Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I will admit that I'm starting to lose track of all the accusations at this point, which only goes to show the scale of the horror. It's just revolting.
Me too. Not only that, I begin to find it numbing. Tiring. Does it ever end?!?

Okay, as far as I can understand, Marius committed a sexual offense of some sort against a woman earlier this year, who is friend with the woman Marius is charged with having drug-raped at Skaugum in September. I assume that this incident took place before the drug-rape. - If so it may strengthen Marius case, because if the rape-victim witnessed Marius being more than inappropriate against her friend, why would she even want to be near Marius? Yeah, yeah, I know, that argument can indeed be shot to pieces, but still. All Marius needs is reasonable doubt, and the rape accusation can be reduced to a lesser charge.
How about changing the name of the house Marius lives in to Villa Sodoma? :rolleyes:
It looks to me that Marius from merely having "issues" has gone totally over the top during the past 18 months.
IMO he is so far out that he is a direct danger to other people and - one way or another - he ought to be locked up from now on and until the trial. Because he's got a taste for drug-rape now. And as you know when you outlive a fantasy, you eventually want to go a little further, and later a little further... Simply in order to maintain the kick.

Unfortunately I realize that Marius will have few problems finding women to have intercourse with, even drug-rape. Because he is a novelty, famous, exciting, dangerous and quite a few women (yes, men too) find that alluring.
So, what's the victim count now, it's got to be close to double digits and they're not done investigating. I hope he's truly in rehab and not on the streets. If he was out partying I'm sure we'd hear about it unless he's doing it at home under his mother's protection.

It is numbing and exhausting. It's been months of almost daily revelations and we don't seem any closer to a court date. I don't understand why it's taking this long to build a case against him.

I don't think he's at all attractive to women with good self esteem who are clean and sober. Maybe when he was younger, but not now.
I agree, it’s been far too long getting the evidence together for a trial, and it is numbing for we onlookers as more and more incidents come to light. I am impatient as well, and wonder whether the trial date will be in autumn 2025!

What are the police to do though, as more alleged victims and witnesses come forward with their stories. Everything has to be fully investigated and brought into the open before any trial, imo. And if that means more awful publicity for the NRF, then unfortunately so be it. A thorough clean out . No more excusing Marius and sweeping things under the carpet from now on.
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These past months I have often wondered how Ingrid must feel.
And to be honest I really have no clue.

Is she shocked?
Did she suspect something?
Did she know most of what has emerged?
Is she in denial?
Is she devastated?
Is she horrified?
Is she cutting Marius off or is she getting protective of him?
Does she feel betrayed?
I have no idea.

Because it was previously very obvious that Ingrid was very fond of Marius, she may have known about his flaws but was still fond of him.
But otherwise we really don't know anything about the dynamics with the CP-family. We don't know whether Ingrid is - shall we say - shying away from conflicts like her father or whether she is fiercely protective of her bonus-brother like her mother or whether she is furious of Marius.
Whatever Ingrid feel in regards to Marius, it's pretty crucial for the NRF. If she is very forgiving of Marius or even pro-Marius and it shows, it can be very damaging for the NRF. Because even though Marius is pretty self-destructive right now, there is however every reason to think he will be around for a long time yet. Well into Ingrid's reign.
It gets even more interesting considering that I can envision several scenarios where this mess can end up in Ingrid becoming monarch within a few years. They are admittedly worst-case scenarios but still so possible that I don't dare dismiss them as "most unlikely."
Also because no matter the outcome, Ingrid remains crucial for rebuilding the reputation of the NRF.
We’ll probably never find out what IA and SM know and when. I would imagine that when IA was 18 and spoke of her big brother, she most likely knew that he was a fast driver, life of the party, had lots of girlfriends, and used drugs. I can’t imagine that she knew details of how he treated these girlfriends/one night stands nor that he was involved with criminals.
I could be wrong though. Perhaps MM has normalized this kind of criminal activity for her family of 5.
None of this is good for the old King Harald who already has cardiac issues.
Towards the end of his life course has to deal with grim realities such as:
-seeing that his heir and his heir's wife may not be suitable to inherit the Crown.
-The wayward course of a little boy that was so welcomed into the family grew up to be a sexual predator and a monster.
-Seeing physical damage recklessly done to Skaugum Estate
-Knowing that vicious crime whereby a young woman was assaulted and raped on Skaugum Estate-a place holding beloved and cherished memories for him and his young fam now forever tarnished.

