Princes Nikolai, Felix, Henrik & Princess Athena, Part 1: February 2012 - July 2018

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Poor Felix .

in the article they mentioned that Alexandra named a viking ship?
"But broken arm or not, already Sunday dinner was the young prince ready to take the family to Lille Fuglede Harbour at Tissø where Countess Alexandra named a newly built Viking ship in mead."
That's right, Polyesco. :)

I guess there will be more on the Viking ship somewhere else.
Felix has changed in his looks a lot, IMO. He looks very much like Alexandra, except with lighter colouring.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #32, 2015.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Who has been talking to the headmaster at Herlufsholm, the boarding school Nikolai is attending.
Next Monday Nikolai is starting his first year of three in High School, also at Herlufsholm.
The headmaster, Klaus Eusebius Jakobsen says: "The day to day life to the Prince and his mates won't change dramatically. Their right, obligations and privileges are the same as when he last year attended 10th grade. But school-wise a lot will happen".
Nikolai will enter a class where the line is specifically geared to topics like community/society (how things work in the society), management and business.
"We started that line three years ago and this summer we had the first graduates with a big success". - And that line is going to be above average in regards to demands placed on the pupils. But Nikolai should be okay.
"No, he's doing really well. He is skillful/accomplished. And sweet. But Prince Nikolai finds things easy, so it's probably not a bad thing for him to be challenged and having the bar raised".

During his time in high school, Nikolai and his 22 classmates will go abroad four times, among other places to China and they are to work in co-operation with businesses.

"And apart from the pupils graduating from high school, they are also to graduate in a class with an extra high level. Business and Management, where everything is in English, including the examination". But Nikolai is bilingual, so that won't be a big problem.

Alexandra says: "It's nice that he is so fond of attending Herlufsholm, but personally I'm sad... Well, because we miss him at home, all of us. So I'm not altogether pleaed, but I guess I have to learn to let go, even though it's difficult".
:previous:thanks Muhler.
So High School in Denmark is three years?
He does seem to be a smart young man
:previous:thanks Muhler.
So High School in Denmark is three years?
He does seem to be a smart young man

Yes. Three years.

Ten years at school, followed as in Nikolai's case 10th grade at Herlufshom and now three years of high school. And as Nikolai is a member of the DRF he is very likely to volunteer for conscription. And unless he becomes an NCO or join the officers academy afterwards, I'm pretty certain he will head for the university or a similar education.
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Announcement ** Translated

Photo opportunity on the first day with his parents.

Looking forward to it. So this will be at their home? Like Christian and Isabella? Best option in my opinion so they don't disturb the other school children and the parents.

and thank you Muhler for the explanation.
Looking forward to it. So this will be at their home? Like Christian and Isabella? Best option in my opinion so they don't disturb the other school children and the parents.

and thank you Muhler for the explanation.

The press release says it will take place outside their home. I am guessing similar to the CP pictures we got.
Ten years at school, followed as in Nikolai's case 10th grade at Herlufshom and now three years of high school.
I have now walked, walked and walked in the Herlufsholm gathering of trees (also known as Herlufsholm Wood) since January and I haven´t seen Prince Nikolai walking to/from Næstved as the other students - or at least I haven´t recognized him :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

My mother walks in the wood on a daily basis with the family dog (a basset hound) and she hasn´t seen him either.

So Herlufsholm is a good place for Prince Nikolai to be if he wants to stay out of the public eye :flowers:
Tomorrow is bette Henrik's first day in school and this is what is going to happen: Prins Henrik begynder i skole fredag |

There will be a photo shoot outside J&M's home.
Then at 09.00 Henrik will meet with his 22 new classmates.

While the children get to know each other and their teacher, the principal will inform the parents separately about the school and what not. Then coffee is served in the school yard while the children can play. The first day at school ends at 11.00.
But come Monday it's from 08.10-13.05.

BB writes this week that bette Henrik has already learned to read and write from home.

