Meghan Markle: Family and Background - November 2017-May 2018

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To my mind the person in the photo (possibly Mr Markle) is not aware of the photographer. The angle of the screen could be just to escape reflection. The photo could be from a security camera. The photo is not in any way offensive. It doesn't give out any secrets nor any opinions. It is a breach of Mr Markle's privacy. It could be a joke - if Mr Markle is aware of the photographer - but I think it's poor judgement to publish this photo.

The position of the keyboard is the same. Very inconvenient to type that way. And the reflection would be worse instead of better when turning the screen this way (as it seems to be in the back of the shop so no daylight reflection issues. Moreover, as I explained in my previous post, the photographer went with him to the tailor and now into an internet café in which mr Markle made sure to look up some engagement pictures of his daughter and moved both his screen and the keyboard in a position that would be most inconvenient for him and most convenient for the photographer...
The position of the keyboard is the same. Very inconvenient to type that way. And the reflection would be worse instead of better when turning the screen this way (as it seems to be in the back of the shop so no daylight reflection issues. Moreover, as I explained in my previous post, the photographer went with him to the tailor and now into an internet café in which mr Markle made sure to look up some engagement pictures of his daughter and moved both his screen and the keyboard in a position that would be most inconvenient for him and most convenient for the photographer...

And the second photo in the article clearly shows it was Sr. in the photo, clothes are the same. No matter how you spin this it was really a stupid move, and he knew full well he was being photographed. My only question is what is the subliminal message he is sending, that he also feels left out? That he's supporting his children from his first marriage by showing everyone in the family feels separated from Meghan?
@missy - Sr could be very embarrassed by his older children. Sam and Jr have damaged the Markle name and family reputation with their nonsense. When the half sibs complained about Meghan getting the best education, entrance to Hollywood, etc thanks to him, they are saying you Dad ignored us. By attacking Meghan they are passive aggressively attacking Sr, calling him a bad father. Sr may have been hearing that for years and now it has spilled out in public he could be saying enough. His library visit may be a signal: "as far as I'm concerned I only have one child and she's getting married next week. I look forward to meet my future son in law".
Weird indeed. I am sure his daughter could have sent him some engagement pictures. No need at all to look them up online in an internet cafe with a photographer behind you.
Unless he has eyes in the back of his head how would he know that someone was using a cell phone or even a camera to take a pix of him? Surely the Royals have taught us that a determined photographer w/ a long lens can get a lot of photos w/out the subject being photographed being aware they’ve been snapped. And how many times have private persons sold their cell phone shots/videos of various Royals? The short answer is lots of times.
The article states that the internet is spotty around the town where he lives and that he goes down to the cafe to have internet connection when it goes out.
Every article I’ve seen about H&M lately has included engagement shots somewhere in the article irrespective of the main topic. My bet is Mr. Markle was checking to see what new venom his 2 elder children were running to the press w/ in their quest to destroy his youngest child.
Here's what confuses me about today's pictures of Mr. Markle: the image on the screen is really, really clear.

Have you ever taken a picture of your monitor with a digital camera? It is not easy to avoid things like glare and moire on the screen. The latter is particularly an issue and is caused by the refresh rate of the monitor.

This article recommends setting your shutter speed to accommodate your monitor's refresh rate. Which... seems difficult when it's some random computer that you're shooting from the street.

I find it difficult to believe that the photographer has managed to get such a clear shot of the screen without some hinkiness going on. I don't know if it was collusion with Mr. Markle or whether the photographer photoshopped in that "screen", but something isn't right.
I don't know what's going on with Thomas Sr. I am not going to judge him and you should do the same.

I agree poor man wish “ everyone “would leave him alone. Also making jokes about wheelchairs is not funny.
If he has 'spotty' internet reception or just doesn't have one I can understand him going to the local internet cafe. As to the photos, well having not played ball with the media up until these photos, I am tempted to believe he just decided to go on about his life and ignore them.

Stressing about something you just can't change can cause severe anxiety and this man has gone to some lengths to pare down his life and relax. IMO being well away from his son and oldest daughter is probably a big plus.

As was previously mentioned, the photo of his computer screen just about seals the deal for me as it is absolutely crystal clear and a photographer standing behind him would have an angled and indistinct shot of the screen.

He seems to be a man who loves his daughter and his daughter adores him, he's flying to the UK in about a week, why then would he choose now to sell her out? It makes no sense whatsoever.
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Here's what confuses me about today's pictures of Mr. Markle: the image on the screen is really, really clear.

Have you ever taken a picture of your monitor with a digital camera? It is not easy to avoid things like glare and moire on the screen. The latter is particularly an issue and is caused by the refresh rate of the monitor.

