Se og Hør learns that the plans for rehab have not been buried. On the contrary, everything is in order for him to start treatment for his pronounced problems with drugs and years of mental illness.
Se og Hør asked the police the following questions about Marius:
Can he freely travel abroad while the investigation is ongoing? Has his passport been confiscated?
- There are no restrictions on him, confirms Unni T. Grøndal, press manager in the Oslo police district to Se og Hør.
Politiet stoppet kronprinsessens sønn på vei til rehab. Etter en uke i fengsel er situasjonen forandret. Det bekrefter politiet til Se og Hør.
Se og Hør's editor Ulf André Andersen pointed on Monday at Nettavisen's debate to an element of the Marius case that could be of great importance: there can only be two people who could have destroyed the SIM card.
- What is a bit dramatic about this case is that Crown Princess Mette-Marit is being drawn into the case with the mobile phone. There could be two people who have done it, Marius Borg Høiby and Crown Princess Mette-Marit.
Se og Hør-redaktør, Ulf André Andersen, knytter kronprinsessen til Marius Borg Høiby-saken.
Nettavisen's columnist Jan Bøhler, former member of the Parliament for 16 years, who also was the deputy chairman of Storting's justice committee for two parliamentary terms and worked a lot with criminal gangs and child and youth crime, writes at his column among other things:
- The question is whether Marius will be able to break out of the criminal network, and that depends on how deeply involved he is.
- Marius' friendship and extensive contact with people in serious organized crime is a problem. Organized crime is today a greater threat to our country than terrorism, and we are devoting ever greater resources to combating it. At the same time, a member of the royal family has been holidaying and partying with key drug-criminal actors for a number of years.
- Marius lives in a world where he communicates with criminal circles in closed chat groups. It is the feedback from them that counts. There, violence, crime and conflict with the police have a high status.
Spørsmålet er om Høiby vil klare å bryte ut av det kriminelle nettverket, og det avhenger av hvor dypt involvert han er.
The police warned Marius about his friends: The Marius' friends' drug network
Dagbladet can today say that two long-time friends of Marius have over time had contact with the ex-footballer charged with possession of 34 kilos cocaine - and the case complex the police believe he is part of.
Here is the timeline that follows Marius' friends' contact with the cocaine suspects.
Strandfest i Marbella og sein middag på Oslo vest, kobler gode venner av Marius Borg Høiby til det politiet mener er en kokainliga.
Since the beginning of November, Dagbladet has tried to get an answer to whether the crown prince couple are willing to be questioned by the police in connection with the investigation of Marius. without getting an answer. The Palace has not responded to Dagbladet's repeated inquiries.
Slottet vil ikke svare på om kronprinsparet er villige til å stille i politiavhør.
NRK has interviewed Marius' lawyer, who tells about his job, his background and about defending Marius.
- I would rather be called a defender, not a gangster lawyer.
The lawyer's phone rings: Marius would like to have Bratlien as his defender.
- I had no doubts when he called. I am almost never in doubt when people call and ask me for help.
Were you surprised when Høiby contacted you?
- Both yes and no. I think he has noticed what cases I have had and what I have achieved in the past. I defend Høiby, and I do so in the same way as I would defend anyone else.
Marius has admitted guilt for some of the cases he is charged with, but not the rapes. Bratlien says that he is 100 % prejudged. Bratlien gives everything for his clients, but there is a group of criminals he will never have anything to do with, he doesn't take cases against pedophiles.
Øyvind Bratlien forsvarar nokon av landets farlegaste menneske – og Marius Borg Høiby.