Hi Harold, these are some of the German news sites I use when searching for information:
[URL="http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,266,00.html"]Deutsche Welle[/URL]
*The site is in English which reports all the headline stories, local and international, press releases, and so forth.
*Again this link is in English. Covers everything.
*In German, but if you know the language you shouldn't have a problem.
[URL="http://www.derwesten.de/"]Der Westen[/URL]
*I use this site when searching for news about the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg family, which they do report on. Again, it's in German.
[URL="http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/germany.htm"]German Online Newspapers[/URL]
*This site offers a mega list of all the newspapers in Germany from Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, and all the smaller cities, villages, and towns in between. This site has it all. Like the previous two links, this is mainly in German.
*This site offers every single channel in Germany which can be viewed online. From the daily news, to fashion, music, culture, and so on this site is fantastic. Just look to your right, scroll down until you see the link for Germany, click it, and there you have it... all 164 German channels. For the latest news in Austria, click on over to the Austrian link.