El romance clandestino
Lo que se presentía como una fiesta aburrida se ha acabado desvelando como el marco de un flechazo en toda regla. Un príncipe apuesto y soltero, una plebeya lista y bella, miradas y una incontrolable atracción... Ingredientes de cuento de hadas para una sorprendente historia "Real" que comenzó a fraguarse en octubre de 2002 en casa de Pedro Erquicia, director y presentador de "Documentos TV". Entre los invitados de la que iba a ser sólo una cena tranquila para hablar sobre el conflicto en Irak se encontraban Letizia Ortiz, compañera de cadena del anfitrión, y don Felipe de Borbón, Príncipe de Asturias. Según algunos presentes en aquella reunión, ambos pasaron buena parte de la velada "charlando y bromeando", segunda cuenta Manuel Rubio, subdirector de Informe Semanal.
Volverían a cruzarse sus caminos en los premios Príncipe de Asturias de 2002 y en las costas gallegas afectadas por el Prestige, pero sería algunos meses después cuando el Príncipe, quizá mientras se reencontraba con el rostro de Letizia a la hora del Telediario, se decidió a pedir una cita a la periodista . La asturiana aceptó, la pareja volvió a verse y aquél fue sólo uno más de un encadenado de encuentros que siempre tuvieron lugar en el más absoluto secreto . Un juego de misterios que contribuía a estrechar la complicidad entre ellos. Jornadas de caza en fincas resguardadas, la residencia de Don Felipe, cenitas en casa de amigos de máxima confianza y escapadas al extranjero servían para desarrollar la relación libre de intromisiones y rodeada de una extrema prudencia. El Príncipe apostaba fuerte por ella y se dice que hasta la Infanta Cristina -quien en su momento también acogió a Eva Sannum en su hogar- ha puesto su granito de arena para que el romance saliera adelante. Letizia, mientras, se mantuvo como una tumba sin variar aparentemente nada, ni tan siquiera la estrecha relación que le unía a su colega David Tejera , presentador de CNN Plus y ex-presentador de Antena 3, desde que se separó de su marido a finales de 1999 y que duró hasta el verano. Un móvil dedicado exclusivamente a recibir las llamadas de Don Felipe contribuía salvaguardar el silencio.
La elegida pasó con éxito el examen de ser aceptada por la pandilla del Príncipe el pasado verano en aguas del Mediterráneo. Letizia Ortiz convivió con el grupo de íntimos en un crucero de unos días que la llevó por las Baleares a bordo del barco de unos amigos del futuro monarca. Fue una prueba de fuego para la pareja. Letizia encajó perfectamente entre los treintañeros de clase alta. A la vuelta de las vacaciones, ya en Madrid, a la periodista le esperaba la reválida. Había que conocer a los suegros, pero e l visto bueno de los Reyes no se hizo de rogar . Por si acaso, el Príncipe dejo claro a sus progenitores que su decisión no admitía peros. "Esto es lo que hay; o esto, o lo dejo todo" afirma Pilar Urbano, biógrafa de la reina Sofía. Sin embargo, no fue necesario tensar más la cuerda porque los Reyes están encantados con su futura nuera.
Las citas con el Príncipe siguieron sucediéndose en la capital siempre envueltas en toda la invisible parafernalia del sistema de seguridad desplegado por expresa orden del Heredero de la Corona. De puertas para afuera, Felipe y Letizia, continuaban con su vida habitual para no levantar sospechas. Él, que durante el verano se había permitido el lujo de despistar a los periodistas quedando con alguna de esas amigas que habían dado que hablar -como Gwynelth Paltrow-, continuó con su apretada agenda. Mientras, ella presentaba cada noche con nervios de acero la segunda edición del Telediario, cuidando milimétricamente la imagen elegante y formal que la caracteriza, al mismo tiempo que se preocupaba de mantener sus buenas relaciones con los compañeros de profesión y de fortalecer sus lazos con cargos de responsablidad en los medios, quizá en para contar con su apoyo en el momento de conocerse la noticia.
A algunas de sus compañeras en la cadena pública no se les escapó el brillo que lucían los ojos de Letizia. A su compañera María Oña le confesó que estaba enamorada, pero que no podía decirle de quién. Con el tiempo y los rumores Oña ató cabos. «La miré a esos ojazos que tiene y le dije que ya sabía quién era . Ella me suplicó por favor que contara que se llamaba Juan y que era diplomático».
