And that is exactly what has happened. - In fact she got an entire building at a manor.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #15, 2014.
Written by Anna Johannesen.
A while back Princess Elisabeth put her house up for sale, it hasn't been sold yet, though.
A few days ago the court informed her that she could move in at Damebygningen at Sorgenfri Manor. (You can see more about that somewhere under residencies). Which must be considered a very generous accomodation.
That particular building as the one she grew up in, so Elisabeth is pretty delighted: "I'm looking very much back to returning to Sorgenfri and it means a lot to me that Damebygningen now remains in the family. I must say a stone has fallen from my heart, (*) because now I know where I will be moving in".
She did indeed phone her kusine (female cousin) Margrethe to say thanks the next day.
Q: What did the Queen say when you (informal you) phoned and said thanks?
E: "That she was really pleased".
Elisabeth turns 79 in May.
(*) Idiom, meaning very relieved.
ADDED: I see she has changed her mind, Princess Elisabeth has previously stated very clearly that she had no plans of moving in at Sorgenfri, in fact she didn't even want to.