This article recommends setting your shutter speed to accommodate your monitor's refresh rate. Which... seems difficult when it's some random computer that you're shooting from the street.

I find it difficult to believe that the photographer has managed to get such a clear shot of the screen without some hinkiness going on. I don't know if it was collusion with Mr. Markle or whether the photographer photoshopped in that "screen", but something isn't right.

:ohmy: I hadn't thought of that, you're right! Hahaha, he knows exactly what he's doing, he's a Hollywood lighting director after all!

IMO he's sending messages through photos, just like his darling little princess-to-be loves to do. And the messages are from a lonely, forgotten man.
:ohmy: I hadn't thought of that, you're right! Hahaha, he knows exactly what he's doing, he's a Hollywood lighting director after all!

I agree this photo looks deliberate and planned to me as well because of the difficulty photographing a computer monitor. I'm curious as to why. Is it a message to Meghan? or a message to his other children?
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Sometimes, I think, people are paying way too much attention to what the media wants to present about this upcoming wedding than paying attention to the actual wedding itself and the bride and the groom and the actual people involved in the wedding.

S'ok. It means more attention and green dollars for the media which is their primary goal in the first place. The Daily Fail mentality abounds. :D

Perhaps Mr. Markle's thinking about right now can be expressed by "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". He's maybe the kind of guy that isn't overly aggressive enough to smash a tabloid reporter in the mouth and figures if he gives them innocuous snaps, they'll go away and leave him in peace.

There's nothing "earth shattering" to be gleaned from this photo at a internet cafe. It actually doesn't say much of anything at all. No big deal at all. :D
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Perhaps Mr. Markle's thinking about right now can be expressed by "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". He's maybe the kind of guy that isn't overly aggressive enough to smash a tabloid reporter in the mouth and figures if he gives them innocuous snaps, they'll go away and leave him in peace.

There's nothing "earth shattering" to be gleaned from this photo at a internet cafe. It actually doesn't say much of anything at all. No big deal at all. :D

I agree with you. I'm not seeing the big deal at all. Mr. Markle isn't searching for his "fifteen minutes", he spent his career working in Hollywood, the land of the "over extended 15 minutes" and he deliberately worked behind the scenes and was rewarded for it with two Emmy's. And then he very deliberately left Hollywood, went of the grid and retired to Mexico. Not exactly what one does if one is hankering for fame and exposure. And when Meghan did start dating Harry he was in big demand, and you heard nothing from him. The news people didn't even find him until after the engagement. And he still didn't say anything. If he wanted to cash in he could have. Handsomely. So I have zero idea what the deal is with these pictures, but I'm not seeing the big deal. It is very possible he did let them take his picture because they were probably going to do it anyway. He seems to want as easy and uncomplicated a life as possible. He is down there by himself, he doesn't have any security or bodyguards, nothing to stop people from following him and perhaps he was trying to go about things as easily as possible.
I think its a tabloid mentality thing. You're either in the "good guy" camp or in the "bad guy" camp which is what the tabloids purposely do. We saw a lot of that in the War of the Wales'. You're either with 'em or against 'em and with a tabloid mentality, you're forever looking at things with a critical microscope to find something worth saying in a tabloid type vein.

Everything has to have some dire and nefarious motive behind it or its not worth talking about. :lol:
After actually reading the article, I find that the "carer" Mark seems to be kind of all "not there" either and a scary person to meet face to face. Reading about him gave me the creeps.

Didn't he find it necessary to tell the reporter, that they have a loaded gun in every room of the house?
The gun thing was very odd. You can tell it made them uncomfortable yet they still did the interview. It is also wild how much she attacks her family members. She flip flops between trashing and defending her brother. Especially now since he has turned on Meghan. What a mess. They prove every day why she removed them from her life.
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Yes, he lives in a pleasant gated community. Anyway, how do they know Meghan hasn't paid for his air fare?
Yes, he lives in a pleasant gated community. Anyway, how do they know Meghan hasn't paid for his air fare?

The commentors don't. They are going by the DM headline that Sr is staying at a $70 USD a night hotel so they are drawing that conclusion. And People put out a story that Meghan has been helping Sr out financially over the years, busting another myth the half sibs have been putting out:
I don't see anything wrong or worth sniping about with Tom Sr. staying at a $70/per night motel. He doesn't seem like the kind of a guy that needs a four star hotel to be comfortable.
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They need to leave poor Tom Sr. alone. And what's wrong with staying at an affordable hotel? Jeez!
Tom Markle starts his long journey to London and the wedding, according to the DM.

Meghan's father begins his journey to London for his daughter's wedding to Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online

Oh Lord, this poor man. Everything being analyzed.

