Ysbel...as someone from the other side of the pond who loved Diana..recognizing that you are entitled to your opinion..also not trying to hijack a Camilla thread with another discussion of Diana...here are my two cents and please bear in mind that I speak for me...no one else.
I am ambivalent about Camilla..at one time couldn't stand her...and based upon what I have heard about her...maybe if the circusmtances were different...could possibly like her. I recognize that she and Charles love each other and have a right to be happy finally. I also acknowledge that Diana wasn't perfect and could be manipulative, and cheated on her husband as well. So what bothers me about the situation? Its like the attempt by some to white wash Diana out of history. Like she was simply a means to the end (i.e. producing the children). That she was crazy and she brought about all of problems ALL BY HERSELF. Say what you want..and again..we don't know all the facts but its becoming clear that she was chosen because it was assumed she would be a quiet little mouse. And I find that quite disguisting. Please note, however, I don't assign all the blame to Camilla (it takes two to cheat). It was so obvious that he loved her when they first dated..but didn't know if she could pass the test. Hey! Stand up for yourself. If you love someone you fight for it. She also didn't know if she wanted to be Queen. Hey same thing back at you! FIGHT FOR IT! I respect his later stand that Camilla's role in his life was "non-negotiable" I just wished he had taken that stance years ago.