Prince Andrew and His Alleged Relationship with a Chinese Agent

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Aug 21, 2017
The NOS is reporting on a Chinese spy who is refused entry into the UK with a close link to prince Andrew. In 2021 he was found to carry letters that indicated that he was a business representative of the prince in China.

Buckingham Palace refuses to respond to questions because he is no longer a working member of the royal family.
The NOS is reporting on a Chinese spy who is refused entry into the UK with a close link to prince Andrew. In 2021 he was found to carry letters that indicated that he was a business representative of the prince in China.

Buckingham Palace refuses to respond to questions because he is no longer a working member of the royal family.
The latest revelations don't surprise me. There have always been many rumors about Andrew's dealings with mostly rich men from the Arab world. It's amazing that it took the Epstein scandal to do him lasting damage. It's also astonishing that as a member of the British royal family he has never been exposed before.
For me, he was always the spoiled, arrogant, self-confident son who was simply lucky to be a member of such a royal and wealthy family. I think it's good that he's invited to all the family gatherings despite everything, because he's definitely isolated. However, I also don't get the impression that he feels guilty, but simply misunderstood and wronged.

I am not sorry for him, if at all I am sorry for his daughters, because they are not responsible for their father's doings, but probably still suffer from the bad reputation of their father.
And, on a side note, Sarah doesn't contribute much to make this family look better, although she is very involved and hasn't retired to a quiet life. But, that is just my opinion.
The latest revelations don't surprise me. There have always been many rumors about Andrew's dealings with mostly rich men from the Arab world. It's amazing that it took the Epstein scandal to do him lasting damage. It's also astonishing that as a member of the British royal family he has never been exposed before.
For me, he was always the spoiled, arrogant, self-confident son who was simply lucky to be a member of such a royal and wealthy family. I think it's good that he's invited to all the family gatherings despite everything, because he's definitely isolated. However, I also don't get the impression that he feels guilty, but simply misunderstood and wronged.

I am not sorry for him, if at all I am sorry for his daughters, because they are not responsible for their father's doings, but probably still suffer from the bad reputation of their father.
And, on a side note, Sarah doesn't contribute much to make this family look better, although she is very involved and hasn't retired to a quiet life. But, that is just my opinion.
He is extremely disliked by almost everyone who ever had any dealings with him. If he really was his mother's favourite then it doesn't shine favorably upon her.
From the Telegraph Pictured: Prince Andrew meeting Chinese ‘spy’ banned from UK

Chinese money given to the Duke of York is being investigated by the security services, The Telegraph can disclose.
Prince Andrew’s business venture is understood to have received money from Chinese donors with links to an alleged Communist party spy.
The disclosure comes after it emerged on Thursday that the alleged spy, described as a “close confidant” of the Duke in court documents, had been banned from the UK on national security grounds.

However, the case raises serious questions for the Duke over how he funds a lavish lifestyle that includes the upkeep on Royal Lodge, his 30-room home at Windsor, and his own private security.

The Telegraph can disclose that Buckingham Palace has no way of scrutinising the Duke’s finances, including the money used for the upkeep of Royal Lodge, which is owned by the Crown Estate.

