Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Back in Olso?
So a canceled event and canceled state council from Haakon just for a long weekend trip to London. How fun.
Sorry, maybe they were working on rehab or whatever but the optics is just that, a shopping trip to London.
I cannot believe this is for real.
Yes, it surely looks like that now.

According to Se og Hør's information, Marius is back in Oslo.
After reading this article I actually couldn't find a proof of him being back in Oslo, no photos, nor any confirmation.
Maybe we should be careful with conclusions until we get dependable facts?
I have a feeling there's a lot more going on than we have any idea about -- with the family, with the lawyers, and so on.

For instance, this recent trip to London doesn't make sense in terms of rehab for Marius. If some rehab center had a sudden opening, they could have put Marius on a plane with a bodyguard and a doctor if he needed help. A 27-year-old man who has been to rehab before shouldn't need his stepfather to hold his hand on the plane.

And why would Haakon abandon his duties to take him, when Mette Marit stayed behind to attend the events Haakon ditched? She (or Marten Borg) could have taken him.

I have to think that if Marius is so fragile that he might resist going or there was any chance that he would act out on the plane, they'd have put him on someone's private jet, not risked a public scene with Haakon.
I have a feeling there's a lot more going on than we have any idea about -- with the family, with the lawyers, and so on.

For instance, this recent trip to London doesn't make sense in terms of rehab for Marius. If some rehab center had a sudden opening, they could have put Marius on a plane with a bodyguard and a doctor if he needed help. A 27-year-old man who has been to rehab before shouldn't need his stepfather to hold his hand on the plane.

And why would Haakon abandon his duties to take him, when Mette Marit stayed behind to attend the events Haakon ditched? She (or Marten Borg) could have taken him.

I have to think that if Marius is so fragile that he might resist going or there was any chance that he would act out on the plane, they'd have put him on someone's private jet, not risked a public scene with Haakon.
A very good point.

But why the sudden departure if they were merely going to see a specialist or something like that?
And if they were going to set Marius up in UK, out of sight and mind, there would be no need for Haakon to excuse himself from any duties. That could have been handled next week or last week and no one would have noticed.
They could also have been looking at a rehab center with Marius, but again, why the sudden rush?

A thought that lurks in the back of my mind is that intention was indeed to have Marius committed to a rehab and that he was finally persuaded to go voluntarily, hence the rush.
But once there Marius changed his mind - and was allowed to change his mind - then went shopping with mother before returning home. And Haakon? Perhaps he returned to Norway ASAP as he was supposed to be Regent.

I'm not an admirer of Se&Hør in any country where the mag is published but I do believe that the claim that Marius is back in Norway is plausible. Otherwise no need to mention it. There may not be photographic evidence of that - yet. But if more reports from other media surface, it will be undeniable. It will be next to impossible to hide Marius anywhere in Norway now - and I doubt he is interested in being in hiding. Too boring.
I also noticed that Se&Hør published a photo of Marius and MM inside the shopping center in UK. Normally that would be questionable in regards to the privacy law in Norway, but here I guess that Se&Hør breached that with the argument "unless it serves a higher purpose". The higher purpose in this case being to document and validate what Se&Hør has been writing. The comings and goings of Marius and the CP-Couple being of major public interest in regards to this whole affair. They would certainly have a pretty strong case in a court.
There is a lot about this trip that is a mystery to me… But if we think about it - it must have been planned to some extent, even if it clearly was not for long… The destination was obviously London or somewhere around London… And it happened on the same day as King Harald and Queen Sonja was returning to Norway - from UK…

My first thought was - like for many i think - that Marius was going to check in at a private rehab facility somewhere around London that is used to treat famous patients and can offer some degree of privacy - and that the medical staff and therspists may have wanted to meet his parents as well given his unique family-situation with being a member of a royal family while at the same time not being a royal himself…..

Given the timing with the King’s and Queen’s trip i thought maybe someone in the British Royal Family had reached out to them and offered a contact, and an appointment was quickly made that way…

But what puzzles me too is that Haakon traveled with Marius and Mette-Marit stayed behind for the day to host the County-Governors at the Palace… The natural thing to do would be for Mette-Marit as mother to travel with her son while Haakon finished the working-day and then joined his wife and stepson in UK…

So there must be something else, or at least something more going on…

If it’s not that simple that the contact between Marius and his mother has become so bad that Haakon had to go with Marius instead… But Mette-Marits recent actions contradicts that so i would be very surprised if it’s that way…

Time will tell i suppose
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Being in a London rehab facility makes more sense than him being seen in Oslo, let's hope it's true and that's why Harald, Sonja, H & MM were in London lately.

