I just discovered this forum while searching for info on the illegitimate children of Emperor Franz Joseph. The story circulating through my family is we are the descendants of a child born from an affair Franz Joseph had with a ballerina and he paid the mother a large sum of money. This info was found in a book many years ago by my mother, now deceased. For obvious reasons my family and I would like to confirm our lineage to Franz Joseph. I have come across a number of women he had affairs and or children with. Katharina Abel, I believe was a ballerina. Anna Nahowsky had a child and was was paid a large sum of money. Other possibilities are Rosa Moskowitch who was a laundress. Her daughter Margaret and was paid regularly by the Royal Office. Lastly there was a Polish countess Isabella Potocka?. I believe one of these women is my ancestor. If anyone is able to help me discover who she is I'd me very grateful. Thanks in advance. Linda