Not commenting while Haakon during a regency leaves the country is again bad optics.
Mette-Marit is also in London, according to Se og Hør.
Se og Hør's sources say that Haakon, Mette-Marit and Marius have been seen at a shopping centre.
Se og Hør contacted Guri Varpe, communications manager at the Palace, for a comment. She hasn't responded.
Se og Hør's royal house expert Caroline Vagle:
- The Crown Prince couple were observed together with Marius in London today. We know that Haakon traveled with him there yesterday, and Mette-Marit has obviously come after, either late last night or today. We don't know why they are in London. But the fact that Haakon canceled official missions - makes me pretty sure that this is no ordinary family holiday. It wouldn't surprise me if they are there in connection with Marius receiving treatment, and it is natural in that case that mother and bonus father are there to support him.
Kronprinsparet skal ha blitt gjenforent i London.
Mette Yvonne Larsen, the lawyer of the third victim, gave an interview to Aftenposten, which other medias quote. She wants Mette-Marit to be questioned.
- I think it could have been useful, but I have no faith that it will happen.
Larsen believes Mette-Marit's phone call with the offended woman after the Frogner episode was meant to help.
Mette-Marit has involved herself in the criminal case: She contacted the third victim after the incident of violence against her, notified Marius that he was to be arrested before the police contacted him and then went to Marius' house and cleaned, before driving him out so the police could arrest him.
Larsen says the royal family could have been more open in handling the case, and is tight-lipped about Mette-Marit's alleged notification of the arrest.
- There is a lot I could say here. But I choose to say that it is unusual.
Mette Yvonne Larsen er ikke redd for å bli upopulær i debattene. Den profilerte advokaten er overbevist om at det sitter flere unge, uskyldige voldtektsdømte menn i norske fengsler.
Bistandsadvokat Mette Yvonne Larsen ønsker avhør av Mette-Marit, og mener kongefamilien kunne vært mer åpen i håndteringen av Høiby-saken.
Bistandsadvokat Mette Yvonne Larsen mener kongefamilien kunne vært mer åpen i håndteringen av Høiby-saken.