Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

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Nov 8, 2002

Dämpat öppnande av riksdagen

Det var mer svartklätt och allvarstyngt än vanligt vid riksdagens högtidliga öppnande på tisdagen.
Både kung Carl Gustaf och statsminister Göran Persson anknöt i sina tal till mordet på Anna Lindh:
- Sverige har sorg, vi har förlorat vår utrikesminister och en medmänniska, var kungens första ord.

Plenisalen var fullsatt då talman Björn von Sydow trädde in tillsammans med kungen, drottning Silvia, prinsessan Lilian samt prinsessan Madeleine, som stundom tittade fram under en kvarnhjulshatt - den enda kläddetalj som stack ut under årets dämpade ceremoni.
För musiken svarade denna gång Visby Brass som spelade såväl en brudmarsch som Att angöra en brygga - denna dag lät melodin mer vemodig än komiskt underfundig.
På åhörarläktarens första bänk lyssnade det politiska Veteransverige: Förre moderatledaren Carl Bildt bytte ord med äldste vpk-ledaren C H Hermansson. Förre miljöspråkröret Birger Schlaug sitter numera på läktarplats, och dit upp har också tidigare talmannen Birgitta Dahl flyttat liksom vice talmannen Anders Björck - numera landshövding i Uppsala.

Persson lovar fler poliser
Kungen passade i sitt tal på att tacka för uppskattande ord under måndagens lunch då han firade sina 30 år på tronen.
Även statsminister Göran Persson anknöt i sin 25 minuter långa uppläsning av regeringsförklaringen till läget för 30 år sedan. Vid den tiden snickrade man ihop den nya svenska regeringsformen som berövade kungen all formell makt och lade tonvikten vid riksdagen.
Nu aviserade Persson en översyn av "demokratins spelregler". Partierna inbjöds att medverka. Statsministern återkom också gång på gång till nejsegern i EMU-folkomröstningen i söndags. Långt ifrån att närma sig nejsidan upprepade han jakampanjens varningar för negativa verkningar. Men han skulle slåss för att motverka dem.
Persson lovade också fler poliser och vädjade om förståelse för att det kan vara tungt och knepigt att vara politiker. Riksdagsledamöter nickade instämmande då han citerade ur en dikt att 70-talets jordbruksminister Svante Lundkvist:
Politiker, dessa av somliga smått föraktade varelser, flitiga som bin strävar de med små och stora problem i människors gemenskap.

Trängselmingel i marmorhallen
Sedan bröt stora trängselminglet ut i marmorhallen, de gamla kamrarnas korridorer och den festsal som kallas sammanbindningsbanan. Så har det gått till i 20 år sedan riksdagen flyttade hem efter tolv års provisorium vid Sergels torg. Den gången, 1983, försökte fotograferna förgäves plåta statsminister Olof Palme tittandes ut genom fönstret. På Norrbro ringlade nämligen den jättelika demonstrationen mot löntagarfonderna fram.


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Polfoto STOCKHOLM 030916 King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia arrives for the opening of the Swedish Parliament. Traditionally the King opens the first parliament session in the autumn



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The current pics of colourpress of the event are of very bad quality. So I´m just posting 4 of it.





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The CP is looking a bit thoughtful in the car?
Originally posted by haakon2@Sep 16th, 2003 - 2:54 pm
The CP is looking a bit thoughtful in the car?
Why shouldn´t she? Maybe she´s thinking about Anna Lindh..?
Why shouldn´t she? Maybe she´s thinking about Anna Lindh..?

That could be one reason .... I was thinking more along the line of the implications of a wicked rumor reported in the press about a resemblance .... - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf , drottning Silvia och riksdagens talman Björn von Sydow © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria © Karin Törnblom / IBL - - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prinsessan Madeleine © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL


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It must be a little unsettling to have to perform public duties in the wake of Anna Lindh's assasination.

What's this "wicked rumour"?
That guy in a blue tie and shades behind the King looks like security. Wouldn't want to tangle with him. - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prins Carl Philip och prinsessan Lilian © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prins Carl Philip och prinsessan Madeleine © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prinsessan Lilian © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL

Not a problem, Julia! I am happy to be doing it. Truth be told, I actually find it kind of de-stressing, espescially after the long day I had at work today! - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Drottning Silvia och kung Carl XVI Gustaf © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Drottning Silvia och kung Carl XVI Gustaf © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Drottning Silvia © Karin Törnblom / IBL


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Thank you for posting all of the photos, Alexandria. As usual you are two steps ahead. :) - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria, prinsessan Lilian och prinsessan Madeleine © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prins Carl Philip och prinsessan Madeleine © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Göran Persson, drottning Silvia och prinsessan Lilian © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf, drottning Silvia, kronprinsessan Victoria, Göran Persson, prinsessan Lilian, Björn von Sydow mfl © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kung Carl XVI Gustaf, drottning Silvia, kronprinsessan Victoria, Göran Persson, prinsessan Lilian, Björn von Sydow mfl © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prinsessan Madeleine och prins Carl Philip © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria och prinsessan Lilian © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Kronprinsessan Victoria och prinsessan Lilian © Karin Törnblom / IBL - Riksmötets öppnande 2003-09-16 Prinsessan Madeleine © Karin Törnblom / IBL


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What's this "wicked rumour"?
Some magazines wrote that the suspected murderer, "the NK man" looks alot like Victorias boyfriend Daniel. Some people called the police and said so to. But I´m sure the police doesn´t listen to stupid things like that...
And today expressen writes that the man the police arrested yesterday is a "friend of Madeleine".
Princess Lilian, Prime Minister Goran Persson, Queen Silvia, King Carl Gustaf, speaker Bjron von Sydow and Crown Princess Victoria during the opening the Swedish Parliament, September 16, 2003.

