Prince Henrik's Plans for his Final Resting Place: August 2017

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The court has responded, or rather not responded: Prins Henrik: Dronningen gør mig til nar -

"We have no comments to that at all".

Se & Hør in it's magazine edition tomorrow has this additional quote from PH: Efter chokerende udtalelse: Her er prins Henriks ultimative krav til dronningen | BT Royale -

Det er min kone og ikke mig, der kan gøre noget ved den beslutning. Hvis hun vil have mig begravet sammen med hende, må hun gøre mig til kongegemal. Færdig. Jeg er ligeglad,

"It's my wife and not me, who can do something about that decision. If she want's to have me buried next to her, she must make me a king-consort. That's it. (As in finito/basta.) I don't care".
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I almost feel sorry for him, seeing how obsessed he is with this whole topic.

He's over 80, could retire with his apanage whereever he wants, travel the world, do whatever he pleases, be buried elsewhere without explaining anything to the public but there he goes, destroying his family & reputation for no reason.
Whatever he dislikes, it wont change anyway, too bad he cant make peace with the topic and himself.
Det er min kone og ikke mig, der kan gøre noget ved den beslutning. Hvis hun vil have mig begravet sammen med hende, må hun gøre mig til kongegemal. Færdig. Jeg er ligeglad,

"It's my wife and not me, who can do something about that decision. If she want's to have me buried next to her, she must make me a king-consort. That's it. I don't care".

What an "interesting" two weeks QM has ahead of her at the Chateau.

I hope she doesn't cave in to his blackmail.

And he keeps going! One would think being buried next his wife , the Queen, would be the ultimate sign of equality.

And can Margrethe even make him King Consort?? Wouldn't the government have to get involved at that point?
What an "interesting" two weeks QM has ahead of her at the Chateau.

I hope she doesn't cave in to his blackmail.

She can't cave in. The public reaction would be very negative!

My bet is something along these lines:
A) He is of sound mind, in which case QMII may have to announce an official separation, because as you say, this is blackmail. And blackmail does not belong in a marriage.

B) He's losing it, and the court will have to issue a statement saying PH is gravely ill. Which would be an admission of him being senile and people should pay no attention to what he says.
I didn't think it could get any worse, and then PH proved me wrong. Wow. He really took out the 'passive' in 'passive-aggressive'.

And to think QM is flying over there soon to spend the rest of the holiday with him. How nice.
As the Queen can not give you the title of King Consort, and he will not shut up with it. I believe that the Queen may even have to abdicate to end this situation. Prince Henrik is putting the monarchy and the Queen and the entire Royal Family in a very complicated situation.

Do you think that after this the Queen may be forced to abdicate?
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OMG I thought this cannot get worse from last week Henrik's statement and I was wrong ,

Make me KIng or You will not have my dead body next to yours

He really wants to be recorded( as I do not think he will be remembered ) as King Henrik
Se & Hør in it's magazine edition tomorrow has this additional quote from PH: Efter chokerende udtalelse: Her er prins Henriks ultimative krav til dronningen | BT Royale -

Det er min kone og ikke mig, der kan gøre noget ved den beslutning. Hvis hun vil have mig begravet sammen med hende, må hun gøre mig til kongegemal. Færdig. Jeg er ligeglad,

"It's my wife and not me, who can do something about that decision. If she want's to have me buried next to her, she must make me a king-consort. That's it. (As in finito/basta.) I don't care".

If I had not read this with my own eyes, I would not believe it. Has Henrik gone mad, finally? If he has no compunction about publicly humiliating his wife and QUEEN before her peers and her subjects and the whole world in this manner, I shudder to imagine what he says and does behind closed doors.

Poor Danes.:sad:
Do you think that after this the Queen may be forced to abdicate?

As much as I'd like to see the CPs on the throne, I'd rather QM divorce PH and take away his title and income. She should not suffer from his madness.
I am certain that there are a lot of people right now that wish they could magically transform themselves into the proverbial fly on the wall and be in the chateau in Caix when Margrethe and Henrik come fact to face after his latest outburst.

This is my opinion only but after what has gone down and seems to be continuing to happen, I think QMII should change Henrik's title. Not to King Consort but actually Ex-husband and tell him where he's sitting is his final resting place and not to return to Denmark. This, of course, is dependent on Henrik being of sound mind which I am seriously beginning to doubt.

