Three days of mourning in Villamanrique by Doña Esperanza de Borbón
The aunt of King Juan Carlos died to the 91 years in her palace of the Sevillian locality, where she will be buried in the church of Santa Maria Magdalena
Doña Esperanza de Borbón-Dos the Sicilies and Orleans, imperial princess of Brazil and aunt of king Juan Carlos, passed away at night of the last Monday 8 of August, to the 91 years, in her palace of Villamanrique of the Countess. The City council, after officially knowing the news - yesterday 10,30 through a concise official notice its greater daughter, Maria Gloria de Orleans and Braganza, wife of the Duke of Segorbe- decreed three days of mourning and suspended all the acts anticipated for this week in the occasion of its pattern, San Roque. The flags wave to average spear with crespones and a side has been emitted in which its figure is praised publicly.
The aunt of king Juan Carlos had had to enter the last week in the Sacred clinic Heart of Seville due to diverse affections related to her outpost age. She had been operated several times of heart and, although after his last hospital stay it visibly seemed improved when returning to the palace, finally she happened the death to him.
Doña Esperanza was born in Madrid the 14 of June of 1914. She was daughter of the infant Don Carlos de Borbón and of his second woman, Doña Luisa de Orleans, princess of France and soon countess of Paris, to which the municipality must its present name of Villamanrique of the Countess by a real decree of 1916. Of this marriage other three children were born, Carlos, Dolores and Maria of the Mercedes, who would be wife of Don Juan de Borbón and mother of the King of Spain.
Doña Esperanza lived with her family of girl in Seville, city to which his father was destined like commander in chief and whom deeply she loved, like her sister Maria of the Mercedes. She studied in the school of the Irish, but in 1931 she had to start off for exile with the rest of the real family. In his first visit after the years abroad, lodged in the England Hotel, that filled to him of nardos. It returned to settle down itself in Villamanrique in 1944, after his wedding with Pedro de Orleans and Braganza. The aunt of king Juan Carlos had inherited the palace of her mother and no longer she would be broken contact never with the municipality. She is mother of six children, on whom four live in Brazil, of where one hopes that they arrive late this to attend the funeral.
In the palace of Villamanrique its ardent chapel was installed from yesterday to 18,00, in a wing of the porticado central patio of columns of Italian marble through which until the ten at night they passed numerous neighbors of the municipality and of other zones of the province which they wanted to give the last good bye him, as well as the authorities. Today it will return to open itself to 10.30. Tomorrow it will be buried in the mausoleo that the family has prepared in the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena, near the house of the century XVI in which it resided.
According to sources informed into the City council, Doña Esperanza had a very near relation with the rest of inhabitants, "vicinity", and emphasized the affection that the majority feels towards her being "a reasonable" person. Years ago, it donated lands to the Sisters de la Cruz to raise an asylum, property of the Archbishopric, and for a center by day of the third age of the Foundation Felipe Neri, who manages the City council. The last event which it could attend was the inauguration of the quarter of the Civil Guard, the past 31 of May. However, he was habitual in local celebrations. Although she was tie mainly to the Dew. Doña Esperanza was honorary older sister of the Brotherhood of Villamanrique, and made the entrance in the village almonteña with Triana. Like connoisseur of romería, she accompanied to queen Sofía in the visit that this one did in 1972. Very near his nephew king Juan Carlos, specially turned upside down with the Spanish real family in the occasion of the wedding of Infant Elena and Don Jaime de Marichalar in Seville, in 1995. In fact, the official reception to the 1,300 guests, the eve of the ceremony that was celebrated in the Cathedral, was made in its palace of Villamanrique of the Countess.