In the newspaper there is no photo. It has been a very discreet visit, so it seems to be difficult that there are photos. The only possibility is a paparazzi with a lot of luck, it will be necessary to wait to the magazines, if the photos do not publish Wednesday, it is that they are not.
LaChica, I believe that it has been her better gift. According to herself she was saying in interviews previous to her commitment with the Prince, since her visits went to be lived to Madrid to Asturias they were a need, it was her refuge. She was not visiting the house of her grandmother for one year, and still she could not have taken Leonor ... so it is sure that it has been very special, and very calmly without the burden of the press.
The good of the small places is that once the news are know, it spreads rapidly.
The Infanta Leonor visits Asturias in company of her parents for the first time
The princes don Felipe and dona Letizia, accompanied of the small Infanta, did yesterday a fleeting visit to Ribadesella
Leonor already has seen Asturias for the first time with her own eyes. They have been the landscapes of the east the first ones that the small Infanta has known. It was yesterday, in a fleeting visit that don Felipe and dona Letizia realized probably to Sardéu, and that they wanted to support in the most strict intimacy. They were seen and do not not seen.
Only the personnel of a gas station in Colunga had the fortune, and took the capital surprise to them, of meeting the future Kings of Spain and their daughter.
Andrea García, one of the employees, assured that when she saw don Felipe to stoop his own vehicle and to go to the spout number six it was not possible to believe it. " About this moment only I thought: sigh my god if my chief sees that the Prince is served only ...! ". But later, on having verified the naturalness with which the Inheritor was acting, she went to him with the same attitude. " I saw that he was throwing the petrol and later he gave me the good days and prepared to pay ".
Don Felipe filled the deposit with 57 Euros of petrol of 98 octanes without lead. He paid in metal-worker with sixty Euros and Andrea García limited herself to giving him the change and to wishing a good trip him like she did throughout yesterday with the rest of the clients.
Together with the Prince, in a car Volvo of gray bluish color, there was travelling dona Letizia, who remained all the time in the car, and in the back part of the vehicle the little Leonor, dressed in rose and sat in a safety chair. Besides, another car, with at least four escorts, was following them closely.
The royal visit was a curious anecdote for a Sunday that was passing with normality in this gas station placed in the A-8 towards Oviedo. " Here many famous people occur repostar because many people of Madrid have houses for veranear, but we had never seen the Princes ", indicated Andrea.
Official presentation
The Princes still do not have an official residence indicated in Asturias, but they seize any opportunity to do an elopement and to lodge at the house of the paternal grandmother of the Princess of Asturias, the known one radiofonista Menchu Álvarez del Valle.
It is probable that in this occasion, dona Letizia wanted to do a visit, though it was brief, to her grandmother provided that the past 15 of September celebrated her 34 birthdays, a party that she is in the habit of feasting surrounded with her more nearby relatives.
The Princes will not be late very much in returning to Asturias. At the moment they have an appointment foreseen for the close one 28 of September on the occasion of the inauguration of an exhibition of the Portuguese artist Adriana Molder and to the one that also is foreseen the assistance of the president luso Cavaco Silva.
Later, in October, Prince of Asturias takes place the traditional delivery of the Prizes. The presentation the Asturians of the small Infanta will have, assurance, notable date.