:previous: Didn't know you were making the area around Herlufsholm insecure, FasterB. :) You should have your own parish there.
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Tomorrow is bette Henrik's first day in school and this is what is going to happen: Prins Henrik begynder i skole fredag |

There will be a photo shoot outside J&M's home.
Then at 09.00 Henrik will meet with his 22 new classmates.

While the children get to know each other and their teacher, the principal will inform the parents separately about the school and what not. Then coffee is served in the school yard while the children can play. The first day at school ends at 11.00.
But come Monday it's from 08.10-13.05.

BB writes this week that bette Henrik has already learned to read and write from home.

:previous: Didn't know you were making the area around Herlufsholm insecure, FasterB. :) You should have your own parish there.
Oh, my parents lives in Næstved, so... :whistling::ROFLMAO::flowers:

Herlufsholm actually is a parish on its own, so perhaps when I´ve finished the study I should apply for a job there :):):)
Today is the first day of the little sweet Henrik at the school.I can wait to see pictures with the proud parents.

Thanks Muhler very fast indeed.
Little Henrik so cute and shy and Athena cutie too.:)

What a beautiful pictures for a happy family. And yes nice house indeed.

I think that the little Athena will make all (daddy and brothers) he wants :)
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You need not wait any longer, Eya :)

Here is the first pic of bette Henrik - and his sister: Prins Henrik klar til første skoledag | Billed Bladet

(Summary to follow)

Large photo:

Bette Henrik peeked a little shy out on the press that had gathered in front of the house. Then the whole family emerged.
Marie: "He wanted a big backpack" - referring to the school bag that almost the size of the boy.

Henrik told the press that he hasn't got any books yet, but in his backpack he has a lunchbag.
He also said that he can write his own name and added: "I like to plus" = presumably referring to arithmetic.

Heartwarming to see how delighted he is, eh? And Athena seems pleased on his behalf as well.


ADDED: More from TV2:

Bette Henrik: "I'm going in the A-class and I've met the others in the class. I've leraned to write my ownn name and (I) have a pen house and a lunch bag in my schoolbag. I like arithmetic the best".

For our Marie it's the first child she is sending to school: "It's very exciting and moving. I have difficulty comprehending it's already now".

Joachim explained why they had chosen this particular school, rather than Krebs School where he, Frederik and his oldest sons attend(ed): "It's a school that lives up to the ideals and wishes we have. And not least the school offer the teaching and curriculum we think is suitable. And it was a very natural choice as it on top of that is located so close to our home".


A six pic gallery from DR1:

More from Svensk Damtidning: Prins Henrik förväntansfull inför första skoldagen | Svensk Damtidning

Each time I see Athena and her quiet smile I'm left with the feeling that she is having a private laugh at all the silly adults around her.


Added. Let's have a little aww-moment: Our Marie Was talking about this being a special day for her as well, since it's her first child to start in school: "And also moving. It's difficult to comprehend that he has already turned six. But he is so ready".
Bette Henrik then interjects: "But mother/mom you have to start in school when you are six years old".
Marie nodded and caressed her son's hair: "Yes, that's right".

High-res pic:


ADDED: Gallery from Royalista:
Athena is almost usurping her older brother.


ADDED: A very sweet video from BB:

Bette Henrik handles the situation very confidently. When asked about what he looks most forward to today, he thinks hard and reply that he doesn't know, because he doesn't know what will happen.

None of those he went to kindergarten with will join him at school.