If, by chance, dementia and/or Alzheimer's is in play here, the Queen and the family have a rough road ahead of them requiring the patience of a saint. They married for better or worse and just maybe this is the worse of it.

I, also, do not see any abdication. To do so would please Henrik to no end as they'd then be "equal" and like a spoiled child, he will have gotten his way through tantrums. Queen Daisy takes her role far to seriously and her love for her Danish people would never come secondary to the rantings of an irrational husband.
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The court has responded, or rather not responded: Prins Henrik: Dronningen gør mig til nar -

"We have no comments to that at all".

Did he literally say that "his wife doesn't give him the respect a regular wife should give to her spouse" ?

If that is true, I don't see how they can stay married. It looks to me that a divorce is the only option at this point, unless there is some underlying medical condition behind all this.
OK, I've watched the video now. I understand danish (I'm swedish), and I just don't know if it could get any worse than this.

It's easy to assume that he's suffering from some kind of dementia. But I don't think he is. All royals have access to excellent health care, danish court included. He's been in hospital just a few weeks ago (for other reasons), and I'm sure there is a team of doctors who are monitoring his health. If he's beginning to suffer from dementia, I doubt that the court would have issued their first statements. They would have been quiet or said something about "health issues".

My conclusion is that he's no longer interested in being even a tad diplomatic on this issue, and he doesn't care what it means to his wife and children.
No, Henrik, your wife hasn't made a fool of you, you've done that all by yourself!
I don't think, looking at him, that this is dementia, just obsession and tremendous grievance welling up, but if it is senility, and Prince Henrik has been properly medically assessed, then a statement will have to be made. This quite obviously can't go on. There will be more outbursts in the weeks to come if he's not stopped in some way.
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Wow - that is really bad. PH does look like he's been ill and lost weight. But to speak out so publicly on a private matter is not good. If the Queen does decide to separate (I think divorce is unlikely, especially if he is not of sound mind) from him, I wonder if she will cut back on her work load and turn even more things over to M & F. At her age, she doesn't need this drama.

As for being a fly on the wall, I'd like to be one when QM and her sons discuss this alone.
I didn't think it could get any worse, and then PH proved me wrong. Wow. He really took out the 'passive' in 'passive-aggressive'.

And to think QM is flying over there soon to spend the rest of the holiday with him. How nice.

Crown Prince Frederik is currently regent from the 8 to 11.
I wonder if the Queen went to France directly or took some time away.
H.K.H. Kronprinsen er regent den 8. – 11. august | Kongehuset

Henrik has gone to a new low :bang:
This is what Lene Balleby from the court said to Jyllands Posten: Kongehuset har ingen kommentarer til prins Henriks kritik af dronningen - Indland

Vi har videregivet prinsens budskab om, at han ikke vil begraves i Roskilde Domkirke. Og at det skyldes prinsens utilfredshed med sin status og stilling i monarkiet,« siger hun til Jyllands-Posten.»Mere har vi ikke at sige om den sag. De seneste udtalelser fra prinsen ændrer ikke på dette.«

"We have passed on the message of the Prince that he does not want to be buried at Roskilde Cathedral. And that it is because of the Prince's dissatisfaction about his status and position in the monarchy.
We do not have anything more to say about that matter. The latest statements from the Prince does not change that".
As much as I'd like to see the CPs on the throne, I'd rather QM divorce PH and take away his title and income. She should not suffer from his madness.

I agree. And I don't think this reflects badly on the DRF--unless they continue to excuse and placate the man.
OK, I've watched the video now. I understand danish (I'm swedish), and I just don't know if it could get any worse than this.

It's easy to assume that he's suffering from some kind of dementia. But I don't think he is. All royals have access to excellent health care, danish court included. [....].

Having access to excellent care does not prevent dementia or similar problems. Your very own late Princess Lilian, my very own late Queen Juliana, or the late US President Reagan all lost their memory and lived in a twilight zone. So having good care or not is not relevant here, I would say.
Having access to excellent care does not prevent dementia or similar problems. Your very own late Princess Lilian, my very own late Queen Juliana, or the late US President Reagan all lost their memory and lived in a twilight zone. So having good care or not is not relevant here, I would say.

Of course it doesn't prevent it. But if he was suffering from dementia, his doctors and his closest family would know that. If that was the case, the court would not have commented on his reasons - they would have said nothing or simply issued a statement about his health. That's my point.
I almost feel sorry for him, seeing how obsessed he is with this whole topic.

