Daniel delivered this afternoon the scholarship of the Micael Bindefeld´s Foundation in Memory of the Holocaust to conductor Sofia Winiarski at Dramaten, The Royal Dramatic Theatre. This was the tenth consecutive year the scholarship is awarded.
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The scholarship from the Micael Bindefeld's Foundation in Memory of the Holocaust 2025 goes to Sofia Winiarski and the musical ensemble Stulen Musik. SEK 700,000 is donated to the concert project Stulen Musik, which is a concert about the Nazis' attempt to wipe out Jewish musical culture.
The motivation reads:
"Sofia Winiarski's groundbreaking project Stolen Music revives parts of the Jewish music that was stolen, banned and silenced during the Nazi regime. With absolute hearing, respect and artistic curiosity, Sofia builds a stage performance and shapes a unique artistic expression. The project brings justice to music that was silenced, a reminder of how the Holocaust took hold of every part of Jewish life. Sofia Winiarski pushes the boundaries of our culture of remembrance and thus does not only honor the memory of the stolen music. She brings it to life."
The Micael Bindefeld's Foundation in Memory of the Holocaust awards a scholarship every year with the aim of supporting those who have a desire to communicate, inform, image or otherwise convey knowledge about the Holocaust to a broad Swedish audience.
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The theatre had large barriers, the police had set up riot fences and put up an iron ring around the entrance to the Royal Dramatic Theatre. Many Swedish ministers and the Israeli ambassador attended the ceremony too.
Svenska Sofie Louise Johansson har gift sig med en prins i Malaysia. Nu berättar prinsessan om sin nya familj utomlands.
Here is the right link to the Svensk Damtidning article:
En järnring runt Dramaten i Stockholm under prins Daniels besök.
In the evening Daniel attended a memorial service for Holocaust victims at the Great Synagogue in Stockholm.
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The Royal Court tells about Daniel at the scholarship award ceremony and at the Great Synagogue:
At the scholarship awardceremony Daniel held a speech, where he said among other things:
"The heavy work of remembrance that has become your burden now becomes our duty. We shall not forget."
The ceremony at the Great Synagogue concluded with Daniel laying a stone at the memorial monument, which is located next to the synagogue and was inaugurated by the King in 1998.
In Jewish tradition, it is customary to lay stones, which, unlike flowers, are eternal. The stone that Daniel laid had been picked by Estelle and Oscar at Haga Palace.
Den 27 januari infaller Förintelsens minnesdag. Kungaparet och Kronprinsessparet deltog i dag i olika ceremonier med anledning av minnesdagen. Årets minnesdag uppmärksammade även 80-årsminnet av befrielsen av förintelselägret Auschwitz-Birkenau.
3,609 likes, 21 comments - kungahuset on January 27, 2025: "Kungafamiljen har under dagen hedrat minnet av de många miljoner människor som dödades under Förintelsen. 🕯️ Kungaparet närvarade vid en minnesceremoni arrangerad av Forum för levande historia. Ceremonin innehöll bland annat...
Video, Daniel arrives to the Great Synagogue at 6.48. And at 9.42 we see Daniel at the scholarship award ceremony of the Micael Bindefeld's Foundation in Memory of the Holocaust.
Micael Bindefeld at his Instagram:
"Grateful and proud that HRH Prince Daniel wanted to honor my foundation with his presence and award the tenth scholarship at @dramaten"
860 likes, 10 comments - micaelbindefeld on January 28, 2025: "Micael Bindefeld Stiftelse till minne av Förintelsen - 2025 - - Svep! - - Tacksam och stolt över att H.K.H Prins Daniel ville hedra min stiftelse med din närvaro och dela ut det tionde stipendie på @dramaten - - I år mottog...
The Jewish Community of Stockholm at its Instagram:
1,108 likes, 16 comments - judiskaforsamlingen on January 27, 2025: "Stort tack till alla som närvarade vid vår ceremoni över Förintelsens offer. Extra tack till överlevande Hania Rosenberg och Susanna Christensen för att ni har kraften att berätta. Tack.🌹".
Micael Bindefeld posted still from the Scholarship award ceremony of his Foundation in Memory of the Holocaust:
"HRH Prince Daniel takes his seat next to some of the few Holocaust survivors who are still able and willing to participate in the ceremony that my foundation arranges every year! The Prince's sincere and deep commitment permeated the entire ceremony!"
4,503 likes, 19 comments - micaelbindefeld on January 30, 2025: "27 januari -Förintelsens Minnesdag - Svep - H.K.H Prins Daniel tar plats bredvid några av de få förintelseöverlevare som fortfarande kan och orkar delta i ceremonin som min stiftelse arrangerar varje år! - Prinsens uppriktiga och...