Prince Nikolaos & Chrysi News & Current Events Part 1: 2025 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My understanding was that it was the opposite. Tatiana's interview late last year seems to support that. It would also explain why there was no rush or announcement to remove the "Princess title.
Of course, the fact that Nikolaos is ready to marry again less than a year since announcing the separation makes me inclined to believe this relationship had already been going on during his marriage.
Tatiana and Nikolaos had been separated before the announcement was made. In fact, they didn't even spend Christmas together back in 2023. There was never going to be a rush to remove a title from someone so widely beloved like Tatiana, the amount of times I've heard "If only Tatiana and Nikolaos were the heirs". When Pavlos decided to allow her to keep the title, he probably didn't assume his brother would remarry less than a year later.

The hurry to marry can be because he's madly in love (..)
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I liked Tatiana very much as well - a very lovely and graceful woman. Marrying less than a year after announcing the separation seems in bad taste to me, Nikolaos doesn't come out of that looking great.
Speculative posts and comments have been removed.
Proto Thema also reports the wedding as takinig place February 7th. (..)

Tatiana and Nikolaos had been separated before the announcement was made. In fact, they didn't even spend Christmas together back in 2023. There was never going to be a rush to remove a title from someone so widely beloved like Tatiana, the amount of times I've heard "If only Tatiana and Nikolaos were the heirs". When Pavlos decided to allow her to keep the title, he probably didn't assume his brother would remarry less than a year later.

The hurry to marry can be because he's madly in love (..)
"If only Tatiana and Nikolaos were the heirs". As a Greek, I can confirm it, coming also from non-royalists.
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Nikolaos and Tatiana’s relationship was over long before they divorced. They were clearly living apart by the time King Constantine passed away but put up a facade for the sake of the family during that time of grief…

If he wants to marry his new love, then who are we to judge ? They are all adults and there is no children involved so there is no pressing reason to wait if they don’t want to…
Nikolaos and Tatiana’s relationship was over long before they divorced. They were clearly living apart by the time King Constantine passed away but put up a facade for the sake of the family during that time of grief…

If he wants to marry his new love, then who are we to judge ? They are all adults and there is no children involved so there is no pressing reason to wait if they don’t want to…

How do we know their relationship was over long before they divorced?
Nikolaos and Tatiana’s relationship was over long before they divorced. They were clearly living apart by the time King Constantine passed away but put up a facade for the sake of the family during that time of grief…

If he wants to marry his new love, then who are we to judge ? They are all adults and there is no children involved so there is no pressing reason to wait if they don’t want to…
This was my understanding on the 'grapevine' several years ago before the time of his younger brother wedding and also possibly just before the pandemic happened but several family reasons meant they had to wait. Also I heard that Tatiana wanting to keep the title and keep her place at the public side of the family may have also been a point. They where ready to part a long while before but maybe had some things to sort out. In society circles some couples now wait to divorce until they have privately made the decision about what will come next and they then wait for more time for the public to be used to the 'dream partnership' being slip up.

I think his good friend will be the best fit for his family and it is true that his parents wanted wealthy daughters in law for their sons. His father was quoted as saying it. I had the feeling of Anna Maria she deep down would be most comfortable with this. But they look very happy so here is a new chapter. Also his family has a very complex history with Greece and that is not for everyone but her family understand this. Things like Frederica and the childrens camps and Greece having a monarchy imposed on it. For them there will be no suprises in the past because she knows his family all her life and he hers.
I am hurt by many comments. This is not about whether Tatiana is better than Chrysi or not, Nikolaos is the one who decides who the woman of his life is, we are not entitled to judge him, besides, I like what I have been reading and seeing about Chrysi, she is pretty, elegant, from a family of shipowners, discreet with her private life, and educated in very good schools... According to the ¡Hola! from Spain she would be almost 40 years old.
Marriage is two people.
Tatiana is the only one who has expressed herself about the divorce, she has said something like that, as if she had found herself, and had discovered that she felt trapped in a life that did not represent her, and she wanted another life... In conclusion, she was not happy and wanted another kind of life. (...) but what is certain is that I see her very happy in her new life.

Nikolaos has not spoken about it, but there is a detail that I think caught everyone's attention and that is that he kept his wedding ring until the last moment, and in the pictures, unlike Tatiana, he did not look very happy... Why? It is possible that he felt disappointed, because he expected his marriage to be for life...

They are the only ones who know about the motives of their divorce.

