This is the official programm of President Jorge Sampaio's state visit for today:
11:45 Arriving of the President of Republic and his retinue to the Military Airport of Melsbroek
Welcome by HRH the Crown Prince
11:50 Departure of the President of Republic and his official retenue from the Airport for Brussels
12:15 Arriving at the Place des Palais
Welcome by TM the King and Queen of Belgium
Official Welcome Cerimony
12:40 Displacement of the President of Republic and his wife, accomanied by the Belgian Kings and Crown Prince, to the Royal Palace
12:45 official photo at the Royal Palace
Exchange of gifts
13:05 Departure of the President of Republic and wife to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in a train with Horse Royal Escort
13:15 Arriving at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier
Deposition of a crown of flowers
Cerimony to revive the Flame
Portuguese and Belgian National anthems
15:45 Visit of the President of the Republic to the City hall of Brussels (Porche des Lions)
16:25 Arriving at the Federal Parliament
16:30 Meeting of the President of the Republic with the Speaker of the house of the Representatives and the Vice-president of the Senate, with the presence of the Gentlemen Members of the house of representatives and of representatives of the Federal Parliament (Salon du Président of la Chambre des Représentants)
17:15 Arriving at Fédération des Entreprises Belges (F.E.B. - V.B.O)
Intervention of Mr. Geert Noels, representative of the Petercam, on "Belgium - Exporting Country par excellence"
Speech of the President of the Republic
17:20 Inauguration of the exhibition of Portuguese jewelry entitle "Relationships", at the Hilton Hotel
18:20 Hearing of the President of the Republic with the Prime minister of Belgium, Mr. Guy Verhofstadt (Salon Blanc)
21:00 Gala dinner, in honor of the President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio and his wife, Maria José Ritta, offered by the Belgian Kings (Château de Laeken)