Crown Princess Victoria during the opening the Swedish Parliament, September 16, 2003.

Princess Madeleine and Crown Princess Victoria during the opening the Swedish Parliament, September 16, 2003.

Princess Lilian, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Madeleine and Prince Carl Philip on their way into the Swedish Parliament, September 16, 2003.


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Opening of Parliament 2004

Does anyone know why Princess Madeleine won't be attending the opening of Parliament? thanks.:)
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Opening of Parliament 2004

Here we can post all the pictures, articles etc on the Opening of Parliament 2004, and the Session of 2004/05.
The King's Speech

His Majesty The King’s speech at the Opening of Parliament 2004 (NB: my translation of his speech, held in Swedish)

Mr Speaker, Honoured Members of Parliament,

Today the Parliament gathers again and we are reminded that our short Nordic summer is coming to an end. Once again we can look forward to an autumn full of colour and with a high and clear air.

It is my hope that all of you during the summer have had at least some time for rest and reflection, which has filled you with energy and inclination to bring on all the tasks that await. Maybe you have also been inspired by our good athletes, who have shown both great individual performances and great team spirit during the Olympic Games in Athens.

I would like to present greeting from the two countries that The Queen and I have recently visited, Olympia’s Greece and the tales’ Iceland. It is two countries with a long and learned history of how democracy is built, kept and developed.

In these countries, we have been reminded of the importance to manage what we have been trusted with and the importance to pass it on to coming generations.

A new Session of the Parliament takes its beginning. The decisions that you will take will affect the conditions for many citizens, now and in the future. It makes another foundation in our valuable society.

Many issues that surround the nations and the citizen’s security, education, work, the health care sector, environment and international cooperation will fill your daily work. It is all of our hope that, when this Session is ended, more progress, for joy and benefit of many people, can be presented.

Already at this point, we know that 2004 will make history as the year when the European Union was enlarged with many free, democratic countries. During the State Visit to Slovenia in June, The Queen and I could see many proofs for the general interest in the union, and how dependent we are of each other across all borders.

The enlargement also emphasizes the importance of every country carrying out its part in the work of settling all conflicts, protecting the environment and emphasizes all people’s equal value. These aspirations can be carried out in many different ways, by cooperation between countries or by peoples or organisations non-profit work. The immense tragedy that the world recently witnessed in the Russian city Beslan, once again shows proof of the importance of never becoming tired of the work for mutual respect and understanding between population and individuals. Everyone must take a responsibility in this important work.

The Swedish people have given you all its trust in forming the terms of our future society. I wish you all great wisdom and endurance in the managing of this democratic responsibility.

With these words, I hereby declare the 2005/2005 Session of the Parliament open.
Even more photos from IS. It was odd that the first two photos didn´t work but I got them up for you.












The last group of photos from IS. Bravo to them for having such nice photos.








We might have posted the same pics here... But I guess it's okay anyway, at least there are pics to see. :) And since your (Dennis) pictures are on Photobucket, they'll be available longer.
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Yes. A simple mistake on my part. I saw the message from Yennie and I went over to IS to see and I noticed that there were photos up so I downloaded them on to the hard drive so I could put them onto my PB account. And I had not seen that GD had already posted. O, well.
Thanks to Dennis and GrandDuchess for posting the new pictures.

A ponytail...sigh...when there´s one thing, that I hate more than a ponytail at an official function, than it´s a ponytail + a hat combined
Lena said:
Thanks to Dennis and GrandDuchess for posting the new pictures.

A ponytail...sigh...when there´s one thing, that I hate more than a ponytail at an official function, than it´s a ponytail + a hat combined
:D You make me laugh hilariously sometimes Lena! But yet so very true: Hats and ponytails are very odd combinations to me, too. One would just think that it might be a bit awkward and uncomfortable to have something like a ponytail protuding from beneath one's hat. Now more than ever we need to raise funds to send Lena or someone over there to give Victoria hair and fashion advice ...

And thank you very much GrandDuchess and Dennis for all your pictures.
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robby86 said:
It will not let me watch. What do you use to watch? :confused:
You have to click on the link "se webbteve" under the picture, then it will play in windows media
Alexandria said:
Now more than ever we need to raise funds to send Lena or someone over there to give Victoria hair and fashion advice ...
I think we should do this job together...we could show Victoria on a flip chart our fashion plans...and then we take the scissors... ;)

maybe it's just me, but she has worn that hat a lot. I think it needs to be retierd.
I agree with you, robby. But I also see that an opening of a parliament means wearing a hat for princesses. It´s a traditon. But Victoria surely could find something better.
Lena said:
I think we should do this job together...we could show Victoria on a flip chart our fashion plans...and then we take the scissors... ;)

I agree with you, robby. But I also see that an opening of a parliament means wearing a hat for princesses. It´s a traditon. But Victoria surely could find something better.
A flip chart ... fabulous idea! Can we bring the colour wheel for her too? Show her all the colours of the rainbow she is neglecting in her wardrobe? :D

robby86, Lena and I will add to our list of things to advise Victoria about when we have our consultation with her: Better hats that don't hide your lovely eyes.
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