I am glad that Tatiana is happy, with her new life, and I am glad that Nikolaos found love, and is also very happy.
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I agree and I think with the past marriage being a lot of social media and magazines Nikolaos will want maybe to be more quiet in the future. The ring to me says he will always honour his commitment to the end. It is private why they have broken up, I had feelings many years ago when I met both of them long before they married that they may not stay together as they seemed a bit detached sometimes but they are both also very different people to me. Now there is a new start for them all now.
Congratulations to the couple. No-one could concurrence Tatiana, but is our opinion not his...
And if course you never know what happens behind closed doors... and we don't know people's real character.
My impression is that this marriage was over, much before the announcement of the separation.
Even during late King's funeral they didn't appear so close. I've been following Tatiana on IG and i had the impression that the couplé was having parallel lonely paths.
Maybe Chryssi was already in the picture... who knows.
As for the future Princess to be, she is pretty, looks like her mother.
I hope that she has not her father's caracter, who is well known to be extremely nervous and almost extremely problematic guy.
As for her own personnality, we we don't lnow many, except her previous marriages, relationships. One average level singer and an actor. Nothing top exciting or glow.
Now she will be a Royal Princess, à wish her happiness.
I hope it won't be too bitter for Tatiana, they both live in Greece, in almost same social circles.
Protothema provides some more details about Chrysi's previous relationship: after a 5-year relationship they broke up in December 2023 but remained friends.
According to the Spanish blog, la Familia real Griega, Potothema (greek newspaper) has confirmed the date and THE PLACE that would be Agias Marina de Ekali in Athens and puts a photo of the church
How has she received an annulment from her first marriage? She has two children.
How has she received an annulment from her first marriage? She has two children.
Maybe with her first husband she had only civil wedding?
Maybe with her first husband she had only civil wedding?
Indeed it was, just found information about it. Then Deputy Mayor Nina Vlachou married Chrysí and Nino.
Indeed it was, just found information about it. Then Deputy Mayor Nina Vlachou married Chrysí and Nino.
But otherwise, Nikolaos and Tatiana married in the church.
How has she received an annulment from her first marriage? She has two children.
Orthodox Church allows divorce amd remarriage up to 3 times. No need of annulment for both Chryssi (whatever was her 1st marriage) and Nikolaos
It will be nice for Nicolaos that he'll have a family with children (assuming he wanted them). Maybe they'll have more.

As far as Tatiana, I remember two or three years ago when all Nicolaos' maternal cousins gathered at Grasten, she was one of the few who did not attend. The same weekend, she was at an art opening or something in Germany. People have other commitments, but it made me wonder.
If I am wrong, please correct me.
I understand that Nikolaos can marry in the Church because he has no children and is divorced, and the Orthodox Church allows a second marriage. She can marry in the Church because her first marriage was civil, that is, she has never been married in the Orthodox Church.
If I am wrong, please correct me.
I understand that Nikolaos can marry in the Church because he has no children and is divorced, and the Orthodox Church allows a second marriage. She can marry in the Church because her first marriage was civil, that is, she has never been married in the Orthodox Church.
How is (not) having children relevant in this case? If the Greek Orthodox church allows remarriage after divorce whether a couple had children is irrelevant. A marriage is not more or less of a marriage because of the presence or absence of children.
Congratulations to the couple........
As for the future Princess to be, she is pretty, looks like her mother.
I hope that she has not her father's caracter, who is well known to be extremely nervous and almost extremely problematic guy.
As for her own personnality, we we don't lnow many, except her previous marriages, relationships. One average level singer and an actor. Nothing top exciting or glow.
Now she will be a Royal Princess, à wish her happiness.

Tatiana also has some drama in her family, maybe he likes to help girls with these situations. I think the comfort of a family he knows after years of seperating may be very good for him. Maybe second time double lucky. She will probably know and fit well with MC who may be not always be easy with people not in her wealth group but is from a very ordinary commoner background. I think it sounds like it will go well.
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Tatiana also has some drama in her family, maybe he likes to help girls with these situations. I think the comfort of a family he knows after years of seperating may be very good for him. Maybe second time double lucky. She will probably know and fit well with MC who may be not always be easy with people not in her wealth group but is from a very ordinary commoner background. I think it sounds like it will go well.
How is Princess Marie-Chantal "not always easy" with unwealthy people with an ordinary background? For all that matters, someone with a background as problematic as Princess Mette-Marit is her friend and godmother to her fourth child.
She got along wonderfully well with Tatiana (as did her children) and she will be respectful towards Chrysí, like any normal person would.
As long as no one was betrayed or hurt I will try to suppress my inclination to criticize. I had reservations about Tatiana at first but I grew to like and respect her.

As for Nikolaos ...if it is true that Constantine and Anne Marie preferred that all their sons marry $$$, then congratulations are in order.

The boys have finally hit the trifecta.🤔🙄

Is "Chryssi" the new lady's full Christian name or is it a nickname?
I am a bit surprised that several sources (including for example Greek City Times) refer to an official press release while no such press release can be found on their website, which according to the family, is their only official channel of communication.

Is "Chryssi" the new lady's full Christian name or is it a nickname?
Good question. This is what her name in Greek is: Χρυσή Βαρδινογιάννη - so, at least, they use 'Chrysí' in Greek as well.
:previous:This is a mistake, the Office has not issued any official press release, but here everyone has distorted or misinterpreted it.

The Danish magazine, Billed Bladet this morning contacted the Greek Royal House, wanting to know if the information about the possible wedding of Prince Nikolaos with Chrysi was true. The media outlet reported that Ivi Makri, representative of the office, informed them that the information was correct, Prince Nikolaos was preparing his wedding..., but also reminded them that it would be private and family-friendly with close people.

After the publication by Billed Bladet confirming the wedding, other media began to publish Ivi Makri's statements as a official press release, but there is no official press release.

its are Ivi Makri's statements to Billed Bladet, published by Billed Bladet.

Other media outlets such as Hello! The Greek version had also confirmed the news, but unlike Billed Bladet they did not reproduce the words of who is the person in charge of communications for the Greek Royal Family Office.

For this reason, it is not published on the official website. This has been a misrepresentation, this is not an official press release, this is a conversation between the representative of the Office of the Royal House, Ivi Makri, and a journalist from Billed Bladet
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