Duke, I also was beginning to feel sorry for the man and even hoped he was starting to have a slight mental problem to excuse his bizarre behavior. No More. I honestly feel that he has staged a sophisticated battle against the Danish government that didn't bow to his demands and wants. But his malicious rants against his wife and the stupid blackmail attempt shows an ignorant male that thinks he is better than a Queen of a country [even if she is the mother of his sons]. Right now I believe he is a pompous malicious idiot that should be dealt with promptly for his own good.
"It's my wife and not me, who can do something about that decision. If she want's to have me buried next to her, she must make me a king-consort. That's it. (As in finito/basta.) I don't care".

So if the Queen doesn't give him everything he wants, he wont be buried with her. wow! Putting the title above his "love" for his wife.

At first in the video he says: "My wife has not shown me the respect an ordinary wife (informal word) should show her spouse".

Has he shown any respect to his wife and family? by putting this himself in the public discussion, he has shown zero respect to his wife and family.
He thinks that by airing this in public, the Queen will listen and give him everything he wants. :bang:
Tuesday afternoon. That is within the past few hours PH chatted with BB reporter, Trine Larsen.

He driving a car, as you can see in the photo, and was on his way to inspect the fields.
"I'm around to have a look at my wine-fields and enjoy it a bit".

He then called the assistant who handles the souvenir shop at Chateau Cayx. "I would like to offer a glass of wine".
"I look forward to my wife (informal) arriving later. Then we'll have a cozy time, it's after all holiday. We are going to visit my family... and eat well".

PH has lost weight after the procedure at Skejby Hospital: "I don't eat so much. I don't have much of an appetite".

In the preview to this weeks magazine edition: Prins Henrik taler ud i BILLED-BLADET | BILLED-BLADET
Which looks to me like the scene in the video, PH is speaking in very sharp terms, as it is put, to BB's Trine Larsen.
She said to PH: Man taler om, at De gør dronningen til grin og til nar og hænger hende ud... "There is talk about You making the Queen a laughing stock and making her look like a fool and exposing her...".
Then he responded as we can see the Se & Hør video.

PH and Trine Larsen have known each other for many years, and are by all accounts on very good terms.

The comments are beginning to come in and they are pretty much in line with what is being said you here.
Absolute a must view!

In this link PH is speaking to a journalist from Se & Hør about the issue. Normally Se & Hør has next to no credit, but here we can hear him speak and it's bad! I mean seriously bad!

Eksklusivt interview med prins Henrik: Hun gør mig til nar

He says: Det er hende, der gør mig til en nar. Jeg har ikke giftet mig med dronningen for at blive begravet i Roskilde, fort
"She is the one who is making me a fool. I have not married the Queen in order to be buried in Roskilde".

Min kone har besluttet, at hun gerne vil være dronning, og det er jeg meget glad for. Men som menneske skal hun vide, at hvis en mand og kone er gift, så er de lige, påp
"My wife has decided that she would like to be Queen and I'm very pleased with that. But as a person she must know that if a man and woman are married, then they are equal".

At first in the video he says: "My wife has not shown me the respect an ordinary wife (informal word) should show her spouse".


Prins Henrik: Dronningen gør mig til nar -

Also in Politiken. PH, according to Se & Hør, emphasize that he loves his wife.
QMII will arrive at Chateau Cayz today.

Why doesn't he realize that it is an *Honor to be buried in Roskilde* next to your wife for then you would be known for eternity, till the end of time.

He would go down in history and be remembered as a wonderful prince who served his country beside being the husband of the queen..........what an idi*t.:bang:
Did he literally say that "his wife doesn't give him the respect a regular wife should give to her spouse" ?

If that is true, I don't see how they can stay married. It looks to me that a divorce is the only option at this point, unless there is some underlying medical condition behind all this.

There are two sides of the story. From Queen Victoria we know that she kissed Prince Albert's footsteps and she wanted to avoid any idea that her dearst beloved Albert was any less than her.

Heinrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin was treated badly by Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. Pierre de Polignac was just "used" by Charlotte of Monaco and their marriage was just for the bühne. Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld at the other side absolutely had the upper hand in the marriage to Juliana of the Netherlands, she effectively married an intrigant and a Rasputin at the Court. Claus von Amsberg was unhappy with his position in the shadow of his dominant spouse (Beatrix of the Netherlands) and -maybe as a result- he was in a severe depression from 1982 until his death in 2002 despite being part of a very wealthy, carefree and beloved royal family.

