Not just money, she also wanted the attention--she wanted to be famous too.
Exactly. There is a ton of envy in Samantha's actions. I think she originally just wanted to destroy Meghan's chance with PH - hence her initial posts attacking Meghan and trying to besmirch her name when the news first hit of Meghan/Harry dating came out. She befriended a lot of the tumblr haters of Meghan during that time and retweeted racist tweets attacking Meghan.
Then when it became obvious that Meghan/Harry were for the long haul and the engagement news dropped, Sam tried desperately to change her tune. Then she tried to "be on her best behavior" - I think she thought KP telling the family (including her) not to talk to the press meant that she'd get an invite. So she continued to try to clean up her image.
Then she got snubbed (truthfully she was never going to be invited anyway). The gloves came WAY back off and Sam basically went off the deep end. Whether she was involved in PapGate with Tom Sr is unclear - but her trying to front as though she did it is 1) her trying to get back in front of the press and 2) her sending a message to Meghan that SHE destroyed her happiness - even if only temporarily.
The only way to treat someone like that is to ignore them. Completely. Go on as though they don't exist - especially in royal circles. That's what Sam will hate. Being a non-entity to Meghan and the BRF.
Sometime after the wedding - Sam will just be a hateful, jealous footnote in all of this. Sure - she might get some play in the US for a while, but eventually once everyone realizes she doesn't know Meghan at all, that's a wrap for her.
She can't hurt Meghan anymore - all her cards are played. The only card she has left is Tom Sr - but he's got his own problems and will have to work hard to prove that he deserves to be in his daughter Meghan's life after this horrible mess he created. The pap pics could have blown over if he'd just let it go and gotten on the plane to go to the wedding without any further comment to the press.
But he didn't do that. He's too self absorbed. That's why all of this happened. He was mad he looked like a bum in the pics the paps took before all of this. According to Sam - he was warned by KP not to talk to the press. They all were. Pretty sure he was warned by KP and Meghan how invasive the press could get. But he's mad over some beer he bought and a toilet? He had to set up PapGate to rehab his image?
LOL - no! All he had to do was dress a little better and be more presentable. The other pics would have been forgotten.
He should have taken Meghan's stance and avoided reading what the press - who lies - wrote about him. He could have easily talked to Doria who could have told him how to act. He didn't.
Because he's self absorbed. He cared about how this made him look. And even now, he only wants to go to the wedding to be part of history - it feels like Meghan herself is an afterthought.
Throw the whole paternal side (except for the Hales) away.
Meghan is soon to become a duchess, she must act the part.
If anyone are to take action it must be her husband or QEII, and that will be through layers.
Right now Megan is learning the hard way who are the keepers and who are to be dumped.
Her family's recent behavior has shown to the public why it is justifiable and indeed acceptable and necessary for her to cut off a number of people - including her father.
If she doesn't they will drag her down and that must not happen! That will damage the BRF and as a consequence Britain - and her first duties now are to Britain and the BRF - then herself and her husband.
I know a lot of folks will think this statement is harsh - but I understand what you mean. Meghan is marrying into an institution and you are right - her first duty is to Britain and the BRF now. It sounds totally harsh - but it is.
I think that Doria fully understood what this meant and acted accordingly. She's been a beacon of class, restraint and poise throughout all of this. Even when the paps were smearing her as raising Meghan "Straight Outta Compton" and in the "ghetto" when that was so far from the truth, she never did anything like what Tom Sr did.
I get being sympathetic to Tom Sr (I was at first and thought he'd been duped). But he's compounded one bad decision with several others. Why? Because he seems to only be concerned with how HE looks in all of this - to hell with how Meghan looks or how his actions impact her.
If he can be taught - then teach him. Otherwise, keep a wide berth.
Yes - the paps can be invasive. But he could have solved all of this by just shutting up, showing up on the day of looking fabulous in his clothes and walking her down the aisle. He chose instead to stage pics, and then publicly air his grievances to TMZ rather than talk to his own daughter.
I don't know if he can be helped - but maybe he can be trained to understand why the best response is to simply ignore - or if he really felt badly - he could have asked for help from KP in engaging with a reputable press agent (like a major news network) to do a PR piece to rehab his image. But he never asked! He went to a tabloid instead.
If someone can get ahold of him and make him stop spiralling downward - maybe they can convince him of the right channels to go to for rehabbing his image.
I wish he'd have waited until after the wedding to "rehab" his image. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut, refuse to speak to the press and be a good father to Meghan.