Is this the victim of the August incidents or the friend of the victim, the one who called the police?
A new victim.
Lawyer Hege Salomon states that the victim is a woman in her 20s.
- She is not in the public eye. She did not know the accused or the other victims in this case prior to the incident described in the press release. And she wants to be protected, she says.
The offended woman did not know Høiby before she met him on the day in question.
With regard to the investigation, Salomon will not elaborate on when this was, or where it happened.
– Hun har det tøft, og det er tungt. Det er ikke hun som anmeldte forholdet, det var politiet som opprettet sak, sier bistandsadvokat Hege Salomon til NRK. Marius Borg Høiby ble pågrepet på nytt i går, opplyser politiet i en pressemelding. Siktelsen mot ham er også utvidet. Han er nå også siktet...
Marius was going abroad again? Why would the woman borrow a car from a man who has a restraining order to her?
The Frogner woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen confirms that the charge has been extended to violence in close relationships, not surprising based on the circumstances of the case.
Marius was arrested late on Monday evening. Then the Frogner woman was in the car with him.
- My client was in a car with Marius last night because she was going to borrow his car while he had a planned trip abroad imminent. She breeds dogs and needed a car. There were purely practical reasons why she was there.
Larsen does not know whether this is being investigated as a violation of the restraining order.
TV 2 Nyheter Livestudio - Siste nytt i dag
This man is a danger to the public and it's high time the police starts treating him accordingly.
He obviously doesn't think he is...
Marius does not plead guilty to the expanded charges. He cooperates well with the police and wants to explain himself, says Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien to NRK.
Politiet vurderer om Høiby skal fremstilles for varetektsfengsling. Han er siktet for voldtekt mot en ny fornærmet kvinne, men nekter straffskyld.
According to what Nettavisen learns, Marius was to leave Norway today, Tuesday. The aim of the trip is said to have been rehabilitation for the drug problems he has previously admitted to struggling with.
Bistandsadvokat Mette Yvonne Larsen er ikke overrasket over utvidelsen av siktelsen mot Høiby.
According to VG's information, the incident with the new victim has taken place at an address in Oslo in the spring.
- We have no comment on the arrest, says press contact at the Palace, Simen Løvberg Sund to VG.
Did you know about the arrest?
- We must return to this.
In an email to NTB, communications manager Guri Varpe at the Palace writes that they "ask for your understanding" that they cannot comment on the case.
Oslo politidistrikt pågrep mandag Marius Borg Høiby (27). Han er nå også siktet for en voldtekt.
VG's information tells that Marius was arrested in a car at Hvalstad in Asker close to two km from Skaugum.
Nora Haukland's lawyer John Christian Elden writes in an SMS to VG that Tuesday's development in the case in isolation does not concern his client:
- So I refrain from commenting on this beyond the fact that we understand that the investigation will now drag on further.
Juliane Snekkestad's lawyer Petter Grødem tells VG that he has spoken to his client about Tuesday's news.
- She only wants to express one word: That it is sad.
Marius Borg Høiby (27) skulle låne bort bilen sin til en av de fornærmede kvinnene da politiet gikk til aksjon, ifølge hennes bistandsadvokat.
The penalty for the section in the penal code Marius Borg Høiby is now charged with is 10 years' imprisonment.
That doesn't mean he gets ten years in prison if he's convicted. We know nothing about the details of this case, but in November 2022 the Supreme Court imposed a sentence in a case where a man was charged under the same section. Then the sentence was set at 2.5 years in prison.
And in addition, Marius is charged with several serious matters.
According to what Dagbladet has learned, Marius was actually going to detox in London on Tuesday. The question now is whether he will even be released during this week
Marius Borg Høiby nærmer seg mer og mer muligheten for en lang fengselsstraff.
The police prosecution decided to investigate the matter on 6 November.
On November 7 Haakon cancelled work events and flew with Marius to London, obviously to talk about rehab. A coincidence, or did they finally decided that something had to be done?
The police haven't decided whether they will produce Marius for remand.
- That decision hasn't been made. It will be taken tomorrow at 10.00, Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski says.
Marius will be in the central detention center in Oslo until the decision on possible remand has been made.