We can not look in the private besognes of Margrethe and Henri. But when his spouse gives the impression (just an assumption) that Henrik is just an ornament of the royal theatre, should shut up and play with his dachshunden, then there can be something completely off-balance indeed, which might have been going on for years. Because "the other side" remains silent (wisely so) it does create the image of feet-stamping Henri vs Sancta Margaretha but somewhere there is a thorn in the relationship between the two.

Imagine that Henri, the Pater Familias, has not been consulted with decisions regarding the family. Something like that may add to a certain frustration inside him. Imagine he enters a room and Margrethe discusses affairs regarding the maintenance of the park around Marselisborg, or discusses arrangements for next trip with the royal yacht Dannebrog, Henri asks about it and the answer is: "Nothing, dear.", this can cause some explosiveness in lots of men, especially when they are already, for decades, not taken au sérieux. The Belgian Prince Laurent has the same destructive anger in him.
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Did he literally say that "his wife doesn't give him the respect a regular wife should give to her spouse" ?

If that is true, I don't see how they can stay married. It looks to me that a divorce is the only option at this point, unless there is some underlying medical condition behind all this.

I agree. His wife isn't a "regular wife." She's the Queen. I don't feel sorry for PH in the least. Could be dementia, but maybe not. Maybe he's just a overgrown spoiled baby who has shown zero respect for his wife and the life he married into. I feel very bad for the Queen and family.
"I look forward to my wife (informal) arriving later. Then we'll have a cozy time, it's after all holiday. We are going to visit my family... and eat well".

Once again, skewered thinking. Of course its perfectly all right to publicly demean one's wife and throw accusations at her and whine about being made a fool and that she should know better that he deserves to be King Consort and then believe that she should meekly come to him and be all cozied up and ready to enjoy a holiday eating and drinking and visiting. Its almost as if Henrik cannot or will not recognize that his wife has any kind of human emotions and feelings.

Even without a diagnosis of any kind of mental disability, this is not clear thinking by any means. He'd probably be totally shocked should his wife show up and clobber him over the head with the heaviest frying pan she can find and wonder what he ever did to deserve that. :D
She can't cave in. The public reaction would be very negative!

My bet is something along these lines:
A) He is of sound mind, in which case QMII may have to announce an official separation, because as you say, this is blackmail. And blackmail does not belong in a marriage.

B) He's losing it, and the court will have to issue a statement saying PH is gravely ill. Which would be an admission of him being senile and people should pay no attention to what he says.

C) QMII abdicates.

1. Some experts have said that this is damaging to Henrik alone and not to the monarchy.

2. Others say this is damaging to both QMII and the monarchy, and I agree with them.

3. A poll has in fact already shown that the majority of danes think this is damaging to the institution itself. So therefore I think (as I wrote in the post below) that an abdication becomes more and more likely.
1. I've been following norgesvennen QMII (the Norway friend, as the norwegian media calls her) for a long time.

2. She often gives interviews to Norwegian magazines when she is in Norway.

3. She has always said (as late as this year) that she is going to sit on the throne till she dies.

4. That's why I have repeatedly said that this is what she's going to do.

5. But now I start to agree with Muhler, and I actually think an abdication may be a possibility.

4. And what's next? Will he reveal family secrets etc?

5. And I don't think he's senile, but he is losing it when it comes to his selfishness. And I think him being 'equal' to his wife has gone to his head.

6. But as I've wrote before, what I don't understand is how Henrik thinks, because he will never be equal to the reigning monarch, whether he is called His Majesty the King Consort or not.

7. And by the way: He has given a short interview to Ekstra Bladet as well while he is sitting behind the wheel in his car - he says he looks forward to seeing the Queen. I leave it to the Danish posters here when it comes to translate articles - see the video here:
Henrik efter hårde ord: - Jeg ser frem til at se dronningen – Ekstra Bladet

It never ends, and this is again the main story at both TV2/DR and in most newspapers.
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Queen Margarethe II such as Queen Sofia are perfect Actresses. Pictures wlll be taken at Cayx with great smiles !
It is the best thing to do to make an end at this disaster Situatiion!(already 393 posts)
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