It's been a hectic few months around here, so while checking in every so often, for the most part I've been getting my Royal info from Twitter &/or YouTube. So when I saw on YouTube last week a video w/a brief description of what Prince Henrik's latest rant was? The following was witnessed by my Mom, as we were both at the Dining Room Table...
Me seeing the Video Title/Link : Oh no, he didn't!?!
Pause, then after watching enough to know what's going on : Oh no, he DID!!
Which was followed by me putting my head in my hands & calling Prince Henrik a stupid idiot!! Also repeated more than once to my Mom, "I just can not believe he did this to Queen Margarethe & his Family. Not to mention Denmark as well."
I was in a state of sheer shock & thought I'd wait to comment until that had worn off & I'd read the thread. Then I got nailed by a bug on the Weekend & today's the 1st I've felt it's finally gone or going, so...
I stand by my first reaction of him being a stupid idiot. In one fell swoop, he basically threw away any good he's done in Denmark during his life as HRH Prince/Prince Consort Henrik of Denmark & hurt his Wife & Family in the worst, most hurtful, most cruel way I can think of.
Now Mom, as many have here, brought up Dementia/Alzheimer's as a factor & if it was anyone else, I'd be wondering that myself. However this isn't the first time Prince Henrik's pulled an immature public stunt like this over this issue. This time though? He's well & truly crossed a line that can't be undone.
I feel so sorry for Her Majesty. No one deserves to be treated like this. No one. None of the choices in front of her are easy ones, but IMO something needs to be done & no later than next week. What that is, I have no idea, but if it was me? An Official Separation & also a cut from his Apanage.
He's not only embarrassed his Wife & Family, but Denmark too. The very Country that accepted him because their Princess, then Queen loved him. Due to that, he was now a Member of the greater Danish Family/Tribe from all I've learned over the years here at TRF. Well, Henrik has made his feelings crystal clear on that front & IMO shouldn't be seeing another kroner, or less of them, as a result.
For me, that says it all. ALL. This was a highly intelligent worldly diplomat. No one held a gun to his head and forced him to sign away his identity, his religion, or his prerogatives.
He needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself or stay at Caix permanently and rest in an entirely different bed altogether.
Poor Frederik! There must be nothing so awkward and painful as having a father who is envious and perhaps resentful of you.
Exactly!! Those attempting to "defend" what's beyond defending seem to miss this very point. This wasn't some naive nobody w/stardust in his eyes, but a trained Diplomat who knew what he was getting into.
Regarding Frederick, I actually posted in the other thread about Prince Henrik & this issue, that perhaps choosing to join the elite of the elite of the Danish Military wasn't just Frederick wanting to be one of them. Maybe part of it was also, "If I achieve this, then maybe Dad will be proud of me finally." Obviously I have no idea if that's true or not, but it is something I've pondered about.
thank you Muhler for the translations. ( i have shorten it to quote it here). This for me is a frustrating interview. He just does not care about anything or anyone else but his precious title. He says that privately he is equal and in charge of his household, but that does not matter, he wants the title. So it's not about being treated "equal", its about having a fancy title.
He seems to dismissed his happy marriage and the love of his wife because he is focused on only one thing. Very selfish! For him its title first then wife second.
And how very disrespectful towards Denmark, who have given him everything.
Pretty much how I feel about this as well. That Interview is...The fact that boggled me that is he doesn't understand why the Danes should be upset by this. That one *really* shot the eyebrows up.
Looking back to the quotes from his sons regarding this matter;
Joachim "I have been aware of it for a while, and it is as my mother has already said: We all accepted it"
Frederik "I only have to say that I'm really sorry for my father's decision in a lot of ways. More can not be said about this matter at the moment".
I think for Frederik looking at this issue must have been hard. As both a son and as the heir. As a son, to deal with your father refusing to be buried with your mom over a title. To deal with him bringing this up over and over with his public rants. To see the strong words by his father to his mother, in public! As heir, to feel that resentment from Henrik, when you are only doing your duty and role as Crown Prince in representing the Queen.
But of course, if Henrik has complete disregard over how his wife feels, Im guessing he does not care about his sons opinions. Or his family, for at least 2 of his grandkids, Nikolai and Felix are at the age active in social media and seeing their grandfather show no respect.
I know. Frederick's in a no win situation here & not by his choice either. I really felt for him & Mary this week...Here it is, First Day of School for the Twins, the last chicks to do so & a Major Milestone for them all &...[emoji17]
You know, I forget Joachim's two oldest are teens (time flies) & using Social Media. You're right about, not just seeing it talked about everywhere, but also what some of the Comments must be like. Being active on Twitter, I can easily imagine & ...What an unholy mess their Grandfather's unleashed. [emoji17]
And what if he has had to deal with that resentment since his 18th birthday when he became Crown Prince. Being regent (which his father isn't), becoming member of the State Council (which his father isn't), holding audiences (which his father doesn't) and so on...
Exactly!! Someone as proud as Prince Henrik's shown himself to be would not take any of that well. At all.
Thank God Frederick went to that bar in Sydney that night in 2000 & met Mary. She really has helped him grow into his role & bolster his confidence as well. To borrow from Queen Elizabeth II : She is his rock & he is hers as well. Denmark is fortunate to have them.
I only have 2 more things to say & they both go to Muhler...
1 ~ Thank You!! If it wasn't for all hard work you do in the Danish Forums, not just translating articles & videos for us, but also explaining to us what it all means in the context of Danish Customs & Values...I've said it before, but I have learned so much about Denmark over the years from you. Thank You does not seem to be enoughto cover it, but Thank You!!