List of Mette-Marit's protectorates from
FOKUS- Forum for kvinner og utviklingsspørsmål - Forum for Women and development question
Rådet for Psykisk Helse - Council for Psychical health
Fullriggeren Sørlandet
Norsk Designråd -Norwegian Design Council
Trondheim Kammermusikk Festival - Trondheim Chamber Music Festival
she does not have many
is there anything you would like to see her work for maybe norwigien design year (if there would be one) or get young poeple to reed more
I remember reading in one of her news thread that Mette-Marit is now a "door-opener" for the Red Cross. She was supposed to do an engagement with them during her pregnancy, but had to cancel. Hopefully, we will see her do some engagements with the Red Cross next year.
The Royal Family has reorganised which organisations they are patron of, they quit all patronship some time ago and the organisations had to apply again to keep their royal patron. The most important change is that Märtha Louise has dropped all patronships related to cultural events to not come into conflicts with her other work. The King has been determined to create a greater distance between the two roles and both the King and the Princess hopes the discussion will be toned down after this decision. She is now patron of six organisations, all are related to health, the ones she has left is very much related to her education as a physical therapist &aid=
Mette-Marit has increased her number of paronships from 5 to 1o, she has kept all the old ones except Trondheim Chamber music festival and gotten 6 new ones, most importantly the Norwegian Red Cross (The Queen used to have this one before) Scouting Norway and she has also added two film festvals and Oslo international church music festival and taken over the Risør festival for chamber music from Märtha Louise &aid=
Here is a complete list of her patronages:
Norges Speiderforbund (The Norwegian Scouting Association)
Amandus filmfestival
Kristiansand Internasjonale Barnefilmfestival (Kristiansand International Children's movie festival)
Risør Kammermusikkfest
Norsk Designråd (The Norwegian Design Council)
Norges Røde Kors (Red Cross Norway)
Rådet for psykisk helse (Council for Psychic health)
Stiftelsen Fullriggeren ”Sørlandet”
Oslo Internasjonale Kirkemusikkfestival (Oslo International Church Music Festival)
Royals revise patronage lists King Harald has dropped nearly half of the organizations for which he's been a royal patron. His daughter, meanwhile, will no longer be a patron of cultural groups, to avoid more conflicts over her commercial activities as a purveyor of culture herself.
The new royal patronage list was released this week, after a comprehensive review of the organizations that members of Norway's royal family support. Palace officials noted that it was the first such overhaul since King Olav died 15 years ago....................
Queen Sonja has one of the best patronage lists I've ever seen ... no heartwrenching or negative groups and organizations, simply art and music. I bet this is one of the many reasons she appears so fresh and happy in the photos I see of her