Imperial Majesty
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VG about the Palm Sunday rape:
On the night of Palm Sunday March 24 Marius went to an after-party in central Oslo. There he met several acquaintances, but also a woman in her 20s whom he supposedly had not known before. Marius and the woman eventually moved on to another apartment, where they allegedly had voluntary sex.
Almost eight months later, the woman in her 20s was contacted by the police and asked to appear for questioning. There she was told that she had been insulted in an assault case – and that Marius had been charged in the case. According to the police, Marius allegedly assaulted the woman while she was sleeping.
VG is aware that the police have secured video material from that morning. Shortly after 8:00 a.m., Marius himself is said to have filmed the assault.
And TV 2 about the same case:
Police have video that they believe shows Marius raping a sleeping woman. Another video from the same night shows consensual sexual intercourse. This is confirmed by Marius defense attorney Øyvind Bratlien to TV 2:
– The videos show, when viewed in context and compared with other evidence, that nothing criminal has happened.
According to TV 2, Marius and the woman had been to an after-party in central Oslo when they went together to the woman's home. That's where the alleged rape occurred. Marius and the woman have both explained that they did not know each other previously.
– The victim herself has explained that she had voluntary sex with the accused before she fell asleep, says the woman's defense attorney Hege Salomon to TV 2.
Confronted with the video footage, the woman believes it is right that the case is investigated.
– The victim was filmed without her being aware of it, which is punishable, says lawyer Salomon.
Who could have believed six months ago that we are posting things like these and discussing about these here at a royal forum?
Se og Hør is still sure Marius violated the restraining order again:
Marius has broken the law again, as he has contacted one of the women he has a restraining order against (the Frogner woman). (..)
"No comment," writes Rune Alstadsæter at the Oslo Police District.
Marius' friend told on Sunday to Se og Hør about a close friendship that has lasted several years, and describes Marius as a friend he trusts. (..)
Marius is accused of a series of violent and sexual crimes. and more charges may be added. About the Palm Sunday alleged rape, Marius is not served with suspicion of illegal filming, according to his lawyer. "The suspicions still apply to [rape editor's note], but it may happen that it changes to illegal filming," says Øyvind Bratlien in a text message to Expressen.
The Oslo police say that the criminal investigation in the case has not yet been completed. Unni T. Grøndal, press manager at the Oslo Police, says they will get back to what Marius could possibly be prosecuted for when the investigation is complete.
On the night of Palm Sunday March 24 Marius went to an after-party in central Oslo. There he met several acquaintances, but also a woman in her 20s whom he supposedly had not known before. Marius and the woman eventually moved on to another apartment, where they allegedly had voluntary sex.
Almost eight months later, the woman in her 20s was contacted by the police and asked to appear for questioning. There she was told that she had been insulted in an assault case – and that Marius had been charged in the case. According to the police, Marius allegedly assaulted the woman while she was sleeping.
VG is aware that the police have secured video material from that morning. Shortly after 8:00 a.m., Marius himself is said to have filmed the assault.
Opplysninger til VG: Høiby møtte fornærmet kvinne på nachspiel
Politiet mener Marius Borg Høiby (27) og kvinnen først hadde frivillig sex. Så skal han ha utsatt henne for et overgrep – mens hun sov.
And TV 2 about the same case:
Police have video that they believe shows Marius raping a sleeping woman. Another video from the same night shows consensual sexual intercourse. This is confirmed by Marius defense attorney Øyvind Bratlien to TV 2:
– The videos show, when viewed in context and compared with other evidence, that nothing criminal has happened.
According to TV 2, Marius and the woman had been to an after-party in central Oslo when they went together to the woman's home. That's where the alleged rape occurred. Marius and the woman have both explained that they did not know each other previously.
– The victim herself has explained that she had voluntary sex with the accused before she fell asleep, says the woman's defense attorney Hege Salomon to TV 2.
Confronted with the video footage, the woman believes it is right that the case is investigated.
– The victim was filmed without her being aware of it, which is punishable, says lawyer Salomon.
Høibys forsvarer: Filmet frivillig sex før påstått voldtekt
Politiet har video som de mener viser at Marius Borg Høiby (27) voldtar en sovende kvinne. En annen video fra samme natt viser frivillig seksuell omgang.
Who could have believed six months ago that we are posting things like these and discussing about these here at a royal forum?
Se og Hør is still sure Marius violated the restraining order again:
Marius has broken the law again, as he has contacted one of the women he has a restraining order against (the Frogner woman). (..)
"No comment," writes Rune Alstadsæter at the Oslo Police District.
Fortsetter å ta kontakt
Marius Borg Høiby fortsetter å ta kontakt. Nå har han brutt besøksforbudet fire ganger. Slik svarer politiet.
Marius' friend told on Sunday to Se og Hør about a close friendship that has lasted several years, and describes Marius as a friend he trusts. (..)
God venn reagerer
I over fire måneder har det stormet rundt Marius Borg Høiby. - Det har nærmest blitt heksejakt, sier vennen.
Marius is accused of a series of violent and sexual crimes. and more charges may be added. About the Palm Sunday alleged rape, Marius is not served with suspicion of illegal filming, according to his lawyer. "The suspicions still apply to [rape editor's note], but it may happen that it changes to illegal filming," says Øyvind Bratlien in a text message to Expressen.
The Oslo police say that the criminal investigation in the case has not yet been completed. Unni T. Grøndal, press manager at the Oslo Police, says they will get back to what Marius could possibly be prosecuted for when the investigation is complete.
Oslopolisen: Marius kan misstänkas för fler brott
Marius Borg Høiby anklagas för en rad vålds- och sexualbrott – och fler åtalspunkter kan tillkomma. Enligt Oslopolisen är utredningen långt ifrån klar. – Vi får återkomma till vad Høiby kan åtalas för, säger Unni T. Grøndal, presschef på Oslopolisen.
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