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About the first Skaugum victim on September 26:
The police believe that Marius assaulted the woman. The woman disagrees, the woman's legal counsel Gunhild Vehusheia told to VG: The police define this as rape without intercourse. She doesn't experience being raped by him.
Vehusheia has asked the prosecutors to reconsider the restraining order given to Marius, imposed in the public interest and not at the woman's request. The woman wants the restraining order lifted and is not afraid that Marius will contact or harass her.
Vehusheia says that the prosecution considers the request to lift the restraining order. They want to interrogate the woman first. She explained according to the arrest warrant that she and Marius had had an intimate relationship, and that he had previously received permission to film her. They are friends and have had regular contact.
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Well, no help and no sympathy for her then!
As far as I am concerned she is no longer a victim.
If she is fine with people doing whatever they want with her, while she is asleep, then I'm fine as well.
I don't know whether she incredibly naive or whether Marius is even better at manipulating than I imagined.
It sure a singular circle of friends he has!

ADDED or she has been intimidated, which puts ir all in a very different leahue.
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About the first Skaugum victim on September 26:
The police believe that Marius assaulted the woman. The woman disagrees, the woman's legal counsel Gunhild Vehusheia told to VG: The police define this as rape without intercourse. She doesn't experience being raped by him.
Vehusheia has asked the prosecutors to reconsider the restraining order given to Marius, imposed in the public interest and not at the woman's request. The woman wants the restraining order lifted and is not afraid that Marius will contact or harass her.
Vehusheia says that the prosecution considers the request to lift the restraining order. They want to interrogate the woman first. She explained according to the arrest warrant that she and Marius had had an intimate relationship, and that he had previously received permission to film her. They are friends and have had regular contact.
Best case scenario: She is sincere, is into that lifestyle and feels good about the choices she's made with regard to sleeping with someone like Marius.
Worst case scenario: She is intimidated, feels hopeless going up against the son of the Crown Prince and Princess of her country, has convinced herself she is not a victim.

It is hard not to impose or project my own values towards this woman. Personally though, I don't believe that he previously received permission to film her--what is that, a blanket permission? These people seem very spontaneous with the things they do, I doubt consent, much less permission to film would be something they'd discuss.

On another note, the original victim was supposedly Marius' girlfriend, right? And Marius is obviously a serial cheater, unless it was an open relationship. It just baffles me how women find him attractive--he is jobless, unattractive (for me anyway), a wannabe gangster. Do they think proximity to him elevates their own social status? At least now it's common knowledge that he's an abuser, an addict and a rapist (yes, allegedly), I feel like the geriatric millennial that I am for saying this but I sincerely hope the young women around him make better choices, now that they know what he is capable of!
ADDED or she has been intimidated, which puts ir all in a very different leahue.

That came to my mind too.

This weekend, Marius is said to have contacted his latest ex-girlfriend (the Frogner woman), thereby violating the restraining order he has against her. This is said to be the fourth time he has violated the restraining order.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski confirms to Nettavisen that Marius is being investigated for the restraining order. (..)

Good that this woman has been interrogated again.
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That came to my mind too.

This weekend, Marius is said to have contacted his latest ex-girlfriend (the Frogner woman), thereby violating the restraining order he has against her. This is said to be the fourth time he has violated the restraining order.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski confirms to Nettavisen that Marius is being investigated for the restraining order (..)
Is the Frogner woman the one whose apartment Marius trashed? And he’s contacted her four times with a restraining order in place? Where is he and what type of contact is it? I’m concerned about intimidation of this young woman - Marius admitted his guilt on this one, I believe.
That came to my mind too.

This weekend, Marius is said to have contacted his latest ex-girlfriend (the Frogner woman), thereby violating the restraining order he has against her. This is said to be the fourth time he has violated the restraining order.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski confirms to Nettavisen that Marius is being investigated for the restraining order. (..)

Good that this woman has been interrogated again.
Breaking the restraining order again
Does it matter? Why shouldn't he? Obviously he can do that with impunity.

According to the article the police is investigating Marius in connection with seven victims.
I can only talk about me, but at this stage I'm simply waiting for the case to be brought up to the judiciary in Norway if the police has a solid case to bring Marius to justice.