The arrest took place near Skaugum. And at the same time the police searched and seized Marius' home.
Skaugum was searched because they are looking for evidence within the framework of the existing charge. That evidence is first and foremost linked to information covered by the sexual offenses chapter in the Criminal Code. The police cannot go into detail about the search and what has been seized, but confirm that case-relevant findings have been made. And they are very satisfied with the execution of the arrest and search operation.
Has the victim in the case been found as a direct consequence of a review of the seizure of Høiby's phone?
- I cannot go into more detail about how we have investigated this case.
Politiet vurderer om Høiby skal fremstilles for varetektsfengsling. Han er siktet for voldtekt mot en ny fornærmet kvinne, men nekter straffskyld.
Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski said to VG that Marius was questioned this afternoon.
- We made an arrest because there was a risk of tampering with evidence in the case. I cannot go into more detail about it, beyond being clear that it applied to both tactical and technical investigation, says Kruszewski.
A search was also carried out both at Marius himself, where the police found a telephone, and at Marius' residence in Skaugum. Kruszewski says it was "to search for evidence within the framework of the charge" in the case. It was a targeted action and they achieved its purpose.
Oslo politidistrikt pågrep mandag Marius Borg Høiby (27).
Kruszewski says Marius was driving from his residence when he was arrested. The decision to arrest was made yesterday at 08.10. 15 hours and two minutes later, at 23.12 Marius was arrested.
- We have become aware of that incident through our investigation of the case. We are the ones who decided to open criminal proceedings and investigate the matter as rape, says Kruszewski.
He says there is no relationship between the newest victim and Marius beyond the incident in question. He has no information that there has been contact between Marius and the victim after the incident.
- And that if there are other people who believe they have been subjected to a criminal offence, either by Høiby or by someone else, then of course the police are interested in getting in touch with them, says Kruszewski.
Marius Borg Høiby sitter i avhør tirsdag ettermiddag, siktet for å ha voldtatt en kvinne i 20-årene. Nå deler politiet flere detaljer om pågripelsen.
Haakon says in Jamaica that he was not notified in advance of the new arrest of Marius. He tells NRK that the situation affects everyone around Marius.
- There are serious charges that Marius is now facing. Today, of course, we are thinking of all those affected. I would have liked to be at home with Mette today. I miss her.
The royal family was not notified of the latest arrest in advance, he says.
He emphasizes that the police and the judicial system must now be given room to do their job.
- And I trust that they will do that in a good way.
Kronprins Haakon sier han ikke ble varslet på forhånd om den nye pågripelsen av Marius Borg Høiby.
The victim after the Frogner incident was with Marius when he was arrested on Monday.
The charge against Marius has been extended to violence in close relationships in the case of this woman.
The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen says that her client has been informed, and she has had no particular comments about it.
The reason why the charge has been extended is because Marius and the woman have lived together. They are not in a relationship now, but they have had limited contact, says Larsen.
Marius has been ordered to have a restraining order against the woman by the police.
- She has been questioned all day, explains Larsen, who does not want to say anything about what her client has explained.
Den fornærmede etter Frogner-hendelsen var sammen med Marius Borg Høiby da han ble pågrepet mandag. Siktelsen mot Høiby er utvidet til vold i nære relasjoner når det gjelder denne kvinnen. – Jeg har sett det komme en periode at den siktelsen kommer til å bli utvida. Min klient er informert, og...
TV2's crime commentator Olav Rønneberg writes that the police must necessarily have become more confident in their case. If someone is to be charged with a criminal offence, the police must be more than 50 % sure that an offense has occurred. When they now chose to make an arrest, in other words, they believed that this requirement had been met.
The charge of rape is in itself very serious. The penalty can is ten years in prison. Each individual case must be assessed individually, but the normal sentence for this type of rape is three to four years. In addition, the charge for violence in close relationships has been expanded, the penalty for it is up to six years in prison. Overall, there is therefore no doubt that Marius risks several years in prison if he is convicted of everything he has been charged with.
Straffesaken mot Marius Borg Høiby eskalerer kraftig med den nye siktelsen. Resultatet kan bli både varetekt og en årelang fengselsstraff hvis han blir dømt.