You need not wait any longer, Eya
Here is the first pic of bette Henrik - and his sister:
Prins Henrik klar til første skoledag | Billed Bladet
(Summary to follow)
Large photo:
Bette Henrik peeked a little shy out on the press that had gathered in front of the house. Then the whole family emerged.
Marie: "He wanted a big backpack" - referring to the school bag that almost the size of the boy.
Henrik told the press that he hasn't got any books yet, but in his backpack he has a lunchbag.
He also said that he can write his own name and added: "I like to plus" = presumably referring to arithmetic.
Heartwarming to see how delighted he is, eh? And Athena seems pleased on his behalf as well.
ADDED: More from TV2:
Bette Henrik: "I'm going in the A-class and I've met the others in the class. I've leraned to write my ownn name and (I) have a pen house and a lunch bag in my schoolbag. I like arithmetic the best".
For our Marie it's the first child she is sending to school: "It's very exciting and moving. I have difficulty comprehending it's already now".
Joachim explained why they had chosen this particular school, rather than Krebs School where he, Frederik and his oldest sons attend(ed): "It's a school that lives up to the ideals and wishes we have. And not least the school offer the teaching and curriculum we think is suitable. And it was a very natural choice as it on top of that is located so close to our home".
A six pic gallery from DR1:
More from Svensk Damtidning:
Prins Henrik förväntansfull inför första skoldagen | Svensk Damtidning
Each time I see Athena and her quiet smile I'm left with the feeling that she is having a private laugh at all the silly adults around her.
Added. Let's have a little aww-moment: Our Marie Was talking about this being a special day for her as well, since it's her first child to start in school: "And also moving. It's difficult to comprehend that he has already turned six. But he is so ready".
Bette Henrik then interjects: "But mother/mom you have to start in school when you are six years old".
Marie nodded and caressed her son's hair: "Yes, that's right".
High-res pic:
ADDED: Gallery from Royalista:
Athena is almost usurping her older brother.
ADDED: A very sweet video from BB:
Bette Henrik handles the situation very confidently. When asked about what he looks most forward to today, he thinks hard and reply that he doesn't know, because he doesn't know what will happen.
None of those he went to kindergarten with will join him at school.
At around 01:05 Marie talks about Henrik being ready to go to school and it's hard to undestand he is already six years old, when Henrik explains: "Mor (mother), you
are actually supposed to start in school when you turn six".