The shopping trip could have been to pick up some things that he wanted that weren't provided by the rehab facility, maybe some nicer quality toiletries. Having had a relative in rehab I can tell you in my experience they give you a list of things that you can buy on your own on supervised shopping trips. They have to be inspected on return and these supervised visits are infrequent. Moreso the deeper you get into treatment. I guess we shall see.
Being in a London rehab facility makes more sense than him being seen in Oslo, let's hope it's true and that's why Harald, Sonja, H & MM were in London lately.

The shopping trip could have been to pick up some things that he wanted that weren't provided by the rehab facility, maybe some nicer quality toiletries. Having had a relative in rehab I can tell you in my experience they give you a list of things that you can buy on your own on supervised shopping trips. They have to be inspected on return and these supervised visits are infrequent. Moreso the deeper you get into treatment. I guess we shall see.
Right, but these are people who have staff that can run errands and arrange things. I can't imagine the Crown Prince of Norway dropped everything to fly to London in case his stepson needs deodorant and dental floss in rehab.

I have to wonder what was so urgent and compelling that Haakon needed to be physically present in London. Legal and medical issues are the only things that come to mind.
Right, but these are people who have staff that can run errands and arrange things. I can't imagine the Crown Prince of Norway dropped everything to fly to London in case his stepson needs deodorant and dental floss in rehab.

I have to wonder what was so urgent and compelling that Haakon needed to be physically present in London. Legal and medical issues are the only things that come to mind.
Marius's mother isn't going to let staff spend time with her son right as he goes into rehab. She'll want to be with him every moment. Haakon was probably there to support her (and Marius), plus there are all kinds of legal issues involved in getting someone into rehab, especially if they've proved to be unwilling to go (or stay) in the past. There are forms to sign, releases (maybe on both sides), things that Haakon as Marius's step-father needs to be involved in.

Pure speculation, so I'll leave it at that. I sincerely hope that's the case and that he really does take it seriously this time.
Well, if Marius is adamant there will be a trial and during that trial it will be almost certain that Juliane Snekkestad will be asked into whether the CP-Couple knew anything and whether she told them anything and what they were told and what they may have witnessed. While I'm in little doubt Snekkestad will end up being acquitted, her testimony and that of other possible witnesses could very well end up being very damaging for the CP-Couple. Even if they in regards to the law did absolutely nothing wrong.

Surely Marius, if explained slowly and often enough, will realize how much damage his counter-suit against Snekkestad will do to the reputation of his mother and bonus-dad and even his siblings.
I get the feeling that he wants to get back on his mother and Haakon in some sort of psychological way. In a similar way to some teenagers acting outrageously to hurt their parents.

Anyway, 2024 truly sucked for the NRF. 2025 will be a lot worse.
Absolutely agree that there is a conscious or unconscious desire to get back at his family.

There is a lot about this trip that is a mystery to me… But if we think about it - it must have been planned to some extent, even if it clearly was not for long… The destination was obviously London or somewhere around London… And it happened on the same day as King Harald and Queen Sonja was returning to Norway - from UK…

My first thought was - like for many i think - that Marius was going to check in at a private rehab facility somewhere around London that is used to treat famous patients and can offer some degree of privacy - and that the medical staff and therspists may have wanted to meet his parents as well given his unique family-situation with being a member of a royal family while at the same time not being a royal himself…..

Given the timing with the King’s and Queen’s trip i thought maybe someone in the British Royal Family had reached out to them and offered a contact, and an appointment was quickly made that way…

But what puzzles me too is that Haakon traveled with Marius and Mette-Marit stayed behind for the day to host the County-Governors at the Palace… The natural thing to do would be for Mette-Marit as mother to travel with her son while Haakon finished the working-day and then joined his wife and stepson in UK…

So there must be something else, or at least something more going on…

If it’s not that simple that the contact between Marius and his mother has become so bad that Haakon had to go with Marius instead… But Mette-Marits recent actions contradicts that so i would be very surprised if it’s that way…

Time will tell i suppose
Perhaps Haakon went because he knew that MM would give in to whatever Marius wanted.

