"An unknown audio recording reveals what happened in the ex-girlfriend's apartment, just before Marius allegedly planted a knife in the wall and strangled her."
"In Frogner, many people had chosen to get some fresh air and sleep with the windows open, to enjoy the cool and quiet August night. The well-maintained apartment buildings from the late 19th century were evidence of a peaceful and distinguished residential area.
But the idyllic atmosphere was suddenly broken by a loud and threatening voice on the summer night, uttering curse words and expressions rarely heard in the exclusive neighborhood.
Both neighbors and passersby heard the noise from one of the apartments.
Se og Hør has been in contact with several witnesses and neighbors, who have told how they experienced the situation.
...Se og Hør has also gained access to a new audio recording, taken from outside, where Marius Borg Høiby (27) makes several derogatory and threatening comments to his then-girlfriend inside the apartment. "
Et ukjent lydopptak avslører hva som skjedde i eks-kjærestens leilighet, rett før Marius skal ha plantet en kniv i veggen og tatt kvelertak på henne.
Se og Hør published an audio recording, in which Marius is allegedly heard making derogatory and threatening comments to his then-girlfriend inside the apartment in Frogner.
In the audio clip, the following can be heard being said, among other things:
"You have nothing to do in this town anymore... I want you to die. I want you to die."
Nettavisen has attempted to get a comment from Marius' lawyer, Øyvind Bratlien. No answer yet.
Lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen wouldn't confirm that the recording is authentic and originates from the evening in question. Larsen describes it as a strain and stressful for her client that new audio recordings are being leaked to the public. She didn't want to go into details about the content of the audio clip but said it speaks for itself.
Bistandsadvokat Mette Yvonne Larsen forteller til Nettavisen at kvinnen opplever de stadige lekkasjene som belastende.
New sound recording shocks
According to Se og Hør, several neighbors and passers-by on the street heard the loud argument from the apartment. In the recording, Marius is heard making crude and threatening statements towards his then-girlfriend.
Among other things, he is said to have said: "So, everything, you have lost everything", before he continued with a threat: "I will destroy your life."
In another part of the recording, he is said to have said: "It's bubbling inside me. I want you to die!” The case is still being investigated, and the strong statements in the audio recordings put further focus on the seriousness of the accusations against Marius.
I august ble Marius Borg Høiby siktet for vold mot sin tidligere kjæreste etter en hendelse i en leilighet på Frogner i Oslo.
What a revelation just before Christmas.
The headlines about the audio recordings look bad for Marius and the NRF "I want you to die", "I will ruin your life"
Defence lawyers John Christian Elden and Mette Yvonne Larsen have asked the police for more investigations. The lawyers have been given until Friday to submit their input on further investigative steps in the criminal case against Marius.
Nora Haukland's lawyer John Christian Elden tells that the police asked for input to obtain additional evidence, and they have said they can question four named people. (..)
Bistandsadvokatene John Christian Elden og Mette Yvonne Larsen har bedt politiet om flere etterforskningsskritt.