Countess Ruth af Rosenborg is the wife of the former Prince Flemming of Denmark. When they married in 1949 he renounced for himself and his descendants the title of Prince of Denmark and qualification of Highness and received the title of Count af Rosenborg. Count Flemming died in 2002.RachelD said:who is Countess Ruth?
Next to her, her husband the late Count Flemming of Rosenberg . Next them Prince Ingolf of Danemark , Prince Knud's eldest son with his second wife who wears the fringe tiara of Queen Alexandrine ??
Countess Ruth has 6-7 tiaras? I've only ever seen four at the most (including one of the few cameo tiaras). I also always thought that she had one tiara which could be altered to have different motifs along the top, meaning that I've really only ever seen her in three tiaras:
1) Diamond tiara with interchangeable motif
2) Kokoshnik Ruby (?) tiara
3) Cameo tiara
If you mean the lady behind the King of Sweden , it is Prince Ingolf of Danemark's second wife, I forgot her surname ( Suzy ??), but I'am sure Stefan knows it because his first wife was Inge.
Countess Ruth also has an opal tiara, which she inherited from "Princess" Viggo. She (Ruth) had it changed if I remember correctly, but she doesn't wear it often.
I take it that the cameo tiara you're referring to is the one from the lava parure ??
This is a tiara which belonged before to Princess Viggo.
Is Nr. 3 the big diamond loop tiara which was often worn by Pricness Margaretha? If yes this one was sold by the descendants of Prince Georg according to a poster on the Royal Jewels MB some time ago.3. Diamond tiara. France ca. 1885? -Provenance: Princess Marie (Orleans)-Princess Margaretha
Is Nr. 3 the big diamond loop tiara which was often worn by Pricness Margaretha? If yes this one was sold by the descendants of Prince Georg according to a poster on the Royal Jewels MB some time ago.
Imagine Queen Alexandrine's jewelry which was important equally split and given to her two sons, that means that the Danish minor royals have more jewelry than the Queen's close family.
Countess Ruth heritage is important because Viggo and Georg had no children. It is great that Countess Ruth never sold them. The only tiara they sold in the Paris auction was a tiara with glass-stones instead of diamants.
I bought when I visited Amalienburg the book : Juvelerne I det Danske Kongehus by Barne Steen Jensen. Altough I may not read danish the pictures I understand the pictures.
Two parents, two sons and two daughters- in- law; all gone, except for countess Ruth!