Right, but these are people who have staff that can run errands and arrange things. I can't imagine the Crown Prince of Norway dropped everything to fly to London in case his stepson needs deodorant and dental floss in rehab.

I have to wonder what was so urgent and compelling that Haakon needed to be physically present in London. Legal and medical issues are the only things that come to mind.
Perhaps Haakon was prepared to have him admitted involuntarily- citing that he is a danger to himself and others.
If your 27-year-old ‘child’ is an addict/mentally ill/both, and he is resisting treatment, you would do everything you can to persuade him to enter treatment. And it may be that Haakon had the upper hand in persuading his son to get help.

And if he agrees, you wouldn’t wait around for him to think it over, change his mind, leave town, get high- you’d take the next flight to the location of treatment. Never mind your jammies and toothbrush. The place of treatment is going to give him a list of what he can enter with, so you can shop when you get there.

The chance of the patient fleeing is lessened if he is in a strange location, away from his ‘helpful’ friends. And if a ‘scene’ with his parents occurs, he may go unnoticed and unphotographed in a different locale.

You strike while the iron is hot if the ‘addict’ has agreed to go. You may miss important appointments or duties at home, but you don’t miss the chance to get the person help when he’s amenable. And if Marius is in rehab now, then it will have been worth it. The health crisis of a family member must come first.

“If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.”
Jacqueline Kennedy
If your 27-year-old ‘child’ is an addict/mentally ill/both, and he is resisting treatment, you would do everything you can to persuade him to enter treatment. And it may be that Haakon had the upper hand in persuading his son to get help.

And if he agrees, you wouldn’t wait around for him to think it over, change his mind, leave town, get high- you’d take the next flight to the location of treatment. Never mind your jammies and toothbrush. The place of treatment is going to give him a list of what he can enter with, so you can shop when you get there.

The chance of the patient fleeing is lessened if he is in a strange location, away from his ‘helpful’ friends. And if a ‘scene’ with his parents occurs, he may go unnoticed and unphotographed in a different locale.

You strike while the iron is hot if the ‘addict’ has agreed to go. You may miss important appointments or duties at home, but you don’t miss the chance to get the person help when he’s amenable. And if Marius is in rehab now, then it will have been worth it. The health crisis of a family member must come first.

“If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.”
Jacqueline Kennedy

I totally agree. And I see Haakon going with him as being more authoritative than MM, which mustn’t be difficult.

I can imagine they wanted him go there for a long time and Marius resisting the idea. Maybe Marius has conceded during that day and they grabbed the opportunity.
I imagine both H and MM being at their wits’ end with his spiraling life and being helpless in helping him. In one way, all that happened in August might be a blessing in disguise for his addiction (maybe addiction is his main problem). I don’t know how to say it without appearing insensitive towards the victim(s) of his abuse. And who are those who need the biggest support. But Marius has to change ways for it to not happen again.
Se og Hør quotes Nora's interview in Aftenposten:
- They (CP couple) said they would try. We all tried to get him into rehab, but you can't force a grown man. It is disrespectful of Marius not to take responsibility and do something to make things better. After all, it continuously only affects others.
Nora claims violence was not a topic in the meeting with the CP couple. She also praises the CP family and describes them as warm and nice. At the same time, she calls for Marius to take responsibility: He is not "little Marius" anymore. He is a grown man and must take responsibility for his own actions. I hope he does.
She opens up about the relationship, and admits that she was very scared. Nora says that she locked herself in the bedroom or bathroom several times.

And of course the Palace and Marius' lawyer don't comment on the interview in Aftenposten.

"What is becoming more and more obvious in this case is that the Norwegian media should have picked up on this a long time ago. Marius Borg Høiby has been far too, far too protected."
And it's getting worse by the day...

Will Marius now claim Haukland abused him as well?

What she says is true - to an extent: While Marius is an adult, he is not a grown man. He does not and probably cannot take responsibility because he's too far out now and/or because he has never learned to take responsibility and truly care about anyone but himself.