At around 01:05 Marie talks about Henrik being ready to go to school and it's hard to undestand he is already six years old, when Henrik explains: "Mor (mother), you are actually supposed to start in school when you turn six".
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Henrik looks to be a very sweet boy who is ready for school.
and we can see that Athena seems to be the energetic one in this household

DRF gallery
H.H. Prins Henriks første skoledag - Kongehuset

Muhler, Joachim with his hand in his pocket lol

love this picture of Athena looking at her dad, you can tell she has him wrapped around her finger with that smile. & soon she will be racing pass him on the track : )

henrik and athena

nice house

That was on request from the photographers. They wanted to see how it looks like with Joachim putting his hand in his pocket. That being such a novel sight. :cool:
love this picture of Athena looking at her dad, you can tell she has him wrapped around her finger with that smile. & soon she will be racing pass him on the track : )

Yes, what dad can possibly resist that smile? :lol:
Thanks to those who posted the photos and videos of Henrik's first day of school.

I can't believe he's six already, time really does fly. I thought it was cute when Marie was talking about how much she can't believe how old he is, and Henrik interrupted her by saying that he has to start school now that he's six. :D Although Athena can appear as the observer, I think this photocall shows what she's like at home, and I agree that she seems to be the energetic one in the family. She has a very cheeky smile! In some ways she reminds me of little Estelle over in Sweden.

In this photo, I think Henrik looks a little like his older brother Nikolai, especially around the eyes.
I also love this photo of Henrik and Athena, it reminds me of the time Isabella helped clean the palace windows. :D
I find it a little interesting that Henrik, (and presumably Athena), aren't being sent to Krebs School like their siblings and father and uncle. If I remember correctly, Krebs was also seen as the front runner for Frederik's children back in their preschool days, and lost out there, too. Have there been any issues or controversies with the school lately that would make the royals more likely to look elsewhere?
I find it a little interesting that Henrik, (and presumably Athena), aren't being sent to Krebs School like their siblings and father and uncle. If I remember correctly, Krebs was also seen as the front runner for Frederik's children back in their preschool days, and lost out there, too. Have there been any issues or controversies with the school lately that would make the royals more likely to look elsewhere?

Not that I know of. In fact the new school is a little cheaper, (about 100 DKK a month) but that can hardly be a decisive factor.
Not that I know of. In fact the new school is a little cheaper, (about 100 DKK a month) but that can hardly be a decisive factor.
I haven´t heard of any problems either.

Perhaps Prince Joachim and Pss Marie just wanted a new school for their children. And perhaps the fact that this new school is a catholic school has played a role. I believe that Pss Marie was/is catholic and not protestant. No harm is done by choosing a catholic school, I and other children of priests in Århus went to the catholic school and it is the best education you can get, IMO.
Joachim says that the new school is close to their residence. Is it much closer than Krebs school? Imo that could be an important reason. They also might wish to send out the message that there is more than one good school in Kopenhagen.
The new school is about 2,5 km from the residence at Emiliekildevej and Krebs´ Skole is about 11,5 km from Emiliekildevej.

So in a couple of years Prince Henrik can take the bike to/from school, just like any other child in this area :)
I agree, I think it's most likely that Joachim and Marie chose a different school for little Henrik instead of Krebs because of distance. It makes sense since as Tilia said, Joachim mentioned the distance of little Henrik's school when he was talking to the press.

Nikolai of course attends Herlufsholm (though he used to attend Krebs), but I think Felix is still at Krebs.
I didn't realize Henrik's school is so much closer to their home than Krebs. 2.5 vs 11.5 km is indeed a significant difference, especially if part of it involves a commute through city rush hour traffic!

I hope he had a good first day.
Prince Joachim can´t mention to the press that they chose the school due to it being catholic. It is stated in our constitution that the monarch must be protestant. Yes, I know that Prince Joachim isn´t the monarch, but he is the second child of the monarch and is from time to time "Rigsforstander".
So without making any fuzz he can mention the distance :)
Prince Joachim can´t mention to the press that they chose the school due to it being catholic. It is stated in our constitution that the monarch must be protestant. Yes, I know that Prince Joachim isn´t the monarch, but he is the second child of the monarch and is from time to time "Rigsforstander".
So without making any fuzz he can mention the distance :)

Are you implying that they are raising their children Catholic?

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