El sábado día 1 de noviembre a las 6 de la mañana, Letizia Ortiz salió de su casa de Valdebernardo y tomó un taxi hasta el avión que la apartó del acoso mediático sacándola de España durante el fín de semana. Unas horas después la Casa Real salía al paso de los rumores y conjeturas que habían saltado a los medios haciendo pública, antes de lo previsto, una de las noticias más esperadas de los últimos tiempos en España: la boda del Príncipe de Asturias . El noviazgo del futuro rey de España se destapaba por fin . Desde aquel momento, a Letizia se le hizo un hueco en el ala de invitados de La Zarzuela, donde se ha instalado mientras la Casa Real encuentra un lugar apropiado, y a la espera de que el próximo verano la periodista asturiana se mude difinitivamente a la residencia del Príncipe.
The clandestine romance By Mª JOSE LLERENA Which was had a feeling as a boring celebration has been ended up keeping awake as the frame of flechazo in all rule. A good looking and unmarried prince, a plebian beautiful list and, watched and an uncontrollable attraction... Fairy tale ingredients for a surprising "Real" history that began to forge itself in October of 2002 in house of Pedro Erquicia, director and presenter of "Documents TV". Between the guests of whom it was going to be only one has supper calm to speak on the conflict in Iraq were Letizia Ortiz, companion of chain of the host, and Don Felipe de Borbón, Prince of Asturias. According to some presents in that meeting, both passed good part of the evening "chatting and joking", second Blond Manuel account, assistant director of Weekly Report.
Volveri'an to cross their ways in the prizes Prince of Asturias of 2002 and in the Galician coasts affected by the Prestige, but would be some months later when the Prince perhaps, while he was eeted again with the face of Letizia to the hour of the Television newscast, was decided to ask an appointment the journalist. The Asturian one accepted, the pair returned to see itself and that one was only one more of chaining of encounter that always took place in the absolute secret. A game of mysteries that contributed to narrow the complicity among them. Days of hunting in protected property, the residence of Don Felipe, cenitas in house of friends of Maxima confidence and escapes to the foreigner served to develop the relation free of interferences and surrounded by one extreme prudence. The Prince bet strong by her and he says that until Infant Cristina - who at her moment also welcomed in Eva Sannum in her home has put her sand granite so that the romance came out ahead. Letizia, while, stayed as a tomb without varying nothing apparently, nor so at least the narrow relation that united to him to its colleague David Tejera, presenter of Cnn Extra and ex--presenter of Antenna 3, since it separated of his husband at the end of 1999 and who it lasted until the summer. An exclusively dedicated moving body to receive the calls of Don Felipe contributed to safeguard silence.
The chosen one passed the examination successfully to be accepted by the gang of the Prince the past summer in waters of the Mediterranean. Letizia Ortiz coexisted with the group of intimate in a cruise of days that on board took it by the Balearic ones of the boat of friends of the future monarch. It was an acid test for the pair. Letizia fitted perfectly between the thirtyish ones of high class. Around the vacations, already in Madrid, to the journalist it waited for the revalidation to him. It was necessary to know the fathers-in-law, but and approval l of the Kings was not made request. Just in case, the Prince I make clear to its ancestors who its decision did not admit peros. "This is what there is; or this, or I leave everything it "affirms To pound Urban, biographer of queen Sofía. Nevertheless, it was not necessary to tighten plus the cord because the Kings are enchanted with their future daughter-in-law.
The appointments with the Prince continued following one another in the always surrounded capital in all the invisible equipment of the security system unfolded by express order of the Heir of Corona. Of doors for outside, Felipe and Letizia, continued with their habitual life not to raise suspicions. It, who during the summer had allowed the luxury to confuse to the journalists being with some of those friends who were since to speak - like Gwynelth Paltrow -, continued with his tight agenda. While, it very millimetrically presented/displayed every night with steel nerves the second edition of the Television newscast, taking care of the elegant and formal image that characterizes it, at the same time that worried to maintain its good relations with the profession companions and to fortify its bows with positions of responsablidad in means, perhaps in counting on its support at the moment for knowing the news.
To some of its companions in the public chain the brightness did not escape to them who shone the eyes of Letizia. To his companion Maria Oña it confessed to him that it was enamored, but that could not say to him of whom. With time and the Oña rumors tied ends. "I watched It at those ojazos that it has and I said to him that already it knew who was. She me suplicó please that told that Juan was called and who he was diplomatic ".
Saturday day 1 of November to 6 in the morning, Letizia Ortiz left its house of Valdebernardo and took a taxi until the airplane that separated it from the harassment mediatic removing it from Spain during fín from week. Hours later the Real House forestalled the rumors and conjectures that had jumped to means doing public, before the predicted thing, one of the waited for news more of the last times in Spain: the wedding of Prince de Asturias. The engagement of the future king of Spain was opened finally. From that moment, to Letizia a hollow in the wing of guests of the Zarzuela was done to him, where it has settled while the Real House finds a place appropriate, and to the delay of which the next summer the Asturian journalist changes itself difinitivamente to the residence of the Prince.