He's been questioned by the police several times and spent time in jail. We keep hearing from Norwegian news, he's a serial rapist with connections to drug cartels. Frankly there are too many news stories, and leaks, cashing in on the scandal to believe them all.

I don't doubt the police are building the best case when the matter is brought to court knowing they have to face a good lawyer defending Marius. This is how the democracy works under a system of law but reading newspapers stories, which often have their own money agenda, don't necessarily support a strong case against him.

Regarding Ingrid Alexandra, I'm frankly disgusted she's being brought up in this debate. She's done nothing wrong to be questioned in her institutional role. The fact she loves her brother is part of her private emotional feelings and shouldn't being brought up in this discussion.
Well, no help and no sympathy for her then!
As far as I am concerned she is no longer a victim.
If she is fine with people doing whatever they want with her, while she is asleep, then I'm fine as well.
I don't know whether she incredibly naive or whether Marius is even better at manipulating than I imagined.
It sure a singular circle of friends he has!

ADDED or she has been intimidated, which puts ir all in a very different leahue.
It is not unusual for victims to come out in defense of their abusers or even be oblivious to the fact that they are being abused. Marius is in a position of power (he is the son of the Crown Princess) and the girl may idolyze him.

I won't elaborate because, first I don't have the time to, and, second, I am not an expert. I believe there are more qualified posters here who are mental health professionals and/or have experience treating or interacting with victims of rape and abuse. They can comment further if they wish. I also think a female perspective is more useful in this case.

I would just say that we should not pass any moral judgment on the girl either for denouncing Marius or, in this case, failing to do so.

EDIT: I am not considering the assumption that the girl may have been intimidated into changing her testimony, because it doesn't seem to be the case.
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Well, no help and no sympathy for her then!
As far as I am concerned she is no longer a victim.
If she is fine with people doing whatever they want with her, while she is asleep, then I'm fine as well.
I don't know whether she incredibly naive or whether Marius is even better at manipulating than I imagined.
It sure a singular circle of friends he has!

ADDED or she has been intimidated, which puts ir all in a very different leahue.

More information about the rape or not rape on September 26:
Se og Hør: Marius again violated the restraining order from his "rehab" stay abroad with a direct contact to the victim he is accused of raping on September 26. The contact was done through encrypted message service Signal, where calls and text messages are encrypted and can only be seen by the sender and recipient through a phone app. The app is highly controversial because the “owner” of the conversation can delete it, even on the recipient’s phone. It is a preferred tool for criminals and activists.
Yesterday lawyer Gunhild Vehusheia said her client didn't feel she had been raped. It's not known if this occurred as a result of the new contact between Marius and the woman.


Øyvind Bratlien believes that the restraining order against the woman in question has in reality been used to prevent the two from talking about topics Marius has not yet been questioned about.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski writes that the restraining orders have been imposed because there is reason to believe that the accused will otherwise commit a criminal act against the three protected persons, persecute them or violate their peace. Marius has consented to the restraining orders to the police, and he has not requested that they be sent to the Oslo District Court for review.
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Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski writes that the restraining orders have been imposed because there is reason to believe that the accused will otherwise commit a criminal act against the three protected persons, persecute them or violate their peace. Marius has consented to the restraining orders to the police, and he has not requested that they be sent to the Oslo District Court for review.
Just to get that clear, because I some
times get so confused about the wording that I am afraid to misunderstand.
I really need some help to get an understanding of the problem:

"The "accused" is Marius and he might commit a criminal act against the three protected persons, persecute them or violate their peace". I am lost, who are the three protected persons? Some of them, I understand, say they consented to the filming and the rape, some didn't realize that they were filmed or raped, others say it was ok with them and they consented to whatever happened.

We are talking by now about about 7 victims.

I guess the ex girlfriends who's identity is published because they accused their ex boyfriend of beating them up, are not mentioned here.

"Marius has consented....", blablabla. He has consented to anything for a day or two, and then just went on doing the same thing all over again.
This guy cannot be taken serious . And again, it says in the article that he is "abroad". What does this mean? Did he return to the clinic in GB or did he go to some other clinic ? Nobody knows, or some people know but don't tell the press.
Se og Hør is still sure Marius violated the restraining order again:
Marius has broken the law again, as he has contacted one of the women he has a restraining order against (the Frogner woman). (..)
"No comment," writes Rune Alstadsæter at the Oslo Police District.

