I normally might think it is strange...but considering Tom is in Mexico and they are in the U.K. ..plus the advent of Skype where you can talk face to face...kinda makes sense when you have long distance relationships.
The person who probably created most confusion is Meghan herself as she (repeatedly) stated that they had half a year / 6 months (don't remember her exact words) for themselves to really get to know each other before it all exploded in the media. 6 months before late October is late April, not late June/early July. So, it seems as if she made an honest mistake and it truly were only about 4 months but in this way Meghan contributed to the confusion about timelines.
Male boss gives staff a right bollicking about standard of work. They needed a wake up call. Female boss does same . . . she's got permanent PMS. It's the same old story and all we have to do is use our brains, ignor it and be positive.Likewise I don't have an issue with stories claiming Meghan is ambitious, enterprising, calculated, etc. She has repeatedly described herself as ambitious in her career and that she had to work hard to get the Tig off the ground and taken seriously, including cold calling celebrities to get content. I do agree that the media is spinning it as a negative because she's a woman whereas I think it shows savvy business acumen.
My issue is when people extend that ambition to her personal life implying that she was on a life long pursuit of Harry to better her station in life. I know the narrative isn't specific to Meghan. Many royal brides get the same social climber label. It's just disappointing that 200 years later every woman is still portrayed as one of Pride & Prejudice's Bennett sisters.
Is Meghan's royal descent listed in this thread? I looked at her Wikipedia page, and wondered if I could get more information about pedigree charts linking her to royals, or anything else substantial like a full list of her royal ancestors.
A clip from E News really cracked me up. They asked her 'Suits romantic interest and his wife what they were giving H&M for a wedding present. He looks at his wife, smiles and says a Vitamix! The daft interviewer with more hair than wit didn't get it. It sailed right over her head but they stayed in character seriously looking at the camera and sticking it to Morton. It was a wonderful way to get their point across without betraying a friend.
The Daily Mirror has a front page ‘exclusive’ of Meghan’s dad buying a new toilet.