Todo sobre la prometida del Príncipe
Lo que no se ha contado de Letizia
Él la vio en la televisión y se prendó. Le pidió a un amigo que le organizara una cita. El resto llegó solo, a pesar de que ella se resistió a las cuatro primeras llamadas: un traje de pedida un poco grande, un trabajo que se resiste a dejar, caros regalos de compromiso. La culminación tendrá lugar el 26 de junio. Será la boda del siglo
El primer sábado del próximo verano. La boda del siglo tendrá lugar, con toda probabilidad, el 26 de junio. Al menos, algunos de los hoteles más importantes de la capital, Ritz, Villamagna, Santo Mauro y Villarreal, tienen bloqueadas todas sus reservas para esa fecha, según ha podido saber esta revista.
Mientras ese día histórico llega, adelantamos nuevos datos y curiosidades que rodean a la pareja de moda y, sobre todo, a la mujer que ha robado el corazón del Príncipe y la atención de todos los españoles.
La famosa primera cena en la que coincidieron el Príncipe y Letizia no fue casualidad, sino una maniobra premeditada de él para conocer a esa joven periodista que le caía tan bien, según pública la revista Tiempo. Pedro Erquicia, amigo de don Felipe, fue el artífice.
En su ático de la calle Claudio Coello convocó el 17 de septiembre de 2002 a varios amigos, como Luis Mariñas y Beatriz Pérez Aranda; Juan Abelló y Ana Gamazo; Manuel Rubio (subdirector de Informe Semanal) y Letizia Ortiz, Emilio Martínez Lázaro (director de cine)... y Felipe de Borbón.
Ella rechazó verle cuatro veces
Tras esta cita, donde no faltó la química entre los dos jóvenes, el Príncipe llamó a Letizia en cuatro ocasiones para verse, y en todas, ella le contestó: "Hoy no puedo, mejor quedamos otro día". En ese momento, Letizia estaba rompiendo una relación de tres años con el periodista David Tejera.
En el desastre del "Prestige" fue cuando el destino volvió a juntarlos. En primavera comenzaron a salir rodeados de una muralla de silencio y confidencialidad infranqueable.
La frase que pronunció Letizia durante su petición de mano interrumpiendo a su prometido ha hecho historia. Ella se estaba refiriendo a su futuro.
"Voy a dedicarme a esta nueva vida con las responsabilidades y obligaciones que conlleva y con el apoyo y cariño de... (El Príncipe intenta intervenir y ella le ataja presta). Déjame terminar... y el cariño de los Reyes y, por supuesto, el ejemplo impagable de la Reina". La finalidad era resaltar que su mejor ejemplo son sus futuros suegros.
Su traje costó 1.800 euros
Letizia fue infiel al diseñador que la ha vestido en los últimos meses. En lugar de un modelo de Adolfo Domínguez, optó por uno Armani de 1.800 euros para su petición de mano. Su relación con el diseñador gallego comenzó al entrar en TVE.
La cadena tiene un acuerdo con él para que éste vista a sus presentadoras. A cambio, ellas pueden comprar la ropa que han lucido en los informativos con descuentos de un 40 por ciento.
El traje, de crepe color blanco roto, constaba de una chaqueta con cuello chimenea (su preferido) y un pantalón ligeramente acampanado.
Lo fue a buscar el martes 4 de noviembre a la tienda que la firma tiene en Madrid. Si hubiera tenido más tiempo, se habría hecho entallar la chaqueta para ajustarla a su figura.
Le quedaba también holgado de hombros. Pero, en dos días, sólo pudo subirse el dobladillo del pantalón. Aunque no se veía, la periodista llevaba un top, debajo de la chaqueta, creado por el modisto italiano.
Everything on the fiance'e of the Prince Which is not counted of Letizia He saw it in the television and it fell in love. It asked to him a friend who organized an appointment to him. The rest arrived single, although it resisted to the four first calls: a suit of requested a little great, a work that resists to leave, expensive gifts of commitment. The culmination will take place the 26 of June. It will be the wedding of the century
Until journalist Letizia Ortiz marries with Prince de Asturias happens to be "Doña Letizia". The first Saturday of the next summer. The wedding of the century will take place, with all probability, the 26 of June. At least, some of the most important hotels of the capital, Ritz, Villamagna, Santo Mauro and Villarreal, have blocked all their reserves for that date, according to has been able to know this magazine.
While that historical day arrives, we advanced to new data and curiosities that surround to the fashionable pair and, mainly, to the woman who has robbed the heart of the Prince and the attention of all the Spaniards.