Marius' friend told on Sunday to Se og Hør about a close friendship that has lasted several years, and describes Marius as a friend he trusts. (..)

This is bad, very bad. The above post that also told of his mother CP MM contacting Frogner multiple times cannot be shown in a good light in this situation. It's soft power whatever way you look at it. There should not have been contact given the seriousness of the allegations and events. I think Haakon needs to look at a new situation, for the sake of his familys future and if other parties have influenced MM potentially to talk things out and smooth things over with a victim of her son, they should also be named for all to see. I really don't like the sound of any of it the crimes committed and then the movements around his actions by others.

For me it's clear that Mette-Marit was trying to push things under the rug as always for Marius. This and the sudden urge to clean his house.
Any other person would have been questioned by the police about these phone calls but not the Crown Princess.
If this is true in the long term it is a danger to the Monarchy to let this happen. So you make a double level situation of wrong.

From what I see in this awful confusing mess is that one of the victims who the Police believe has been violated, she the alleged victim doesn't think she is a victim. That means either she was not or what the Police think is she was been influneced to say she was not violated like being in a controlling abusive relationship. If that is the same victim who was called by the mother of the alleged attacker many times things get very difficult. From what is known there are many different types of concerning behaviour.
Some time back I expressed concern that Marius might pretty much get away with all this. Unfortunately I believe there is reason to still be very much concerned.

First of all: The police will not investigate, question and even arrest someone like Marius if they didn't believe there was a case. That simply won't happen.

So if we look at it with ice-cold eyes.
Marius is officially a first time offender. That's important to keep in mind.
He is charged with domestic abuse of three women, Snekkestad, Haugland and the Frogner woman.
Okay, unless there is physical evidence or witnesses the cases involving Snekkestad and Haugland are pretty weak. On the contrary Marius accuse Snekkestad of abusing him. Which the court has to take serious.
The Frogner woman is more solid: Police report, knife in wall, text messages from Marius admitting to at least some sort of abuse and threatening behavior. Witnesses seeing Marius verbally abusing his girlfriend. But she is reluctant to press charges - and when the time comes probably also in testifying against Marius. No wonder Marius has been so eager to contact her!
So that third case could end up with being a fairly minor domestic disturbance, while Marius was under influence and he is sooo sorry, and he still loves her, blah, blah... - He could get away with a suspended sentence.

Then there is a threat against an unknown man. There is solid evidence for that in the form of a recording. But Marius was under influence, distraught, whatever - and of course he would never harm anyone and he is sooo sorry... - At worst a suspended sentence.

Then there are three counts of sexual assaults. With pretty solid evidence in the form of Marius filming himself.
The drug rape of a woman in the spring this year. The woman apparently just want to leave that experience behind her. Who can blame her? She is likely to be ripped into by Marius defense in court. But this IMO is the most serious threat to Marius of all the charges. Yet, unless it can be proven that she really was out cold and there was no way this was not consensual or could be mistaken for consensual, Marius could get away with basically violating her privacy. That could lead to a major fine and Marius paying compensation to the victim - or at least someone paying compensation - and perhaps a suspended sentence.
In September Marius seemingly drug-raped a second woman and filmed it. The Skaugum woman. But she is not at all interested in pressing charges, in fact she might have been out cold, but she was fine with Marius doing what he did, and she doesn't want any restraining order against Marius as she and Marius are still good friends. So fat chance of her testifying against Marius in court. - He's likely to be acquitted.
Not long ago a female friend of this Skaugum woman was subjected to some kind of sexual offense by Marius at Skaugum, with the Skaugum woman present there as well. We don't know what kind of offense and what else went on, but I think it's safe to say that the Skaugum woman will not testify against Marius or at least play down what happened. And anyway Marius was under influence, he was a bit fresh, the whole thing was a misunderstanding and he is sooo sorry. - So a warning seems likely for a first time offender.

Marius has under several occasions broken the restriction order, but he was concerned, apologetic, in love, distraught and sooo sorry. - I don't know what sentence he might get but my guess is at worst three or four weeks in jail. Keep in mind that the Frogner woman is not particularly keen to witness against Marius either.

Even when you put all that together, Marius as an official first time offender who is having some personal issues, might well get away with a longer suspended sentence or a couple of months in prison at worst.
Rape and abuse are notoriously difficult to prove.

