The Divina is actually one of the Bocconi students' favourites discos in this period. Actually it is quite bad, full of annoying people from southern Italy, but Pierre usually hangs out either there or at the Old Fashion club...

he used to go out with a girl in his class which was REALLY weird... Se went to lesson with her skies (and he went with his skatebord) and was always hyper.. But I guess it's over now!
differently from the other Bocconi students though, Pierre rarely goes to class, and when he does, he goes with a bag that is slightly larger than a Jelly Bean. In class he always looks terribly annoyed and does rasta to his hair to the point which he drives his teacher totally mad at him, and then he leaves...
And when the time of exams arrives, he manages to get a nice 3 out of 30 and a 6 out of 30.. That is quite BAD!