Here we go again, it was so quiet around this case for a long time, but it seems that the investigations are not ending soon.
Se og Hør tells about a previously unknown victim, TV profile and artist Linni Meister (39), known from the popular TVNorge program "Linni søker drømmeprinsen".
Linni and her lawyer John Christian Elden were asked to come to the police station for a chat about Marius. During police questioning, Linni told about Marius' good sides and that the accusations against her friend were difficult to understand. Then she was presented with evidence of abuse where she herself was the victim, evidence showing that Marius is allegedly attacking Linni. The evidence is from 2018. Linni reportedly explained that she had no idea that she had been subjected to an assault, and that she remembered it as a completely normal, pleasant social gathering. The material is said to be of such a nature that the police opened a case against Marius on their own initiative, regardless of whether Linni wanted to report him or not.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski doesn't comment. Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien commented to Aftenposten that he hasn't received any documents from the police about this.
I politiavhør fortalte TV-stjernen om Marius Borg Høibys gode sider, og at anklagene mot vennen var vanskelige å fatte. Så ble hun forelagt overgrepsbevis – hvor hun selv var offeret.
Defence lawyer confirms: New accusations of abuse
A well-known TV profile has the status of a new victim in the criminal case against Marius Borg Høiby.
En kjent TV-profil har status som ny fornærmet i straffesaken mot Marius Borg Høiby.
Se og Hør's editor-in-chief Ulf A. Andersen writes that the investigation has taken a new and dramatic turn. The police have reviewed Marius' computer and mobile phone, where they have uncovered large amounts of photos and videos. These findings could have far-reaching consequences. The findings mark a significant breakthrough in the case. They may mean that more people are affected. The police have been hunting for digital clues from the start.
SH considers that the great public interest of the case means that this new information must also be published, especially because Marius is part of the royal family and has himself sought publicity. As Norway's most exposed family, the royal family must expect greater media focus than others, even though much investigation remains before the police can assess whether there are grounds for indictment.
Marius-saken eskalerer.
Linni Meister's lawyer John Christian Elden confirms to Dagbladet that the police summoned Linni for questioning last week, and told her that she had been the victim of an assault. This came as a surprise to her and she was shocked. She cooperates with the investigation, but wants to protect her family and therefore not participate in any public discussion about this while the case is being investigated.
Dagbladet contacted Linni Meister. She agrees with Dagbladet covering this case, but doesn't want to comment.
I politiavhør ble TV-profilen Linni Meister forelagt opplysninger om at hun skal ha blitt utsatt for et overgrep av Marius Borg Høiby.
Linni Meister at her Snapchat:
"I woke up to my phone falling to the floor, as it was being rung by the Norwegian and foreign press. I understand that there are many who want to comment on the case Se og Hør is reporting today, but I will not comment on it, other than that it is true. Mostly to protect myself and my family, and because I really feel for the person's family. This has to end and we can't have this anymore, or more victims, so I really hope the person gets serious help."
Linni Meister bekrefter selv at hun har blitt involvert i Høiby-saken.