And one of the captions is "The Royal treatment as another shopper holds the door for him.." or something to that effect. That's simply good manners and customary when entering and exiting a building, is it not? They make it sound like he's being given some sort of special treatment.

Perhaps Meghan is footing the bill, and he's being fiscally conservative, since he knows their every moves are being watched and there would be a huge to do if he stayed in a 5-star. Lord people need to get lives.
A resemblance?

Meghan’s father looks somewhat like Diana’s dad.
More sad photos and news of Thomas Sr, but I'm happy that he's finally headed to London where I'm sure they'll treat him like a prince since he's the father of the bride.

The optics of him leaving this way are really bad, I think KP has once again scored a huge 'own goal'. They should have made all the arrangements, I'm sure if they had he wouldn't be staying in a very budget hotel and driving himself. It would have been easy to send someone to escort him, pay for room service so he doesn't have to go to a 7-11, and start to fill him in on details of what will be going on so he doesn't have to rely on the internet.

Poor man indeed, he isn't being treated at all like I would expect the father of a princess of the BRF to be treated.

BTW I see absolutely zero resemblance to Earl Spencer, less than zero. That imo is an absolutely ridiculous comparison.
More sad photos and news of Thomas Sr, but I'm happy that he's finally headed to London where I'm sure they'll treat him like a prince since he's the father of the bride.

The optics of him leaving this way are really bad, I think KP has once again scored a huge 'own goal'. They should have made all the arrangements, I'm sure if they had he wouldn't be staying in a very budget hotel and driving himself. It would have been easy to send someone to escort him, pay for room service so he doesn't have to go to a 7-11, and start to fill him in on details of what will be going on so he doesn't have to rely on the internet.

Poor man indeed, he isn't being treated at all like I would expect the father of a princess of the BRF to be treated.

BTW I see absolutely zero resemblance to Earl Spencer, less than zero. That imo is an absolutely ridiculous comparison.

Maybe the offered and he declined. Maybe they didn't. We have no way to know.

He is a reclusive man, he likes his own privacy, and for that reason alone, I feel horribly for him. Stepping into a 7-11 should not be news, and they're zooming in on his purchases. What an invasion. It's no wonder he remains in Mexico in his gated community, protected.

But I don't think it's fair to find negative in everything KP does or doesn't do. We don't know, and we never will. The Middleton's were left to figure things out on their own, and they managed just fine. As were Sophie's family, and Autumn's and Mike's and any other family marrying into the 'Establishment'. If anyone is going to face that responsibility (and I'm in no way stating that she SHOULD), it's Meghan, as it's her father. For KP, Sr is just another familial relation of a future spouse. Why is it on them to look after Sr? He's another wedding guest. They certainly don't make arrangements for others.
Tom Sr. may be the cranky type of old fart who does not want to be pampered as he travels to the wedding.
With regards to Meghan’s father’s travel arrangements: he has lived a worldly Hollywood life and has likely been a frequent traveler. If my 73 year old father told me he was making his own travel arrangements, l’d take him at his word. It’s quite difficult to tell an elderly and completely rational parent what to do.
The comparison: ruddy complexion, large spreading nose, receding hairline, portly stature.
Sam's back and she's not happy:

Besides being obviously upset that the mainstream media has dismissed her as a jealous liar, Sam goes to her safe haven - a show that won't challenge her statements - and claim Sr doesn't have a plane ticket to London. I still think Sr bought his own ticket or it's possible Harry and Meghan arranged for a private jet to the UK and asked for accommodations in a private area for him.
Isn't there a game show somewhere where instead of buying a vowel, Sam could buy a clue? :whistling:
Sam's back and she's not happy:

Besides being obviously upset that the mainstream media has dismissed her as a jealous liar, Sam goes to her safe haven - a show that won't challenge her statements - and claim Sr doesn't have a plane ticket to London. I still think Sr bought his own ticket or it's possible Harry and Meghan arranged for a private jet to the UK and asked for accommodations in a private area for him.
KP doesn’t make official announcements until things are nailed down. And no one prepares to fly out of a country unless they have a ticket. She did say her father wasn’t invited before. Perhaps Tom Sr is still lying to them, if he’s talking to them at all, to get them off his back.

And really, anyone believes Samantha would hand over any money until she gets herself as her dad’s plus one? Please.

And while I wouldn’t be surprised that at some point, Meghan stopped paying her dad’s bills, I doubt she’d even think about having him pay for his own ticket for this. And Doria has been going back and forth from London a few times. I highly doubt Meghan didn’t step in to help with that. Her mom is a social worker, they do ok, but certainly not wealthy.
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