It is also true that the media (among others) have shielded Marius and the NRF for way too long. Well, that's over now. They won't show mercy now, for fear of being accused of still shielding the NRF. Even when this Marius thing has quietened in say a year from now, the press will still keep a very vigilant eye on the NRF, especially the CP-Couple. The press will crack down on even the slightest mistake or hint of mistake and entitlement. That's going to define Haakon's reign.
On the other hand it may well turn out that Ingrid will become the new darling, who can do no wrong. You can expect to see her face on the weekly mags, every week. - That's a tremendous pressure I don't envy anyone! And I'm personally very annoyed with her parents for letting her down by being so... passive.
On the other hand it may well turn out that Ingrid will become the new darling, who can do no wrong. You can expect to see her face on the weekly mags, every week. - That's a tremendous pressure I don't envy anyone!
I think she’s already there. And since it will be hard for her to do anything worse than her brother, we should expect her to remain so, at least until she is married with some cute kids.

And I'm personally very annoyed with her parents for letting her down by being so... passive.
Somewhat like her cousins, there’s a pretty good chance IA’s upbringing + all the expectations that go with her since birth might have led her to be the mature responsible one in the family. (Remember, she’s the one her mother wished would be the doctor. We haven’t heard that for either of her brothers.)
I've concluded the police and criminal justice system are dragging their feet for the sake of Marius' relationship with the royal family.
From all accounts the women who have been abused and traumatized have all been forthcoming. They've subjected themselves to multiple rounds of questioning. It's not like they cannot be found or they're vacationing abroad and the police must wait for their return for further questioning..etc
Also it's not like the Norwegian courts are backed up with criminal cases. 🙄
It's now the middle of November!
I don’t know how it’s going in Norway, here it would be the usual timeline.
It sure could look like it.
In fact I'm no longer sure that Marius will end up in court accused of anything really serious. And if he is, he might onky get a slap on the wrist.
I hope I'm wrong, because such an outcome will be very damaging for the NRF. Potentially worse than MM interference because you can to an extent forgive a parent for acting unwisely. But a blatant double standard for the NRF, that won't resonate well with the Norwegian public.

And it will also embolden Marius to continue as usual.

And as he appears to be charming, caring, funny And attentive, when it suits him, it won't belong before he finde another girlfriend. The first three did not end up in hospital, will the fourth avoid that as well?
It sure could look like it.
In fact I'm no longer sure that Marius will end up in court accused of anything really serious. And if he is, he might onky get a slap on the wrist.
I hope I'm wrong, because such an outcome will be very damaging for the NRF. Potentially worse than MM interference because you can to an extent forgive a parent for acting unwisely. But a blatant double standard for the NRF, that won't resonate well with the Norwegian public.

And it will also embolden Marius to continue as usual.

And as he appears to be charming, caring, funny And attentive, when it suits him, it won't belong before he finde another girlfriend. The first three did not end up in hospital, will the fourth avoid that as well?
I agree, it would be very damaging for the NRF.

Nettavisen writes that Marius has lost his wealth and that he doesn't have the income to renting his home at Skaugum at market price.
In 2022, he was listed with a fortune of NOK 2,128,000. Estimated figures for 2023 show NOK 51,000.
In November 2022, Marius sold a home he owned in Tønsberg together with Juliane, for NOK 4,770,000.
Marius' income: about NOK 120,000 in 2020, NOK 30,000 in 2021, NOK 238,000 in 2022 and NOK 127,000 in 2023.
The Palace hasn't answered Nettavisen's questions about whether the CP couple have covered the rental expenses or otherwise contributed to Marius' finances.
It sure could look like it.
In fact I'm no longer sure that Marius will end up in court accused of anything really serious. And if he is, he might onky get a slap on the wrist.
I hope I'm wrong, because such an outcome will be very damaging for the NRF. Potentially worse than MM interference because you can to an extent forgive a parent for acting unwisely. But a blatant double standard for the NRF, that won't resonate well with the Norwegian public.

And it will also embolden Marius to continue as usual.

And as he appears to be charming, caring, funny And attentive, when it suits him, it won't belong before he finde another girlfriend. The first three did not end up in hospital, will the fourth avoid that as well?
I'm afraid we cannot just say , a parent acted unwisely that ,in my personal opinion would be too generous for the way MM and Haakon have enabled Marius over the years . I also hope that Marius will face trial , after all he admitted abusing the third named girlfriend , using the excuse of drink and drugs . Nora Haukland has already said that when the relationship was good it was very good , but for her courage in coming forward she has received death threats . I sincerely hope the police are investigating these . After admitting the charge against the first complainant he should at least, have had his passport confiscated . However I'm not Norwegian , and since the custody situation in the uk for convicted criminals is in meltdown , I will not comment again on the legal situation in Norway .
I agree, it would be very damaging for the NRF.