So sometime next year it is not unlikely that Marius will leave court with a big grin on his face.

The consequences of such images for the NRF, especially if his very protective mother Mette Marit is at his side, smiling as well, are to put it mildly interesting to speculate about!
(BTW even with a minor prison sentence Marius is likely to be send home to await the call up for him to go to prison up to some months later.)

In my own country there is no question that the royal family would be crucified! Marius would also be in jail until the trial, no doubt about that as well! But I can't really gauge the Norwegian public opinion on this, to be honest. Only Norwegian members here would be able to do that I believe.
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Some time back I expressed concern that Marius might pretty much get away with all this. Unfortunately I believe there is reason to still be very much concerned.

First of all: The police will not investigate, question and even arrest someone like Marius if they didn't believe there was a case. That simply won't happen.

So if we look at it with ice-cold eyes.
Marius is officially a first time offender. That's important to keep in mind.
He is charged with domestic abuse of three women, Snekkestad, Haugland and the Frogner woman.
Okay, unless there is physical evidence or witnesses the cases involving Snekkestad and Haugland are pretty weak. On the contrary Marius accuse Snekkestad of abusing him. Which the court has to take serious.
The Frogner woman is more solid: Police report, knife in wall, text messages from Marius admitting to at least some sort of abuse and threatening behavior. Witnesses seeing Marius verbally abusing his girlfriend. But she is reluctant to press charges - and when the time comes probably also in testifying against Marius. No wonder Marius has been so eager to contact her!
So that third case could end up with being a fairly minor domestic disturbance, while Marius was under influence and he is sooo sorry, and he still loves her, blah, blah... - He could get away with a suspended sentence.

Then there is a threat against an unknown man. There is solid evidence for that in the form of a recording. But Marius was under influence, distraught, whatever - and of course he would never harm anyone and he is sooo sorry... - At worst a suspended sentence.

Then there are three counts of sexual assaults. With pretty solid evidence in the form of Marius filming himself.
The drug rape of a woman in the spring this year. The woman apparently just want to leave that experience behind her. Who can blame her? She is likely to be ripped into by Marius defense in court. But this IMO is the most serious threat to Marius of all the charges. Yet, unless it can be proven that she really was out cold and there was no way this was not consensual or could be mistaken for consensual, Marius could get away with basically violating her privacy. That could lead to a major fine and Marius paying compensation to the victim - or at least someone paying compensation - and perhaps a suspended sentence.
In September Marius seemingly drug-raped a second woman and filmed it. The Skaugum woman. But she is not at all interested in pressing charges, in fact she might have been out cold, but she was fine with Marius doing what he did, and she doesn't want any restraining order against Marius as she and Marius are still good friends. So fat chance of her testifying against Marius in court. - He's likely to be acquitted.
Not long ago a female friend of this Skaugum woman was subjected to some kind of sexual offense by Marius at Skaugum, with the Skaugum woman present there as well. We don't know what kind of offense and what else went on, but I think it's safe to say that the Skaugum woman will not testify against Marius or at least play down what happened. And anyway Marius was under influence, he was a bit fresh, the whole thing was a misunderstanding and he is sooo sorry. - So a warning seems likely for a first time offender.

Marius has under several occasions broken the restriction order, but he was concerned, apologetic, in love, distraught and sooo sorry. - I don't know what sentence he might get but my guess is at worst three or four weeks in jail. Keep in mind that the Frogner woman is not particularly keen to witness against Marius either.

Even when you put all that together, Marius as an official first time offender who is having some personal issues, might well get away with a longer suspended sentence or a couple of months in prison at worst.
Rape and abuse are notoriously difficult to prove.

So sometime next year it is not unlikely that Marius will leave court with a big grin on his face.

The consequences of such images for the NRF, especially if his very protective mother Mette Marit is at his side, smiling as well, are to put it mildly interesting to speculate about!
(BTW even with a minor prison sentence Marius is likely to be send home to await the call up for him to go to prison up to some months later.)

In my own country there is no question that the royal family would be crucified! Marius would also be in jail until the trial, no doubt about that as well! But I can't really gauge the Norwegian public opinion on this, to be honest. Only Norwegian members here would be able to do that I believe.

We haven't now heard anything about the investigations of the alleged rape in Tønsberg, Juliane Snekkestad was interrogated as a witness in that case on November 20. Unlike the other cases, it is investigated by the Tønsberg Police District.