Famous the first supper in that Prince and Letizia agreed was not chance, but one maneuvers premeditaded of him to know that young journalist who fell to him so well, according to public the magazine Time. Pedro Erquicia, friend of Don Felipe, was the creator.
In its attic of the street Claudius It summoned the 17 of September of 2002 to several friends, like Luis Mariñas and Beatriz Perez Aranda; Juan Abelló and Ana Gamazo; Blond Manuel (assistant director of Weekly Report) and Letizia Ortiz, Emilio Martinez Lazaro (cinema director)... and Felipe de Borbón.
The phrase has already become famous
"déjame to finish", that Letizia said to him to its fiance' when this one interrupted to him. It rejected to see four times him After this appointment, where she did not lack chemistry between both young, the Prince called to Letizia in four occasions to see itself, and in all, she I answer to him ': "Today I cannot, better we were left another day". Then, Letizia was breaking a relation of three years with journalist David Tejera.
In the disaster of the "Prestige" it went when the destiny returned to join them. In spring they began to leave surrounded by a wall silence and insurmountable confidentiality.
The phrase that Letizia pronounced during its request of hand interrupting to its fiance' has made history.
It was talking about her future. "I am going to dedicate me to this new life with the responsibilities and obligations that entail and with the support and affection of... (the Prince tries to take part and she takes a short cut to him renders). Déjame to finish... and the affection of the Kings and, of course, the non-paymentable example of Reina ". The purpose was to stand out that their better example is their future fathers-in-law. To pound, the sister of the King, skipped the protocol to demonstrate to her nephew and to Letizia her affection.
Its suit cost 1,800 euros
Letizia was unfaithful to the designer who has dressed it months in the last. Instead of a model of Adolph Domínguez, it decided on one Armani of 1,800 euros for his request of hand. Its relation with the Galician designer began when entering the TVE.
The chain has an agreement with him so that this one Vista to its presenters. In return, they can buy the clothes who have shone in the news with discounts of a 40 percent.
The suit, of crepe broken white color, consisted of a jacket with neck chimney (its favourite) and trousers slightly snaped like a bwll.
It went to look for it Tuesday 4 from November the store that the company/signature has in Madrid. If it had had more time, it would have been made carve the jacket to fit it to his figure.
To him it was comfortable also of shoulders. But, in two days, the backstitch of the trousers only could rise. Although it was not seen, the journalist took top, underneath the jacket, created by modisto Italian.
A rather harsh article, I would say. And the first bit of criticism I have heard about Letizia, for whom I had heard nothing but praise prior to this.Originally posted by Binny@Nov 15th, 2003 - 11:37 pm
This is from an English newspaper - The Mirror
She was attacked by the baying media for getting matters "wrong" on her engagement day. For wearing a suit, worse, a white suit instead of a jacket and skirt; for standing on Felipe's right-hand side instead of the left and even for touching her hair during the photo opportunity.
Charles eventually said that, for him, it seemed a good idea to marry, if possible, a princess because "they know how everything works."
Indeed. But then Queen Sofia is royal through and through. Her father was King Paul of Greece while her brother is King Constantine (Tino) of this same country but now, of course, in exile.
At least the article got one thing right.Binny Posted: Nov 15th, 2003 - 11:37 pm
So, back to the luscious Letizia.
I would imagine she's in a voluntary (and involuntary?her ... ambitiousness, pushiness and ....control freak.
That is a hilarious sign xicamaluca! Poor Eva! But I bet Letizia and Queen Sofia got a kick out of it!Originally posted by xicamaluca@Nov 18th, 2003 - 5:01 pm
The spanish soccer team will play the play-off to the European Championship against Norway in Oslo. Just look to the flag that some supporters took to Norway![]()
Alexandria Posted: Dec 20th, 2003 - 2:23 pm
Letizia look .... noticeable.
Wow, i have the same height as Queen SofiaOriginally posted by donnaK@Jan 7th, 2004 - 7:05 pm
Queen Sofia is 172cm. I would say Letizia is about 168-170cm, definitely not 175cm reported by the Spanish press.
from billed-bladet.dk
I hope someone would translate this.
Velforvaret fortid - 22.01.04
Kronprins Felipe, 35, og hans forlovede, den tidligere TV-speaker Letizia Ortiz, 31, var fulde af lovord, da de kom ud fra en biograf i Madrid, hvor de havde set filmen »Goodbye, Lenin«, som humoristisk gør op med det østlige Tysklands kommunistiske fortid. De spøger til gengæld ikke med Letizias fortid. Den spanske regering har bevilget 12.000 kr. til et pengeskab, hvor alle papirer vedrørende Letizias første ægteskab og skilsmisse skal forvares utilgængeligt.