This always seemed somehow inevitable to me. In some ways I suspect being a working member of the RF actually constrained Andrew. Once that was taken away from him I bet he saw it as carte blanche to do whatever dodgy dealings he wants.
I am not defending Andrew in any way, but he was a trade envoy in 2011, David Cameron the Prime Minister was encouraging contact and trade with China. So possibly the early contacts were legitimate on Andrews side, as for the other side well it is anybodys guess.
The speeches encouraging trade with China was his role at the time, and if the government of the day wanted to encourage China well he would have carried it out.
I have the impression that Andrew responds to flattery and lifestyle, all tools for the trade for people trying to get their foot in the door, they then become his 'friends'.
On the other hand it maybe suited the government ' agencies ' to let the friendship continue to see what they could get out of it. It is a murky mess that once again puts him under the spotlight for the wrong reasons.
The peril of the crossover between business colleagues and friendship, but were they friends or did Andrew just enjoy the flattery, because his arrogance is his weakness.
Exactly. And once he was no longer a working royal why not call on those friends to help out. The reality is Andrew was never going to leave quietly to a cottage at Sandringham or Balmoral, if he was no longer getting the funding needed to keep up his lifestyle he was always going to look elsewhere for that funding. And we saw what Fergie did when she was broke to get money - offering cash for access to Andrew. I'm absolutely not excusing Andrew, who is an absolute idiot IMO, but this was always highly likely going to happen.
I find it surprising why the Chinese are still interested in Andrew and what useful tips he can give them. If it is true that they are paying him, then one wonders what for. He has been away from his royal duties and the resulting business relationships for years. What kind of insider knowledge can he still have, given that he now lives a very isolated life? It is doubtful that they are paying money just to help an old friend, and if it is true that he is able to finance the upkeep of Royal Lodge and security out of his own pocket than he must have been given lots of money.
Andrew should probably have been sidelined years before he was.
But the Queen was over-indulgent and supported him.
With that support eliminated, he finds it hard to accept that he must now toe the line that his brother has drawn, or risk being cut off entirely.
I find it surprising why the Chinese are still interested in Andrew and what useful tips he can give them. If it is true that they are paying him, then one wonders what for.

Prince Andrew must have quite the network around the world. And he knows things... I mean, he was hanging out with quite the characters - What he has seen there, is probably the envy of the yellow press!
Andrew tells his ex wife Fergie everything. As a result, IMO, she knows as much about the important people with money sources Andrew has met over the decades as he does.

What is more, Sarah is not afraid to wheel (or wheedle) and deal, as we have seen in the past, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she handles any money negotiations while he sits back quite comfortably.

Xmas this year at Sandringham might be a tad uncomfortable for these two, I think, though probably no more than a twinge or two of discomfort. What it does to the image of the BRF among the British public is another matter.
Not surprisingly. Andrew has always been a terrible judge of character- even when it was evident he should distance himself (think Epstein). All reports says the spy has been to "multiple royal residences". Wonder if like Epstein he had the spy visit and sit on the throne in the throne room....

Xmas at Sandringham will be interesting...
Prince Andrew must have quite the network around the world. And he knows things... I mean, he was hanging out with quite the characters - What he has seen there, is probably the envy of the yellow press!
That would be an explanation. It could also be that he receives hush money for not revealing other spies, as there is usually a network of spies. We don't know the truth, but it is a possibility. Plus close contact with ex wife Sarah who has lots of connections as well.
I am not defending Andrew in any way, but he was a trade envoy in 2011, David Cameron the Prime Minister was encouraging contact and trade with China. So possibly the early contacts were legitimate on Andrews side, as for the other side well it is anybodys guess.
The speeches encouraging trade with China was his role at the time, and if the government of the day wanted to encourage China well he would have carried it out.
I have the impression that Andrew responds to flattery and lifestyle, all tools for the trade for people trying to get their foot in the door, they then become his 'friends'.
On the other hand it maybe suited the government ' agencies ' to let the friendship continue to see what they could get out of it. It is a murky mess that once again puts him under the spotlight for the wrong reasons.
The peril of the crossover between business colleagues and friendship, but were they friends or did Andrew just enjoy the flattery, because his arrogance is his weakness.
And the British press is reporting this morning that the Chinese spy in question also had meetings even with former British PMs such as David Cameron and Theresa May.

The reality is that China maintains a very active intelligence network in western countries that targets universities/academics, businesses/industry, politicians/public officers, the military, and any other persons of interest to Beijing (media personalities, journalists, etc.). Prince Andrew was probably seen as a soft target that the Chinese could successfully approach. But the problem in this case is no such much Prince Andrew personally (as it was in my opinion in the Epstein case), but how the West in general handles aggressive Chinese intelligence operations.

