Happy 26th birthday to P. Rashid (and to my mother, who is only slightly older!

). From his father's Web site:
[size=+1] His Royal Highness Prince Rashid
His Royal Highness Prince Rashid El Hassan was born on 20 May 1979. His primary education was at the Amman Baccalaureate School, after which he attended Port Regis School, Dorset. HRH completed GCSE and Advanced Level examinations at Harrow School, where he was Head of House 1996-1997. In June 2001, Prince Rashid received a B.A. Hons. degree in Oriental Studies from Cambridge University.
In October 2002, Prince Rashid was appointed chairman of the Board of Trusties of the Hashemite Charitable Organization. The Hashemite Charitable Organization is the umbrella organization for combined Jordanian military government and NGO crisis management and relief operations. Recent commitments have included field hospitals and aid distribution in the West Bank, Algeria, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan and those countries affected by the Tsunami. In addition to this, the HCO manages aid to charitable organizations and refugee camps in the Hashemite Kingdom. He currently remains in this post on secondment from the Jordanian Army.
Prince Rashid is currently a Captain in the Jordan Armed Forces, between 1995 and 1998 undertook the following military courses:
1998 - Jordanian Special Forces Ranger Course (Sa'ika).
1998 - Jordanian Army Counter InfiTRFation & Urban Welfare Course.
1998 - UK & Jordanian Armored Reconnaissance Troop Leaders Course.
1997 - Short Service Limited Commissions Course RMA Sandhurst.
1997 - Jordan Special Forces Counter Terrorist Course.
1997 - Jordan Armed Forces Commissioning Course.
1996 - Jordanian Special Forces Unarmed Combat Course.
1995 - Jordanian Army Paratroopers Wings (37 jumps).
1995 - Jordanian Coast guard Underwater Proficiency (SCUBA).
1995 - Jordanian Royal Guard Close Protection Course.
After serving as a troop leader with the British Light Dragoons Reconnaissance Regiment then of the UK First Armoured Division, Prince Rashid's last position in the Jordanian Army was as a company commander in Jordanian field reconnaissance battalion.
During his time at Harrow, Prince Rashid founded the Interfaith Understanding Society. He also represented the school in polo, judo, rugby and in the public speaking teams. Prince Rashid is currently head of the National Boxing Federation and Captain of the Jordanian Polo Team. In July 2004, he captained an amateur team in the Polo World Cup defeating teams from India and France.
Prince Rashid has accompanied his father, Prince El Hassan bin Talal, on military trips within the Kingdom, and visited Jordanian troops in Croatia and Bosnia on several occasions. He also served as a UN peace-keeper in the Balkans in the late 1990's. Prince Rashid also remains heavily involved wit h the majority of Prince Hassan's current activities.
In 1995, Prince Rashid worked with the Secretariat of the European Commission Training Office familiarising himself with the workings of the European Union. He has officially visited a number of countries including the Czech Republic, Turkey, Japan, Singapore, India, Ireland, Germany, the United States of America, Russia, Romania, Pakistan, Uzbekistan Poland, the United Kingdom, France, Canada and most Middle East countries.
In December 1994, The Prince accompanied His Majesty the late King Hussein to the Islamic Summit in Morocco.
His Royal Highness's interests include current affairs, 20th century history, polo, scuba diving and some martial arts.