Speech of His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias to receive the Medal of Honor and deliver Awards for Internationalization of the Chamber of Commerce of La Rioja
Logrono, November 23, 2007
Princess joins me thank wholeheartedly for your kind welcome.
This Act allows us to go back to the beautiful land of La Rioja, to meet you, to know even better your projects and concerns, but mostly to support you in your efforts to transform the challenges of the new world in real opportunities to increase the presence of Spain in the globalized environment of the global market.
Go hence our gratitude to the Chamber of Commerce of La Rioja, for the invitation to preside over the handing over of the Awards for Internationalization, and in particular I convey my gratitude for distinguirme with your Medal of Honor.
Indeed, involves a great honor for me, whenever represents illusions professionals and affection of so many entrepreneurs of this land and those accompanying us in this Act.
Thanks heart for this medal, which underscores once again the generous spirit of La Rioja and Riojan.
Lo siguiente que quiero expresar esta noche es, por supuesto, nuestra más sincera y cordial felicitación a todos los empresarios de La Rioja, en esta celebración tan bien por las tres empresas que han merecido los premios a la Internacionalización de este año en su Décimo Octava edition. Many congratulations to Produmix SA Tecni-shoe SA and vineyards Adeanueva. It has been a pleasure to deliver the Award.
The great work done by the three firms rewarded for their managers and his entire staff, exemplifies many of the virtues and values that, over time, have accrued to the men and women of this land.
Indeed, the hard work shown here for centuries has greatly boosted your beautiful natural space, wide and fertile crossroads, shaped by the Ebro and the seven valleys of the Iberian.
An industry who have managed to turn in the channel talent, well demonstrated by the stones venerable San Millan de la Cogolla, many times I have been fortunate enough to visit. Those walls, a World Heritage Site, were privileged cradle of our universal language, which extends learning quickly throughout the world, bringing with them messages and values, rich and diverse, containing our cultural heart, and Latin American Spanish.
This openness to the global, lived in La Rioja since its inception, has been widened by the dual path, "French" and "internal" to the Road to Santiago fruitful intense relationship between Spain and other European countries.
Well aware of this relationship companies and entities included in the Official Association of Chambers of Commerce, the Roads Jacobeos, whose work contributes actively to boost the role that national and international routes to Santiago played in a wide range of commercial, tourist and culturally, in addition to the historic role Christian spiritual pilgrimage.
The outstanding legacy of enjoying La Rioja, power, certainly, the capabilities of human capital, which, as I have stressed many times, form the main body of our nation, especially in the modern knowledge economy.
To expand these capabilities was born the University of La Rioja in 1992, seeking better prepare their students as well as the necessary familiarity with the business world's Research, Development and innovation of our businesses and generally not Spanish society we can dispense, let alone be able to live up requiring international markets and that we deserve.
On the economic front, starting with an excellent agricultural production and food processing, whose quality has improved steadily, as evidenced, among other accomplishments its manufacturing and worldwide fame of your wines, Rioja has also developed industries and services in other sectors, also able to compete successfully, far beyond our borders.
Thus, venís getting increasingly positive results in your business, along with a permanent increase in exports over nine consecutive years.
I know that do not conform with these results. Aspiráis to situaros at the forefront of research and development, innovation and competitiveness, to facilitate your presence in new markets and enhance the prosperity of La Rioja, without losing the value of such a balanced combination of tradition and modernity, which you well assimilated.
On the backdrop of globalization, are you aware that in the current economic world export is no longer just a bet by improving businesses, to become a necessity, an obligation.
With your courage Riojan, entrepreneurs are assuming the laborious effort, "mester heavy," as he wrote Gonzalo de Berceo, placing products, goods and services in Spanish sometimes very distant locations, supported in your culture exporter, who knows answer competition in the international market, while also striving to ensure growth and jobs at home, our land.
To meet the challenges of the global arena, are equipped with various media, including the Internationalization Plan, signed by the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade, the Economic Development Agency of the government of La Rioja and the Chamber of Commerce.
In addition, preparations of constant effort with the Official Chambers of Commerce promote the presence of our companies abroad. A contribution always recognize and encourage. Suffice it to recall that the resources that the network of eighty-eight houses established in Spain and thirty-seven located overseas Aimed at promoting the internationalization of Spanish firms, are in second place, after contributing the government.
In short, with these words I wanted to underline the scope of these Awards for Internationalization, which, in addition to distinguish the work of exporting companies have received awards, make them relating to our business fabric. Thus, Winners added to their good work extra significance, and to be presented to society as a spur and model.
I reiterate our congratulations full of affection to the three distinguished signatures this year, with the certainty that the merits and the quality that we recognize them today, will continue to enhance its professionalism and its outreach.
A greeting that, coupled with my gratitude for this Medal of Honor, Princess and I extend to the Chamber of Commerce of La Rioja, for their work in counseling, arbitration and training, which promotes the presence of products, goods and services this ground in international markets.
In that quest aglutináis all Riojan, for the progress and welfare of La Rioja and the whole Spain, and in which I will have at your side with my support, now as Heir to the Crown, and forever.
Thank you.
Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de España