I saw an interview on Sky News with a former head of MI5 (the UK's domestic counterintelligence agency), where he said that what happened to Prince Andrew in terms of being approached by Chinese agents could never happen for example to the King or the Prince of Wales, as they are shielded by several British government services/departments/agencies.
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An article from the Telegraph on this point - Chinese ‘spy’ scandal may not be Prince Andrew’s fault, says source

The well-placed source said the Prince had met the man through government-sanctioned activity.
“If it is true that the Duke was targeted by this man and that this man in turn was on manoeuvres in some way, I don’t see how that can be a criticism of the Duke rather than a criticism of Chinese operatives,” they told The Telegraph. “It’s a bit mystifying.”

And even the Guardian
The United Front Work Department aims to befriend, bribe and seduce ‘useful idiots’. Was Andrew caught up in its net?
In 2014, Andrew leveraged his family position to set up a new venture, Pitch@Palace, through which young entrepreneurs were invited to a royal residence to pitch ideas to potential investors. That same year, he launched Pitch@Palace China.

No doubt it seemed like a good opportunity: at the time, there was talk of a “golden era” in the UK’s relations with China. Why should the prince not also ride a mutually profitable wave of ever-warmer relations? The proposition was well received at the highest levels in China. The then Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, attended the global final at Spencer House in 2019 and spoke fondly about the UK’s tech startups, a sector China was keenly interested in.

However, Andrew wasn’t ’struggling financially’ ten years ago when he supposedly first met this spy, in the same way he may be now. He didn’t meet this man yesterday or even last year, but in 2014.
At that time he was a working royal with all the status and perks, and an ex honorary Trade Envoy, so one would suppose that some protections were offered to him by a Government Department or agency as a working member of the BRF who was dealing with Chinese officials.

In addition one would expect a man in late middle age to himself question as to why this Chinese govt official was so anxious to be close friends.

Or is Andrew such a gullible fool that he believes that his charm carries him through in all situations with everyone? As for the Telegraph’s ‘well placed source’ it appears to me that placing blame elsewhere other than Andrew is well-practised damage control by BP.
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However, Andrew wasn’t ’struggling financially’ ten years ago when he supposedly first met this spy in the same way he is now. He didn’t meet this man yesterday or even last year, but in 2014.
At that time he was a working royal and an ex honorary Trade Envoy, so one would suppose that some protections were offered to him by Government Departments as a working member of the RF dealing with China.

One would also expect a man in late middle age to himself question as to why this Chinese govt official was so anxious to be close friends.

Or is Andrew such a gullible fool that he believes that his charm carries him through in all situations with everyone?
But The Telegraph and The Guardian articles address your point. Andrew met this Chinese man apparently through goverment-sanctioned activities. I suppose it was all part of David Cameron's new "golden age of relations with China".

So, yes, while I take your point on the timing of the approach, which was before Andrew was cut off, I still maintain that the state safeguards that should have been in place to protect him from being used as an asset by foreign agents did not quite work as they should have.

Andrew has said that he stopped all contacts with the Chinese agent when he was warned by the British government about him. It begs the question why these warnings didn't come earlier.
No they didn’t work as they should have, I agree. However Andrew himself did not exercise due caution with this individual either. There is a difference between being polite and cordial and going all out as for instance Andrew did with both this individual AND Epstein and Ghislane in giving them entree to BP, Windsor and St James’s etc., conducting them around, as well as no doubt freeranging and easy conversations at Royal Lodge.

It’s the fishiness of many of Andrew’s contacts that has landed his reputation firmly in the mud and also stopped his role as a Trade envoy. It all too often stinks to high heaven.
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This is disturbing:

Customs officials found a letter on an electonic device belonging to the "spy." It was from Andrew's aide, Dominic Hampshire. Among other reassurances, he wrote this:

"We have wisely navigated our way around former Private Secretaries and we have found a way to carefully remove those people who we don't completely trust. Under your guidance, we found a way to get the relevant people unnoticed in and out of the house in Windsor."

