braganza the husband of Dona Esperanza
So sad. Had Doña Esperanza been sick? Or was it just old age?
Lady Jennifer said:
So sad. Had Doña Esperanza been sick? Or was it just old age?

I believe that she was 91 years old and the own problems of health of the age, it seems that the one that was more sick was her husband, and nevertheless she has expired before


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they sad that the king was very sad in the mass ceremony.
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