Elspeth encouraged me to protest here so I will.
We used to be able to have honest conversations about the royals of Monaco, especially Albert, who every knows does not have the most healthy image of the royals. But after the business with Charlene posters quickly divided themselves into two groups. The looks-people who oohhd and ahhd at every picture and didn't find anything wrong with anyone. Then we had the actions-people who looked at Alberts and Charlenes actions and judged based on them. As the judgements hardened and their relationship turned into a facade the critic voices became louder and less tolerant of their behaviour. Then the moderators decided to jump in and delete everything that was said negative about those two "love birds". Since then nothing has been allowed to post about these two except "wow, she looks so beautiful". It is a pity that you don't want to hear what the people in the world think about Albert and Charlene. Instead you want to prentend that everything is fine. That is why we stopped posting and have moved to another forum.
I used to like this forum because of the pictuers and I still do. But everything that is said here is CRAP!! So superficial.
Is royalty above critisism? Even though this is a royal forum does not mean all we can do is to admire and adore and worship. We should be their control in a sense that they have a job to do in this world and if they don't live up to our expectations they better improve and do their duty. Their job is not to look good in pictures and wave from balconies or be pictured feeling different women. Their job is to improve this world, help the poor, raise money for the underpriviledged, free children from slavery, end war, equal out the situation in the world. If they don't know where to start I recommend they read Human Rights Watch site to get ideas http://hrw.org/.
If they don't do their duty there is no reason for having them. All countries could easily be turned into Democracys or whatever, saving the taxpayers money for something wiser and more usuful. I bet people do not want their tax money to only cover the clothing bill for their fashionable prince and princess and the decorations for their huge palaces.
This my opinion!! It is not speculation!!
We used to be able to have honest conversations about the royals of Monaco, especially Albert, who every knows does not have the most healthy image of the royals. But after the business with Charlene posters quickly divided themselves into two groups. The looks-people who oohhd and ahhd at every picture and didn't find anything wrong with anyone. Then we had the actions-people who looked at Alberts and Charlenes actions and judged based on them. As the judgements hardened and their relationship turned into a facade the critic voices became louder and less tolerant of their behaviour. Then the moderators decided to jump in and delete everything that was said negative about those two "love birds". Since then nothing has been allowed to post about these two except "wow, she looks so beautiful". It is a pity that you don't want to hear what the people in the world think about Albert and Charlene. Instead you want to prentend that everything is fine. That is why we stopped posting and have moved to another forum.
I used to like this forum because of the pictuers and I still do. But everything that is said here is CRAP!! So superficial.
Is royalty above critisism? Even though this is a royal forum does not mean all we can do is to admire and adore and worship. We should be their control in a sense that they have a job to do in this world and if they don't live up to our expectations they better improve and do their duty. Their job is not to look good in pictures and wave from balconies or be pictured feeling different women. Their job is to improve this world, help the poor, raise money for the underpriviledged, free children from slavery, end war, equal out the situation in the world. If they don't know where to start I recommend they read Human Rights Watch site to get ideas http://hrw.org/.
If they don't do their duty there is no reason for having them. All countries could easily be turned into Democracys or whatever, saving the taxpayers money for something wiser and more usuful. I bet people do not want their tax money to only cover the clothing bill for their fashionable prince and princess and the decorations for their huge palaces.
This my opinion!! It is not speculation!!
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