The mind boggles.
I saw an interview on Sky News with a former head of MI5 (the UK's domestic counterintelligence agency), where he said that what happened to Prince Andrew in terms of being approached by Chinese agents could never happen for example to the King or the Prince of Wales, as they are shielded by several British government services/departments/agencies.
And why wasn't Andrew protected like that.
Probably for the same reason wider members of the RF aren't protected physically in the same way as the Sovereign and Prince of Wales - cost vs threat.

The reality is, Andrew is not the Sovereign nor the heir to the throne. Ultimately, the cost of doing background checks on everyone every member of the RF meets is likely too great - better to focus the resources on the sovereign and heir, as if they were implicated in something like this is would be much worse and have possible constitutional issues as well as more real security and national security issues. Andrew being dragged in to it is an embarrassment for sure, but does it have wider implications? Not really IMO.
Probably for the same reason wider members of the RF aren't protected physically in the same way as the Sovereign and Prince of Wales - cost vs threat.

The reality is, Andrew is not the Sovereign nor the heir to the throne. Ultimately, the cost of doing background checks on everyone every member of the RF meets is likely too great - better to focus the resources on the sovereign and heir, as if they were implicated in something like this is would be much worse and have possible constitutional issues as well as more real security and national security issues. Andrew being dragged in to it is an embarrassment for sure, but does it have wider implications? Not really IMO.
It doesn't have wider implications, I agree, but it is still embarassing for the RF and might give strength to republican movements. Best case for any monarchy is always having a good image, doing things perfectly as expected. And that, I am sure, is King Charles's and Camillas first goal, and they are handling it perfectly.
Too bad that they have this "black sheep" Andrew in their family. All other family members have done their jobs very well. It is always Andrew that causes trouble, at least when it comes to older family members.
Realistically it would be impractical to vet and follow up on everyone who have contact or a relationship with the royals, With limited resources, it is natural that the priority should be to protect the King and the heir for obvious reasons.

That is not to say junior royals can't be targets. This Chinese agent for example would not have approached and befriended Prince Andrew if Chinese intelligence did not think they had something to gain by developing Andrew as an asset. Although the initial approach took place when Andrew was still a working royal, the Chinese agent did not break up the contact when Athe Palace announced Andrew was "suspending his public duties" in 2019. Intelligence officers often play a long game and may develop an asset even if there is no immediate gain to be had from that target in the near future.

Ultimately the system did work in the sense that the agent was identified and barred from reentering in the UK. Prince Andrew was also instructed to discontinue any contacts with him. The failure was during the inital approach, when insufficient vetting and follow up were in place (apparently.).
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It is the King’s brother [...] who for whatever reason is still deep in the bosom of his family at family and State occasions. He and his ex wife will be there at Sandringham this Christmas.

The Chinese Govt only has use for people whom they conceive as being useful to them because of their hundreds of continuing contacts including the highest in the land, not someone in exile at Montecito an ocean away, who sees very few people nowadays.
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It is the King’s brother [...] who for whatever reason is still deep in the bosom of his family at family and State occasions. He and his ex wife will be there at Sandringham this Christmas.

The Chinese Govt only has use for people whom they conceive as being useful to them because of their hundreds of continuing contacts including the highest in the land, not someone in exile at Montecito an ocean away, who sees very few people nowadays.

Out of curiosity, are you saying you think that Charles should essentially kick Andrew out of the family in EVERY way- including Christmas?

I am absolutely sure that King Charles is annoyed and frustrated at Andrew’s appalling behaviour and lack of judgement over the years. It’s up to Charles to say what damage Andrew has done to the monarchy over the decades.

I don’t expect them to, but if Andrew and his so ‘supportive’ Fergie were to quietly withdraw from the royal family’s celebrations at Sandringham for this Xmas at least, it might be regarded as a blessing. The media will be there absorbing everything on the Xmas morning walk, don’t forget.
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