Prince's Court (Prinsenhof) Amsterdam, Delft, Groningen

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Aug 13, 2004
The prince's courts started out as the places where the Stadholder stayed when he visited these cities. Here some information of the one in Delft, from wikipedia:

The Prinsenhof ("The Court of the Prince") in Delft in The Netherlands is an urban palace built in the Middle Ages as a monastery. Later it served as a residence for William the Silent (known as William of Orange in The Netherlands). The building still exists and now houses the municipal museum. William was murdered in the Prinsenhof in 1584; the holes in the wall made by the bullets are still visible.

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Website of Museum 'Het Prinsenhof' in Delft, here.
The one in Amsterdam started as the St. Cecilia convent, before the reformation. Apart from the Dutch stadholders and other relations, the prinsenhof was also used by Maria de Medici, queen of France and by Robert Dudley, the earl of Leicester (when there were plans to make him ruler of The Netherlands). At the moment the building is used for hotel The Grand, click here.

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The one in Groningen is also called stadhoudershof and was first used as such by stadholder Rennenberg in 1576. The court was not used very frequently by the stadholders, who lived in Leeuwarden and later in The Hague. The building is empty since Radio & Television Noord left in 2005.

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There were tests last monday at the Prinsenhof,Delft in a re-construction research of the murder of Willem the Silent.

In order to investigate how the shots were fired and hit the wall,a simular weapon was used with simular ammunition and
tested on the walls of the cellar of the Princenhof.

Results will be known before this summer.

The holes in the wall apparently caused by the original bullets
are still visible to this day.

The Prince,our Patrae Patriae,was murdered on july 10th 1584.

GMD - willem van oranje
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