Nettavisen shows the decision from the Oslo District Court on September 11 to search on Marius' phones etc
"The police have already seized the mobile phone that the accused was carrying when he was arrested on August 4. It hasn't been possible to search it. The prosecution therefore wants to search for older mobile phones and other data carriers (..) If information of importance as evidence is stored on digital storage media or social media, e.g. when using a mobile phone, PC and other ICT equipment, the request also includes the relevant ICT equipment, as well as any accounts associated with digital storage media and/or social media."
Unfortunately, Muhler you might be right that Marius will get away with little or no prison time.
If anything, I hope this serves as his and the Crown Prince Couple's wake up call.
Complete rehab, therapy and any treatment plan, and hey maybe the 27 year old should get a job or volunteer somewhere, pick up trash, plant some trees. Something useful in life.
Or are they going to continue to give him a free place to live, free debt coverage, free pocket money and a gas card or two, and throw in some free luxury vacations (as a family).... cause then it will become Ingrid's problem to deal with....
Some time back I expressed concern that Marius might pretty much get away with all this. Unfortunately I believe there is reason to still be very much concerned.

First of all: The police will not investigate, question and even arrest someone like Marius if they didn't believe there was a case. That simply won't happen.

So if we look at it with ice-cold eyes.
Marius is officially a first time offender. That's important to keep in mind.
He is charged with domestic abuse of three women, Snekkestad, Haugland and the Frogner woman.
Okay, unless there is physical evidence or witnesses the cases involving Snekkestad and Haugland are pretty weak. On the contrary Marius accuse Snekkestad of abusing him. Which the court has to take serious.
The Frogner woman is more solid: Police report, knife in wall, text messages from Marius admitting to at least some sort of abuse and threatening behavior. Witnesses seeing Marius verbally abusing his girlfriend. But she is reluctant to press charges - and when the time comes probably also in testifying against Marius. No wonder Marius has been so eager to contact her!
So that third case could end up with being a fairly minor domestic disturbance, while Marius was under influence and he is sooo sorry, and he still loves her, blah, blah... - He could get away with a suspended sentence.

Then there is a threat against an unknown man. There is solid evidence for that in the form of a recording. But Marius was under influence, distraught, whatever - and of course he would never harm anyone and he is sooo sorry... - At worst a suspended sentence.

Then there are three counts of sexual assaults. With pretty solid evidence in the form of Marius filming himself.
The drug rape of a woman in the spring this year. The woman apparently just want to leave that experience behind her. Who can blame her? She is likely to be ripped into by Marius defense in court. But this IMO is the most serious threat to Marius of all the charges. Yet, unless it can be proven that she really was out cold and there was no way this was not consensual or could be mistaken for consensual, Marius could get away with basically violating her privacy. That could lead to a major fine and Marius paying compensation to the victim - or at least someone paying compensation - and perhaps a suspended sentence.
In September Marius seemingly drug-raped a second woman and filmed it. The Skaugum woman. But she is not at all interested in pressing charges, in fact she might have been out cold, but she was fine with Marius doing what he did, and she doesn't want any restraining order against Marius as she and Marius are still good friends. So fat chance of her testifying against Marius in court. - He's likely to be acquitted.
Not long ago a female friend of this Skaugum woman was subjected to some kind of sexual offense by Marius at Skaugum, with the Skaugum woman present there as well. We don't know what kind of offense and what else went on, but I think it's safe to say that the Skaugum woman will not testify against Marius or at least play down what happened. And anyway Marius was under influence, he was a bit fresh, the whole thing was a misunderstanding and he is sooo sorry. - So a warning seems likely for a first time offender.

Marius has under several occasions broken the restriction order, but he was concerned, apologetic, in love, distraught and sooo sorry. - I don't know what sentence he might get but my guess is at worst three or four weeks in jail. Keep in mind that the Frogner woman is not particularly keen to witness against Marius either.

Even when you put all that together, Marius as an official first time offender who is having some personal issues, might well get away with a longer suspended sentence or a couple of months in prison at worst.
Rape and abuse are notoriously difficult to prove.

So sometime next year it is not unlikely that Marius will leave court with a big grin on his face.

The consequences of such images for the NRF, especially if his very protective mother Mette Marit is at his side, smiling as well, are to put it mildly interesting to speculate about!
(BTW even with a minor prison sentence Marius is likely to be send home to await the call up for him to go to prison up to some months later.)