Nettavisen writes that Marius has lost his wealth and that he doesn't have the income to renting his home at Skaugum at market price.
In 2022, he was listed with a fortune of NOK 2,128,000. Estimated figures for 2023 show NOK 51,000.
In November 2022, Marius sold a home he owned in Tønsberg together with Juliane, for NOK 4,770,000.
Marius' income: about NOK 120,000 in 2020, NOK 30,000 in 2021, NOK 238,000 in 2022 and NOK 127,000 in 2023.
The Palace hasn't answered Nettavisen's questions about whether the CP couple have covered the rental expenses or otherwise contributed to Marius' finances.
They privately own the Skaugum estate so why would there be any rent to cover for the house on the Skaugum estate?
It sure could look like it.
In fact I'm no longer sure that Marius will end up in court accused of anything really serious. And if he is, he might onky get a slap on the wrist.
I hope I'm wrong, because such an outcome will be very damaging for the NRF. Potentially worse than MM interference because you can to an extent forgive a parent for acting unwisely. But a blatant double standard for the NRF, that won't resonate well with the Norwegian public.

And it will also embolden Marius to continue as usual.

And as he appears to be charming, caring, funny And attentive, when it suits him, it won't belong before he finde another girlfriend. The first three did not end up in hospital, will the fourth avoid that as well?
I've thought all along that it would never come to a big trial, but I think that's a good thing. Having a trial, especially one that could require Mette-Marit to testify, would be a disaster for the royal family. In fact, even if she doesn't testify, it could mean that the family's private business would be discussed in court. That's not good.

I have zero sympathy for Marius, but I think the best thing now would be for him to go to rehab for an extended in-patient treatment, followed by ongoing, intense outpatient treatment and a "group home," maybe for years. He should also be barred from consorting with criminals and required to hold gainful employment.

Let the royal family pay off the women and require them to sign NDAs. They've had their "day in court" through the media, so they're not going to gain anything through a trial now.

Once the story dies down a little, Haakon can announce that they've rearranged their staff, audited the books, and changed security arrangements at the royal residences. Mette-Marit should continue to lay low and step back from her charities, especially the ones for abused women.
I've thought all along that it would never come to a big trial, but I think that's a good thing. Having a trial, especially one that could require Mette-Marit to testify, would be a disaster for the royal family. In fact, even if she doesn't testify, it could mean that the family's private business would be discussed in court. That's not good.

I have zero sympathy for Marius, but I think the best thing now would be for him to go to rehab for an extended in-patient treatment, followed by ongoing, intense outpatient treatment and a "group home," maybe for years. He should also be barred from consorting with criminals and required to hold gainful employment.

Let the royal family pay off the women and require them to sign NDAs. They've had their "day in court" through the media, so they're not going to gain anything through a trial now.

Once the story dies down a little, Haakon can announce that they've rearranged their staff, audited the books, and changed security arrangements at the royal residences. Mette-Marit should continue to lay low and step back from her charities, especially the ones for abused women.
How is it justice for Marius to escape any trial ? I agree it would not do MM any favours, especially as Marius has demonstrated he has no compunction about throwing his mother under the bus , in an attempt to take some of the spotlight from him . I would say that the NRF "paying off the women , requiring them to sign NDA's " would be an equally bad look. Absolutely Marius needs therapy , no one is in any doubt about that . However I feel that MM and Haakon should also have therapy to understand their part in this sorry situation . MM's health has likely been impacted by her son's behaviour , obviously he did not directly cause her illness , so her lying low will continue. Any action's by their staff were no doubt influenced by MM and Haakon's past behaviour towards Marius .
Whether a trial takes place or not, the outcome is likely to be the same for Marius -- he'll be confined in rehab, required to do outpatient rehab after that, and forced to make some kind of restitution to the women. Either way, he'll probably be banned from driving, using weapons, or associating with criminals for a few years, too.