In my own country there is no question that the royal family would be crucified! Marius would also be in jail until the trial, no doubt about that as well! But I can't really gauge the Norwegian public opinion on this, to be honest. Only Norwegian members here would be able to do that I believe.
Excellent analysis! With the number of women who either didn't realize they'd been victimized (or deny it), and those who seem comfortable with him contacting them (despite a restraining order), it's hard to imagine how they'll be able to get a conviction.

On some level, maybe that's a good thing. The longer it goes on, regardless of the outcome, the more it drags the royal family's name through the mud.
Hmmm. Yesterday the story was that the police had accessed information from Marius’s encrypted Signal account, but today they say they can’t access his phones. How did they get the Signal info without the phone? Did one of the women share her phone and reveal the conversations?
Hmmm. Yesterday the story was that the police had accessed information from Marius’s encrypted Signal account, but today they say they can’t access his phones. How did they get the Signal info without the phone? Did one of the women share her phone and reveal the conversations?
The above story is referencing activities in September.
I just realized, this ongoing investigation into Marius by law enforcement will still be ongoing a year from now. No one really wants to prosecute the Crown Princesses' son with any of these crimes. Unless Marius commits new crimes I don't think we will ever see a conviction. Of course my opinion only.
I just realized, this ongoing investigation into Marius by law enforcement will still be ongoing a year from now. No one really wants to prosecute the Crown Princesses' son with any of these crimes. Unless Marius commits new crimes I don't think we will ever see a conviction. Of course my opinion only.
Don't think so. Because it simply can't go on. At some point the prosecution will say: We'll go to court with this and that, and whatever else the police may come up with, is for a future trial.
In fact if I were Marius defense lawyer, I would want the trial to start tomorrow, while he still has a fairly good hand at the card-table.
It is Marius who first and foremost can be the cause for the police-investigation dragging on, simply by continuing to waltz around and doing stupid things. Marius is his own worst enemy.
I understand. My question is how they got into his phone at all to go through the Signal account if it was destroyed.
The incident in Frogner happened in August. When Marius turned himself in in August, his mobile phone had been damaged and the SIM card missing. In September, the police got a search warrant to search his current phone, any previous phones/devices and the cloud. If I am understanding correctly, the police believed that Marius had broken the restraining order by contacting the "Frogner" ex-partner, so it looks to me that they tried to kill two birds with one stone and raided a hunting cabin Marius was staying at with friends to not only detain him for violating the restraining order but to confiscate his phone to collect evidence.
Say, what you want, the damage is already done! At least for me...
When I see Mette Marit with Ingrid Alexandra today at the childrens hospital, I feel very much, her smiling is shameless. Ok, I am just some dude in Germany, it is important, what the Norwegians think!

And please, let us not forget the Norwegian press! The Norwegian police might by all cool with Marius, but we live in a modern society - And all what we know, we know out of the media! And until now, the media kept it coming!
The incident in Frogner happened in August. When Marius turned himself in in August, his mobile phone had been damaged and the SIM card missing. In September, the police got a search warrant to search his current phone, any previous phones/devices and the cloud. If I am understanding correctly, the police believed that Marius had broken the restraining order by contacting the "Frogner" ex-partner, so it looks to me that they tried to kill two birds with one stone and raided a hunting cabin Marius was staying at with friends to not only detain him for violating the restraining order but to confiscate his phone to collect evidence.
I see what you mean. Thanks!
Marius has made choices that have led him towards criminal environments. Psychiatrist Fred Heggen discusses reasons why young people, especially from wealthy backgrounds, may be attracted to such environments.

Well, finally a decision about Mette-Marit.
The police will not question Mette-Marit, Juliane Snekkestad's lawyer Petter J. Grødem tells to Aftenposten and says:
– The evidence situation in the case is such that we believe it is entirely natural that we get her explanation now. I actually think it would be unnatural if she did not answer questions from the police. A statement from the Crown Princess would shed new light on the case against her son. I am surprised by the decision. It is very unusual for the police to refuse such a request.

Grødem will not appeal the decision, although he and Snekkestad still believe Mette-Marit may have relevant information in the case. They received a written justification from the prosecution on Friday.
TV 2 has sent several questions about the matter to the Palace, which hasn't responded yet.
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