The women would make out better without a trial. They'd get a nice settlement, and they wouldn't have to go through having their names dragged through the mud, which Marius's attorneys will have to do in a trial. If there's a trial, especially if Marius can claim persuasively that he was also a victim, they might get the satisfaction of seeing him convicted, but they'll be unprotected and uncompensated.

But, more important for the royal house, the police, and other Norwegian institutions, the whole thing will die down, and they can begin rebuilding credibility. It would also save Norwegian taxpayers a bundle, since they won't have to pay for a trial and Marius's incarceration.
How would the result be the same if the charges would be dropped? Because that imho is the alternative. He will not voluntary agree to put lots of limitations on himself and the royal house cannot force them on him either. This is not the USA where most cases are 'solved' with some kind of deal.
Let the royal family pay off the women and require them to sign NDAs. They've had their "day in court" through the media, so they're not going to gain anything through a trial now.

Interesting! Would it be possible for the trial to come to an end like this?

Since a friend of one of Marius' victims has called the police, this police is officially involved and so, I guess, a state attorney. So, Marius alledgedly did something punishable by criminial law - I think, the victims and witnesses pulling back might be not enough. There has been photographic evidence of Marius actions! This alone might be enough to sentence him!

And let's say the Royal Family of Norway will be offering money to keep the witnesses\victims silent... The Royal House of Norway is rather poor! The richest member of the family, the reigning King Harald, has a net worth of eight million Dollars.

Maybe the girls in question can hope for more money through the legal process! For the actual bodily harm, for the psychological horror, for their expenses, the lawyers, for theraphy etc. Not only could they get money from the criminal court but from a civil court as well!

Now, I have not the faintest idea about the Norwegian legal system and it's victim payment praxis - so, this is speculative!
Good point. It was the police who started investigations and brought charges. His previous girlfriends only 'joined' the case. And, it doesn't seem like they are after the money but want acknowledgement for what was done to them and ensure that others won't be hurt like they were.
It appears to me that the authorities have Marius dead to rights with his most recent partner. They have evidence and his admission and apparently partner violence is taken very seriously in Norway. Partner violence is a criminal offense and not a civil offense, and in that case, the offender is subject to prosecution by the state regardless of whether the victim wants her assailant prosecuted or not. If Norway allows plea deals, that may be an option for him since he is facing several charges, but I doubt that he will be able to plea bargain into serving no prison time at all.

Where things get murky IMO is the charges against him regarding the previous partners. From the previous partners standpoint do they want a criminal verdict showing that they were abused by Marius? If Marius is not willing to plead guilty to assaulting the two previous partners, is the state willing to prosecute Marius for the two previous partners, especially if they have a preponderance of evidence against him for the third partner and he will serve time for that assault? The partners also have the option of pursuing a civil judgement against Marius.

I think that something can be negotiated to avoid a trial but Marius will still serve prison time given the seriousness and amount of evidence related to the violence against his most recent partner. Hopefully the sentence will be lengthy enough for Marius to reset himself mentally, socially and chemically, and from there get a lengthy probation where he has to rebuild his life outside of prison but at the same time does not have free rein to go back to his previous bad habits, or if he makes those kind of choices, he will end up back behind bars.

I don't think that a public hearing is inevitable, and I think that justice can be served without there being public hearing(s), but there are quite a few moving parts, specifically what will Marius admit to / accept consequences for regarding the two former partners, and what will the two former partners accept as justice / settlement of their grievances against Marius.
There is still an investigation into the case in which Marius has been charged. The police cannot yet say when a court case might become relevant, according to NTB.
- There are no changes to the charge as of now. (..)

The first episode of Nora Haukland's podcast "Nora Svarer" came this morning. She answers questions and says that in a possible court case she "knows" that she will be accused of using the situation for attention.
- I would so much rather be without all the sh**, all my ex, and everything that has been, what is happening now. I don't think it's any fun. I struggle to stay at home, I have received death threats, and the attention I get is not favorable or fun at all. I'm anxious to talk about this, even though I'm the one who's been through something. In this society, we so often point out that it is the women who are the problem. But I've gone through this, and it's been absolutely hell.
The relationship wasn't only bad, when things were good it was very good. (..)

I am surprised her lawyer approved her doing this. When it looks like there will be a court case? The defense may say that they can’t get an unbiased jury in Norway because of this.
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